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1、GMAT SC 比较及例题分析识别标志词:Like,unlike, as,Compare, in contrast to/with+具体化名词,on the contrary, opposite to/ of,Than, as/soasExceed, surpass, outnumber, outshineBe overshadowed by, be different from原则:1、 comparisons also have to follow basic parallelism rules.2、 Comparison elements必须一样3、 Compare的用法:(1) com

2、pare A with B, compare with A, B 比较 A和B 的不同(2) compare to A, B比较A 和 B 的不同compare A to B 将A 比作B4、 like、unlike表比较时的用法原则:like/unlike通常不放在句中Like/unlike + n./v.举例只能使用 for example/such as例如:I danced like you last Like you, I danced last night.Phillip Jackson coached basketball playerslike Kobe Bryant. (am

3、biguous!)= Phillip Jackson coached basketball players who are like Kobe Bryant.Or= Phillip Jackson coached basketball players in the same way as Kobe Bryant coaches basketball players.I love top athletes like Curry. (Similar to)5、 as 表比较时的用法:(1) Comparison as;as can be used to compare 2 clauses Like

4、/unlike + n./v.You should not do this as she asks you to do. (=in the same way,)(2) Just as A do, so do B6、 as 的其他用法:(1) Conjunction as(3 种意思)As 2 lovers strolled in the park, they smelled the fragrance. (=when/while)因为(2) Prepositional as (3 种意思)As a student, you should (in the role of)I think of y

5、ou as my friend. (短语think ofas)As a child,I thought I could fly. (=when I was)远近修饰&特例定义:根据修饰成分的性质不同,修饰成分摆放的顺序不同,会导致远近修饰。但是GMAT的语法知识点里,就近修饰是主流规律。就近修饰原则:(1)the development of the park, which is open to thepublic, will 此句话中,“,which”是非限定性定语从句,那么在GMAT 原则中,要符合就近修饰原则,应该修饰park而非development。正确。(2)he lost his

6、 way, which delayed him considerably.此句话中,“,which”是非限定性定语从句,应该就近修饰way,确误修饰了前面整个句子,导致语义错误。(3)the radio was as a substitute for the telephone,a tool for private 此句话中,“a tool for private conversation”是修饰成分,本应该符合就近修饰原则,修饰telephone,导致语义错误,因为正确的语义应该修饰radio。特殊例子(跳跃修饰):(1)Stella Adler was one of the most in

7、fluential artists in the American theater, who trained several generations of actors此句中“,who”跳过American theater,修饰 Stella Adler。(2)a standardized way of distributing songs and full-length recordings on the Internet that will protect此句中,“that”限定性定语从句没有修饰 Internet,而是跳跃修饰了way。(3)Emilys letters to Susan

8、, which were written a few years before此句中,“,which”没有修饰 Susan,而是跳过Susan,修饰到了真正的修饰对象letters。主语改变一句话中,如果主语发生改变,整句话的逻辑语义会随之发生变化。即常见错误中的逻辑语义错误。但是这个问题也是很多同学不太容易察觉的,因为一般而言,主语的改变会表现地比较委婉和难以分辨。举例说明:正确语义:Subject to the training of human beings, myna canimitate, due to their amazing ability根据这句话的语义,主语是八哥这种鸟类。

9、错误语义:Subject to the training of human beings, the amazing ability of myna enable them to imitate根据这句话,我们发现主语发生了改变,由原来的八哥这个鸟类变成了ability,所以句子的意思也随之发生了变化。做题时,一定要留意判断下句子的主语到底有没有发生微小的变化,主语的变化很有可能是做题时的一个可靠突破点。独立主格(Absolute Phrase)独立主格的英语表达为absolute phrase,顾名思义,它是一种修饰成分,并不是完整的句子。在英语中任何一个句子都要有主谓结构,而在这个结构中,没

10、有真正的主语部分和谓语部分,但又在逻辑上构成主谓或主表关系。所以这里需要大家从二个不同角度来看待独立主格,一个是从语法层面看,独立主格是修饰成分。另外一个是从逻辑语义层面看,独立主格具有逻辑主谓关系。并且,独立主格结构在句中做状语功能,多用于书面语。独立主格结构可以分为很多种,下面我们就GMAT 考题中经常出现的二种类型来稍作解析。独立主格类型一:此类型的独立主格分为二个部分构成,前一部分+后一部分。前一部分是名词、代词或名词+代词;后一部分一般是非谓语动词。举例1:The work done, we went home. 工作完成后,我们就回家了。分析:the work done是独立主格结

11、构,前一部分是名词the work,后一部分是过去分词 done。举例2:Weather permitting, they will go on an outing tothe beach tomorrow. 如果天气允许的话,他们将在明天组织一次海滨小游。分析:weather permitting是独立主格结构,前一部分是名词weather,后一部分是现在分词 permitting。独立主格类型二:此类型的独立结构分为三个部分构成,又称之为 with型的独立主格,with型的独立主格结构与主句逻辑关系最紧密,也是GMAT考试中最常考的独立主格结构类型。举例1:The boy stands t

12、here, with his back against the wall. 那个男孩背朝着墙站在那里。分析:开头为标志词with,前一部分是名词+代词his back,后一部分是介词短语 against the wall。举例2:Without a word more spoken, she left the meetingroom. 她没再说什么话就离开了会议室。分析:开头为标志词without,前一部分是名词word,后一部分是过去分词spoken。状语(Adverbial Modifier)定义:在句法功能中,状语在句子里起到解释说明的功用:状语说明地点、时间、原因、目的、结果、条件、方向、程度、方式和伴随状况等等。位置:非常灵活,其位置可以放在句末,但也可放在句首或句中。形式:(1)副词作状语:she speaks English well;(2)分词作状语:looking around, he find his classroom;(3)不定式作状语:I come specially to visit you;(4)介词短语作状语:ten years ago, she began to live in Beijing;(5)从句作状语:If I am not busy tomorrow, I will play footballwith you;来自雷哥GMAT 在线



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