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1、 G M A T GMAT Argument - GMAT Argument GMAT currency1“ fifl GMAT Argument ” GMAT The following appeared in the editorial section of alocal newspaper:In the first four years that Montoya has served as mayor ofthe city of San Perdito, the population has decreased and theunemployment rate has increased

2、. Two businesses have closedfor each new business that has opened. Under Varro, who servedas mayor for four years before Montoya, the unemployment ratedecreased and the population increased. Clearly, the residents ofSan Perdito would be best served if they voted Montoya out ofoffice and reelected Va

3、rro. Discuss how well reasoned .etc. GMAT Argument Montoya San Perdito 4 Montoya Varro 4 SanPerdito Varro Montoya 到好 服务赏 The recommendation endorsed in this argumentis that residents of San Perdito vote current mayor Montoya outof office, and re-elect former mayor Varro. The reasons cited arethat du

4、ring Montoyas four years in office the population hasdecreased while unemployment has increased, whereas duringVarros term unemployment declined while the population grew.This argument involves the sort of gross oversimplification andemotional appeal typical of political rhetoric; for this reason it

5、 isunconvincing. GMAT 正确步骤 First of all, the author assumes that the Montoyaadministration caused the unemployment in San Perdito as wellas its population loss. The line of reasoning is that becauseMontoya was elected before the rise in unemployment and thedecline in population, the former event cau

6、sed the latter. But thisis fallacious reasoning unless other possible causal explanationshave been considered and ruled out. For example, perhaps astatewide or nationwide recession is the cause of these events.Or perhaps the current economic downturn is part of a largerpicture of economic cycles and

7、 trends, and has nothing to dowith who happens to be mayor. Yet another possibility is thatVarro enjoyed a period of economic stability and Varros ownadministration set the stage for the unemployment and thedecline in population the city is now experiencing underMontoya.Secondly, job availability an

8、d the economic health of onescommunity are issues that affect people emotionally. Theargument at hand might have been intentionally oversimplifiedfor the specific purpose of angering citizens of San Perdito, andthereby turning them against the incumbent mayor. Argumentsthat bypass relevant, complex

9、reasoning in favor of stirring upemotions do nothing to establish their conclusions; they are alsounfair to the parties involved.In conclusion, I would not cast my vote for Varro on the basisof this weak argument. The author must provide support for theassumption that Mayor Montoya has caused San Pe

10、rditos pooreconomy. Moreover, such support would have to involveexamining and eliminating other possible causal factors. Onlywith more convincing evidence could this argument becomemore than just an emotional appeal.逻辑漏洞 1. 此即彼 不见 坏事情 部不 适应社 发展被胜劣汰 正常 2. 无因果联系 或 于 否获 好 服务并没直联 GMAT经验谈英 1. It is falla

11、cious reasoning unless other possiblecasual explanations have been considered and ruled out.recession depression downturn低迷时 is part of a picture of .Mayor2. Set the stage for Yet another possibility is that Varroenjoyed a period of economic stability and Varros ownadministration set the stage for t

12、he unemployment and thedecline in population.3. Availability emotionally intentionally specific specificallyanger angry citizen thereby bypass4. cast ones vote for sb. eliminate abolish casual emotionalappeal缺乏standard ratio of the closed business to new businessin the whole country未排除他因造成了不同GMAT 过程 不断总结 GMAT 可以 快速掌握 把握 向 高效利用于GMAT 资讯 持续送 也可以注 GMAT网站获取 资讯 祝早日梦圆名校



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