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1、 G M A T GMAT - GMAT GMAT GMAT currency1“ GMAT fifl The following appeared in a memorandum from the directorof research and development at Ready-to-Ware, a softwareengineering firm.The package of benefits and incentives that Ready-to-Wareoffers to professional staff is too costly. Our quarterly prof

2、itshave declined since the package was introduced two years ago,at the time of our incorporation. Moreover, the package had littlepositive effect, as we have had only marginal success inrecruiting and training high-quality professional staff. To becomemore profitable again, Ready-to-Ware should, the

3、refore, offerthe reduced benefits package that was in place two years agoand use the savings to fund our current research anddevelopment initiatives.Discuss how well reasoned . etc.1. ” 1) The causal relationship between benefit andpackage given to the professional staff and the decline of theprofit

4、 is not guaranteed by the coincidence that the latteroccurred just after the former. Other factors that may contributeto the decline in the profit should also be considered and ruledout.2)” incorporation?2. ()1) The statistics two years ago does not necessarilydenote the future trend.2) 1. ” package

5、 ?2. () ?1. package The following appeared as part of an article in the businesssection of a local newspaper:Hippocrene Plumbing Supply recently opened a wholesaleoutlet in the location once occupied by the Cumquat Cafe.Hippocrene has apparently been quite successful there becauseit is planning to o

6、pen a large outlet in a nearby city. But theCumquat Cafe, one year after moving to its new location, hasseen its volume of business drop somewhat from the previousyears. Clearly, the former site was the better business location,and the Cumquat Cafe has made a mistake in moving to its newaddress.Disc

7、uss how well reasoned . etc.1. 1) It is absurd to say the Hippocrene has been quitesuccessful in the original location of Cumquat Caf Restaurantonly because the former is planning to open a large outlet in anearby city.2) ?2. ” 1) Other factors other than the location that maycontribute to the succe

8、ss of the Hippocrene and the failure ofCumquat Caf should be considered and ruled out.2)” AB 与否 1. 2. 与否 1. 意味着确实取currency1了 原 为 还他更多相 请点击 GMAT 侧重点 The following is taken from an editorial in a local newspaper.Over the past decade, the price per pound of citrus fruit hasincreased substantially. Elev

9、en years ago, Megamart charged 15cents a pound for lemons, but today it commonly charges over adollar a pound. In only one of these last 11 years was theweather unfavorable for growing citrus crops. Evidently, then,citrus growers have been responsible for the excessive increasein the price of citrus

10、 fruit, and strict pricing regulations areneeded to prevent them from continuing to inflate prices.Discuss how well reasoned . etc.1. ( 体 整体)1) Lemon is unrepresentative citrus2)柠檬缺乏 或者说柠檬其特殊项 譬柠檬都 口 较贵2. 1) The author commits a fallacy causaloversimplification that cold weather is responsible for t

11、he netrevenues falling.2)天气好 价 低 为种植柑橘 农民已经动用了可用 资源了 产 法再多了3. 1) Other factors other than growth that maycontribute to the excessive increase in the price of citrus fruitshould be considered and ruled out.2) 他 否只 种素导致价格上涨 适合 长还环境保护 加工价格上升 人力 上升 或者单纯价上涨三 1. ( 体 整体) 柠檬橘子2. 天气好价格应该低3. 种植者哄抬 价1. First and foremost2. second3. 应该价格低 柠檬为种植者肆意抬 价 柠檬 整 橘子以上 GMAT 全部 希望对大家 阅读 帮助更多 于GMAT阅读 信息fifl 持续为大家奉上 欢迎 来 行咨询 祝大家早日梦圆名校



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