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1、 G M A T GMAT - GMAT GMAT currency1 “GMAT fifl ” “ 20% 服力 容易使 信服英fi表述currency1 survey is doubtfulThe poll cited by the author is too vague to be informative.The claim does not indicate who conducted the poll, whoresponded, or when, where and how the poll was conducted.(Lacking information about the

2、number of people surveyed andthe number of respondents, it is impossible to access the validityof the results. For example, if 200 persons were surveyed butonly 2 responded, the conclusion that.would be highly suspect.Because the argument offers no evidence that would rule out thiskind of interpreta

3、tions,) Until these questions are answered, theresults of the survey are worthless as evidence for the conclusion.更多相关内容请点击 何打破GMAT fi和IRfl 瓶颈 currency1 题 果 题 和 时间 题三 1. procedure 题简单 选择 本 否恰当 本 否 典型代表性选取数量 否科 以 被 假话等等 果以上任何 个方 了 题 然难到正 所以 严格审题A、selective sample 选择性本B、quantity of the sample 本数量 题C、a

4、re the respondents being forthright被 否 了真话2. result of the survey 果 题简单 果 填 否了数 准 性 果数填 准 怎么办? 果回应仅代表个 观点 局部受 观点 反应全局怎么办? 些都 审题时应该注意 以 currency1fi章反驳 更多相关内容请点击GMAT 核心技巧A、do the statistics make any meaningfulness统计数 否 意义B、despondence 回应 题 否代表全局3. who conducted the survey 自身犯 型 多 们需仔细挖掘4. when was the

5、 survey conducted 时间 题 时间否正 影响果 个原因 象 时间和实验 时间符合影响 象 展 效果更多相关内容请点击GMAT 宗罪详细 举 The following appeared in an article in a consumer-productsmagazine: Two of todays best-selling brands of full-strengthprescription medication for the relief of excess stomach acid,Acid-Ease and Peptic aid, are now availab

6、le in mildernonprescription forms. Doctors have written 76 million moreprescriptions for full-strength Acid-Ease than for full-strengthPeptic aid. So people who need an effective but mildernonprescription medication for the relief of excess stomach acidshould choose Acid-Ease. Discuss how well reasoned . etc.翻译 消费产品杂志上 fi章 两 最 消 多 全效 方 Acid-Ease和Peptic aid 了 和 方 单上 全效Acid-Ease 全效Peptic aid多 了76000000 方所以需 效 和 方 消 多 应该选择Acid-Ease更多相关内容请点击GMAT fi 1. 两 最 消 多 全效 方 Acid-Ease和Peptic aid 了 和 方 单上 currency1 消 选择 被GMAT 容 fl 时格 注意 正 方 性 更多相关内容currency1 上 currency1“



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