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1、冠词习题精选1. One afternoon he found handbag There was “ s” on the corner of handbag()A a; an; the B a; a; the C an; an; an D the; a; a2. This is apple Its big apple()A an; a B a; the C a; an D an; the3. I can play piano well, but I cant play chess well. ()A. the; the B. /; /C. the; /D. /; the4. After wa

2、tching TV, she played violin for an hour.()A. 不填,不填B. the, the C. the, 不填D. 不填, the5. There is h in the wordJhoitir”“h doesn t make a sound. ()A . a, aB. a, the C. the, anD. an, the6. Beyond stars the astronaut saw nothing but space.()A. the, 不填B. 不填, the C. 不填,不填D. the, the7. She is newcomer to che

3、mistry but she has already made some importantDiscoveries.()A. the, theB. the, 不填C. a, 不填D. a, the8. Alexander Graham Bell invented telephone in 1876.()A. 不填B. aC. theD. one9. Many people are still in habit of writing silly things in public places. ()A. the, the B. 不填,不填C. the, 不填D. 不填, the10. Do yo

4、u know _ lady in blue? Yes. She is a teacher of a university. ()A. the B. aC. an D. /11. Where s _ nearest supermarket? It s over there, just around the corner.()A. aB. anC. the D. /12. “ How did you pay the workers?”“ As a rule, they are paid ”.()A. by an your B. by the hour C. by a hour D. by hour

5、s13. He is in _ control of the company. I mean, the company is in _ control of him(. )A. the; /B. /; theC. the; the D. /; /14. He used to be teacher but later he turned writerA a; a B a; theC;a D a;15. For a long time they walked without saying _word. Jim was the first to break _sile(nce. )A. the, a

6、 B. a ,the C. a ,/ D. the,/16. The farmers went on working, .()A. hours after hours B. a hour after a hour C. an hour after an hour D. hour after hour17. I have online friend. He comes from USA.()A. a ; the B. an;/ C. a;/ D. an; the18. People often go skating in winter.()A./B. aC. anD. the19. He usu

7、ally goes to school on” foot.()A aB anC theD /20. Some wild animals are in danger.()A. a B.an C. the D. /冠词习题精选答案1. A。“s”虽为辅音字母,但却以元音音素e开头,故填an。A2. A 。两个空都是泛指。3. C 表示演奏某种西洋乐器时,乐器前需加定冠词;进行球类、棋类活动时则不需加定冠 词。4. Do watch TV是习惯搭配,不必用冠词。表示乐器的名词前应用定冠词。5. D解析:这是一道很迷惑人的习题。第一个空很多学生认为“ h”是一个辅音字母,所以 会填a,但是选择a或an

8、,看的是音素,即读音,而并不是字母本身,“h”是一个辅音字母, 但却是以元音音素开头, 所以前面应用 an; 第二个空“ h” 第二次出现, 所以用定冠词 the 。6. Ao太空中的星体或世界上独一无二的东西前应加定冠词。Space作“宇宙空间”解时,也是抽象名词,通常不加冠词7. C。 newcomer 是单数可数名词,泛指某类人中的一个,要用不定冠词。抽象名词或学科名称前不加任何冠词,chemistry是表示学科的抽象名词,因此前面不加the。8. Co作invent宾语的名词只能用“ the+单数可数名词”,表示发明的某类东西。9. C。 in the habit of 是习惯用语,正

9、如 in the morning, on the other hand 一样,其中的定冠词 不可或缺。Public places!1复数名词短语,表示泛指概念,其前面不必用定冠词。10. A 。考查the 表示特指的用法。根据题意知道是特指“穿蓝色衣服的那个夫人” 。11. Co考查“the用在形容词的最高级前”的用法。题意为“最近的超市在哪里?”12. B by the hour 按小时支付13. B 【解析】in control of 人控制某事某物; in the control of 某事某物在人的控制下。14. D 。第一个空是泛指;第二个空用“零冠词”是因为 turn 后面的名词前

10、一般都不加冠词。15. B.saying a word此处a word指“一个字” ;the silence表特指止匕时止匕亥的“沉默”16. D hour after hour 连续的,day after day 日复日 ,year after year年复年17. Donline friend 意为“网友” ,用 an; “美国”用the USA。 故选 D 。 A/ If you workhard at English, youll get “anA ” in the test. Eric saved an eleven-year-old girl from the lake last night. a UFO.18. A 在表四季 (春、夏、秋、冬)的名词前一般不用冠词。19. D. on foot 意为走路上学,是习惯用法。20. D固定短语be in danger处于危险中”。21. 22.


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