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1、1Unit One 复习词组 1. 你哥哥的笔友 your brothers pen pal 2. 来自于 come from = be from 3. 居住在 live in 4. 说一点儿法语 speak a little French 5. 他笔友最喜欢的语言 his pen pals favorite language 6. 在周末 on weekends 7. 告诉我你自己的情况 tell me about yourself 8. 什么语言 what language9. 给我写信 write (a letter) to me 10. 喜欢/不喜欢做某事 like doing / d

2、islike doing sth.课文句子1.Where is your pen pal from = Where does your pen pal come from?你的笔友来自哪里?She is from Japan.= She comes from Japan. 她来自日本。2.Where does your pen pal live ? 你笔友居住在哪里? He lives in Sydney.他住在悉尼。3.What language do you speak ? 你说什么语言? I speak Chinese.我说汉语。4.What language can you speak

3、?你会说什么语言? I can speak Chinese and a little English. 我会说汉语和一点点英语。5.Does she have any brothers or sisters? 她有兄弟姐妹吗? Yes,she does. She has two brothers and two sisters. 是的,她有兄弟姐妹。她有两个哥哥和两个妹妹。6.Whats her favorite subject in school ?她在学校最喜欢的学科是什么?Her favorite subject in school is math.她在学校最喜欢的学科是数学。7.I w

4、ant a pen pal in China .我想在中国有个笔友。8.I think China is an interesting country. 我认为中国是一个有趣的国家。9.I dont think Japan is a friendly country.我认为日本不是一个友好的国家。10.I have a pen pal in Australia. 我有一个澳大利亚的笔友。 11.I have a pen pal from Australia.我有一个来自澳大利亚的笔友。12. I like going to the moives with my friends and play

5、ing sports. 我喜欢和我的朋友一起去看电影,也喜欢做运动。13. Can you write to me soon? 你能尽快给我写信吗?14. Please write and tell me about yourself ? = Please write to me? + Please tell me about yourself ?请写信告诉我关于你自己的情况。重点难点:1. 她是日本人。She _ _ Japan = She _ _ Japan . = Shes a _ . 练一练:1Are you from Beijing ? = _ you _ from Beijing

6、?2He isnt from America. = He _ _ from America. 3_ you from Australia ? A. Do B. Are C. Is D. Am4Where _ your friend come from ? A. is B. are C. do D. does 5Where is your pen pal from ?= Where _ your pen pal _ come ?想一想:这个法国女孩是新来的。The girl _ _ is new . 2. 巧记国家和人:1 China-Chinese, Japan-Japanese 2 Fran

7、ce-French , England-English3 America American Australia Australian Canada-Canadian Chant:单数变复数: 中日不变英法变,其它全都加“s”.1). Mary is a girl, shes an American . She is come _ and speaks _ .2). Keiko is from Japan. She speaks _ . She is learning _ in China. 23). They are _. They come from _.They speak Austral

8、ian English . 4). Tom is an _. He comes from England. He can speak Chinese, French and _ 5). We have four _ classes every week . Miss Smith is our English teacher. 3. speak , talk , tell, say 1. speak 后加_ . 例:说日语:_ 2. say 强调说的_. 例:用英语说: _ it _ 3. tell:给我讲个故事:_ 给他讲个笑话:_告诉某人做某事 tell sb to do sth . 例:H

9、e always _ _ _ _ hard. 他总是要我努力工作。4talk about sth. with sb. 1). Please _ something in English . A. talk B. say C. tell D. speak 2). Do you_English or _? A. speak, England B. say , France C. speak, French 3). If you can _ English, please _ me about it in English . A. speak, talk B. speak, tell C. tell

10、, talk D. speak, say 4. want 与 think want:想要某物或想要做某事 think :思考,认为1). 你想要个法国笔友吗?Do you _ a pen pal in _?2).我认为数学不是太难。I _ _ math is _ difficult. 3). 她想看电视 She _ _ _ TV. 4). 他这样认为。He _ so . 5. a little 一点儿,修饰_名词。a few 一点儿, 修饰_ 名词。例:我能说一点儿法语。I can speak _ French . 他在这儿有几个朋友。He has _ friends here. 另外:a l

11、ittle= a little bit= kind of 可用于形容词之前,表示“有点儿”1) My mother can speak English , but only _ . A. little B. a little C. few D. a few 2) Dont worry! We still have_ minutes.(分钟) A. little B. a little C. few D. a few 3) My father is very busy. He has _ time to watch TV. A. few B. a few C. little D. a littl

12、e 4) If youre _ hungry , you can eat something . A. a little B. a few C. little 5) Hes _ tall and of medium height. A. little B. a little bit C. a kind of Test paper of Unit One一、 选择填空:( )1.Where _ he _? A. do , live B. does, lives C. does, live D. is, live ( )2. The boy writes _ his new pen pal _ h

13、is friend. A. to , and B. to , with C. with , to D. with, and ( )3. Can you speak Japanese ? _ . I only speak Chinese. A. Yes, I do B. Yes, I can C. No, I cant D. No, I dont ( )4. Lets go to the movie.A. Thank you B. Youre welcomeC. That sounds goodD. Yes, I see( )5. The woman in a red coat is from

14、_. She speaks _ . A. France, French B. French, France C. France, France D. French,French( )6. Can you _ “shu”_ English ?A. speak, in B. say, in C. speak, with D. say, with 3( )7. She _ sports with her friends . A. like to play B. likes playing C. likes play D. like play( )8. LiPing often _ to me and tells me _ himself. A. asks,about B. speaks, at C. writes, about D. says, at ( )9. Jim with his parents _ watching TV every day . A. is like B. likes C. are like D. like( )10. _ you _ English every day ? A. Are, read B. Does, read C.Do, read D. Is,


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