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1、2013七年级英语下册M5Unit3导学案主备人:罗静参备人:叶璇 吴克莉 龙鸿雁 审核目标1、复习本模块的重点词汇及词组2、复习本模块所学的重点句型及和购物相关的句型预习独学1、读熟弄通P30框框内的句子2、再复习默写老师所听写过的单词和短语探究对学群学1、小组讨论合作归纳:问颜色用 ,问尺码用How many后面跟 名词,how much后面跟 名词, how much 还可以用来问 take pay spend都有 的意思,take通常用作主语,并且和一连用,当是做主语 时用pay或spend. Pay常和 连用,spend后面的动词用 形式。3、完成P30第13部分及P31第4部分的练

2、习练习 选择题()1.What does she take ? Small.A, colour B, size C. price D. thing() 2. Lets go to the supermarket to buy some clothes. There isa sale today.A. on B. in C. off D. out()3. One of our classmates help clean the park.A. dontB. doesntC. isnt D. arent()4. -What would you like ? -Please give me bean

3、s.A. many B. much C. a cup of D. a kilo of()5. Can you show me the T shirt ? I want to.A.try on it B. try it on C. try on them D. try them on()6. -are the shoes ?-75 yuan .A.How many B. How long C. How far D. How much()7. Some people dont like shopping because it a lot oftime. A. spends B. pays C. t

4、akes D. saves()8. -Can answer the question?Yes , I can.A. anyone B. someone C. no one D. everyone()9.How much meat do you want ?-.A. Yes ,please B. Green C. Size M D.Half a kilo, please.()10. Cindy has to fifty yuan for the dictionary.A. spendB. takeC. costD. pay()11. You dont need to hurry . We sti

5、ll have time .A. fewB. a fewC. littleD. a little()12. I cant go out with you because I have work todo .A. many too B. too many C. much too D. too much ()13. - Im free this afternoon. - What about withme ?A. swim B. swimming C. to swim D. swims ()14. My favourite is purple .A. fruit B. clothes C. col

6、our D. food按要求完成句子1. Can you buy me a mobile phone ?(作否定回答) No, -.2. Id like two kilos of rice .(就划线部分提问) rice would you like ?3. These sausages are 30 yuan.就戈1I线音B分提问) are these sausages ?4. My brother buys some books on the Internet.( 改为一般疑问 句)brother books on the Internet ?5. Are the shops online always open ?( 作肯定回答 )No, 6. I would like to take size_8 .(就划线部分提问 ) would you like ?7. My sister goes to school by bike .(就划线部分提问 ) your sister go to school ?8、我每天花拓q、时弹钢琴。 me two hours to play the piano.9 .The vegetables are very鲜 )10 . How much will you p the book?11 12


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