Accounting internship internship reportreport(会计实习实习reportreport)

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1、1Accounting internship internship reportreportWrite papers network: real names for bank savings deposits, the point of () During summer vacation, I was fortunate to Shuangliu County Industrial and Commercial Bank of China branch to a one-month accounting internship, learned a lot of knowledge other

2、than books, benefit greatly. Here is my real name system for bank savings deposits, a little simple discussion. First, the meaning of real-name system savings Savings in real-name system is a resident financial institutions for savings accounts and business, must present valid identification, bank e

3、mployees an obligation to provide records, and require depositors to leave their name in the certificate of deposit system. Its fundamental purpose is to effectively protect the personal interests and the premise of safeguarding national interests and promote the financial system in a fair, just and

4、 open basis, to ensure the authenticity of personal financial assets, legitimacy. The founding of our country fifty years, the savings deposit system has been implemented is 2anonymous (catchy title) savings system. The secret can be a real name, pseudonym, the code can also be the name of relatives

5、 and friends, especially current savings, bank passbook is not only recognized identification, as long as withdrawal or to provide input on the book to produce seal password (account by the depositor when the contract) that is depreciated bank payment. Savings have already been implemented real-name

6、 system is developed a financial system, but also the vast majority of developing countries to implement the financial system. Second, why should the real name system savings Chinas current savings deposit system can be said from the source causing a series of social and economic problems have hinde

7、red the process of reform and opening up to the point where the cumulative effect. 1, to accelerate growth in savings deposits under the cover of the startling phenomenon of social wealth transfer. As of the end of June 1999, Chinas total savings deposits of commercial banks (full discount of RMB an

8、d foreign currency) of 6.3 trillion yuan savings deposits of residents is exponentially series growth in 1987, Chinas household savings deposits only 307.3 3billion yuan in 1992 exceeded 1 trillion yuan in 1994 exceeded 2 trillion yuan, t995 years exceeded 3 trillion yuan, to the end of 1998 is $ 50

9、0. 3 trillion yuan, while only six months, the end of June 1999 reached 6.3 trillion yuan .1992, Chinas GDP growth rate although embarked on a rapid growth of the channel, the highest year was 14.1% in 1992 , the lowest of the year is 7.8% in 1998, from 92 to 98 years, the arithmetic average is only

10、 10.76%, GDP growth is not synchronized with the growth of savings deposits, which shows two points, one of national income distribution over the individual tilt. Second, some have no personal income in national income, but directly in the loss of state assets. 2, the tax collection difficulties, se

11、rious tax evasion. Tax is a civic duty, but in real conditions, can become a personal tax evasion conferred the ability of many financial managers, tax evasion and down into its obligations, China personal income per capita GDP, the size of about 0.28%, well below the developing country average of 2

12、.1%, loss of tax base too much rooted in our current savings system simply can not support the personal income tax and supervision, and deposit system is imperfect, is not 4conducive to the establishment of citizens credit system can not clear individual obligations of the State, can not adjust the

13、income tax leverage and wealth gaps, alleviate social contradictions, the state Office of focus event. 3, so that China-related loss adjustment policies, the results are greatly reduced, such as, for Chinas domestic demand is not busy, the situation of weak consumption, the state issued a series of

14、policies to stimulate consumption, such as continuous cut interest rates to encourage consumer credit, the collection of interest on savings income tax, increase civil servants and staff wages, stimulating education spending, etc., but these policies the results are very obvious, and why? because sa

15、vings deposit system to cover up the gap between rich and poor, difficult to remedy legislative and executive bodies, a small number of riches walks of life who (according to unofficial information, this part of the number of deposits accounted for only 7% of control levels by about 60% of total sav

16、ings deposits), the increase in revenue but a number less money for them for several lifetimes needed - and the others have, so they are numb policy to stimulate consumption. 4, the 5personal credit system can not set up the market economy is credit economy, all depend on credit to sustain economic relations, there is no good credit system, it will have a cool deal and investment lock phenomenon, due to mutual distrust, the transaction way to th


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