高二英语Unit17 语言点 词组归纳 人教(通用)

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《高二英语Unit17 语言点 词组归纳 人教(通用)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高二英语Unit17 语言点 词组归纳 人教(通用)(20页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Language points,Some Important Phrases of Unit 17,I _ my lunch _(分享)him yesterday. 2. The police _ his death _ (把看作)a case of murder. 3. How shall we _ (处理)the problem ? 4. The boy has _ (有能力)solve the difficult problem. 5. The teacher _ (起重要作用)in teaching,shared with,treated as,deal with,the abilit

2、y to,plays an important role,6. In order to _(实现理想) , they worked day and night. 7. The policemen _ (四处走动)and tried to find the thief. 8. It will take you some time to _ (适应)the new surroundings. 9. Everyone can _ (参加)this game . 10. The scientists have _ (作贡献)the science and technology of our count

3、ry,realize their dreams,got around,adjust to,participate in,made great contributions to,Language Points: sympathy n. 同情;同意,赞同 many letters of sympathy have/ feel sympathy for /with sb. 同情某人 in/ with sympathy 同情地 be in sympathy with 赞同,同一致 如果我因为懒惰而变穷,他们是不会同情我的。 If I become poor because of laziness ,

4、they wont feel sympathy for me,他 不同情他们的苦难。 He has no sympathy with them in their suffering. He patted me on the shoulder in sympathy. 他同情地拍了拍我的肩膀。 在这一点上我跟他一致。 On that point Im in sympathy with him,2. encourage v. encouragement n. 鼓励,促进,赞助 encourage sb. to do sth. 鼓励某人做某事 encourage sb. in 鼓励/助长某人的 1)

5、 他的老师给了他很多鼓励。 He received a lot of _ from his teacher. 2) 老师鼓励我们去国外学习。 The teacher _ me _. 3)不可助长他懒惰成性。 Dont _ him _his idle ways,encouragement,encouraged,to study abroad,encourage,in,3. adjust (oneself) to vi. 适应于 vt. 调整修正 身体迅速适应了气温的变化。 The body quickly _ _ changes in temperature. 我的表慢了我必须校正一下。 I m

6、ust _. 这些桌,凳能被调整到适合的任何孩子的高度。 The desk and seats _ the height of any child. 我请人调整了自行车的车闸。 I _ the brakes of my bicycle _,adjust to,adjust my watch, its slow,can be adjusted to,had,adjusted,4. public adj. 公众的;公共的 publicly adv. 公开地 publication n.出版物;发行,公布,a public holiday/ phone/ school,make sth. publi

7、c in public The public,公开,公布 公开地 ,在大众面前 大众 ,群众,The new economic policy will be made public next week. In general, the public is /are against the new law. She hardly loses her temper(发脾气) in public. She doesnt like to speak in public,公众面前,公开场合,5. assist vt. 帮助 assistant n. 助手、助理 adj. 助理的 assistance n

8、. 帮助、援助 assist sb. with sth. assist sb. in doing sth. 辅助某人做某事 assist sb. to do sth. assist in doing sth. 帮助做某事 assist at/in sth. 出席、参加某事,2 个学生帮助我做这个实验。 Two students _ me _ the experiment. 他帮我父亲清洁汽车。 He _ my father _ _ the car. 他帮助我们成立了一家新公司。 He _ us _ _ a new company. 他帮助实施我们那项计划。 He out our plan. 总

9、统参加了该仪式。 The president the ceremony,assisted,with,assisted,in,cleaning,assisted,to,establish,assisted,in,carrying,assisted,at,assist/help/aid,help与assist意义常相同。 assist常指受协助的人能做一部分工作。 aid指援助一群人,特别是用钱。 e.g.1) One _someone who is drowning. 2) One _someone who is moving a piano. 3) _for developing countr

10、ies,helps,helps/assists,Aid,6. sense 感觉、意识、明智、常识、神智、意义 1) The five senses are sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch. 2) She has a poor sense of direction. 3)The old man has a good sense of humour. 4) He is a man of good sense. 5) I dont think there is much sense in hanging about there. 6) No matter

11、 how you read it, this sentence doesnt make any sense,感官,方向感,幽默感,通情达理,做某事无意义,讲不通,there is no sense (in) doing sth. 做某事没有意义 make sense 讲得通、有意义、能被理解、 有道理、明智,ability n. - power and skill, esp. to do, think, act, make, etc. e.g. He has the ability to make a very good house,Zhouzhou is a man of great mus

12、ical ability, but he is also a man with a mental disability,7. without the ability,inability n. - lack of power or skill,e.g. an inability to tell directions,disable v. - to make (a person) unable to use his body properly,e.g. As his disease has disabled him, Hawking has to sit in his wheelchair and

13、 speak through a computer,disabled adj e.g. He was disabled in the war; he lost his ability to walk,disability n. e.g. To work under disabilities. 残而不废,8 .USAGE (genius, talent, skill, ability,genius: 很强烈的字眼,用于罕见的人或其罕有的能力。 talent: 较不强烈,用来指人天生的能力,但不用来指人本人。 skill/ability: 指做某事之能力,是可以从学习得来的。 e.g. Einst

14、ein was a _. Goethe had _. She has a _ for music. She weaves with great _,genius,genius,talent,skill/ability,live a happy life,lead a meaningful and productive life,9. live a life,He lives a dogs life. = He lives a poor life. = He is as poor as a church mouse,10. every two years,every two years = ev

15、ery second / other year,every five months = every fifth month every ten meters = every tenth meter every second / other line = every two lines every three hours = every third hour,11. challenge n,e.g. He accepted his friends challenge to swim across the river,v,challenging adj,e.g. Snoopy is reading a challenging (有吸引力的)book, which is full of challenging(具挑战性的) ideas,e.g. His friend challenged him to swim across the river,12. By preparing for and participating



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