四年级下册英语教案-Unit 2 Lesson 4 What Do You Like ∣ 川教版(三年级起点)

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四年级下册英语教案-Unit 2 Lesson 4 What Do You Like ∣ 川教版(三年级起点)_第1页
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1、Lesson 4 What Do You Like?Lesson 4【教学目标】1Goals of Knowledge:(1)Revise: I like , I dont like , Do you like ? Yes, I do. No, I dont.(2)The new words: fried chicken, biscuits, salad, junk food.(3)The new sentence: What do you like?2Goals of Abilities:(1)Can read, speak and write: fried chicken, biscuit

2、s, salad, junk food.(2)Cultivate the students ability of learning new words and their creative ability. Improve their ability of oral communication with others.3Goals of emotion:(1)To develop students interest in English.(2)To cultivate students to have good habits and to be polite to people.【学情分析】学

3、生大概处在十岁左右,这个阶段的儿童注意不稳定、不持久,难于长时间地注意同一件事物,容易为一些新奇刺激的事物所吸引.所以他们对课件里的动画和能动发声的教学准备感兴趣.在记忆方面,这个年龄段的孩子的有意识记逐渐占据主导地位,即使是抽象材料也能花功夫努力记住,并能自觉检查记忆的效果.所以他们不仅仅能记忆押韵的,朗朗上口的英语儿歌,也能够通过图片很快背诵部分的课文.这个阶段儿童思维发展开始从具体形象思维向抽象逻辑思维过渡,但是他们的抽象逻辑思维在很大程度上仍然是直接与感性经验相联系,仍有很大的不自觉性和具体形象性.所以通过词句的反复训练和感知来习得语法知识.【教学重难点】1The correct pr

4、onunciation of fried chicken, biscuits, salad, junk food.2Students should learn to communicate with others by using: What do you like? And answer it with, I like . I dont like .【教学过程】活动1【导入】Warm-up1Greetings2Sing English songsapple apple I like you活动2【讲授】Presentations1Lets reviseT: Let me introduce

5、a new friend to you. Whats she like? Do you like her? And do you want to send some flowers to her?S: Yes.(1)Lets look at the screen and say together.Group 1: juice, I like juice. Do you like juice?Group 2: ice cream, I like ice cream. Do you like ice cream?Group 3: hamburgers, I like hamburgers. Do

6、you like hamburgers?Group 4: fruit, I like fruit. Do you like fruit?Group 5: hot dog, I like hot dog. Do you like hot dog?Group 6: bread, I like bread. Do you like bread?(2)PK Game以接力的形式划掉老师在黑板上写下的单词(3)TaskWho can give more flowers to Candy? Lets go.2Lets learnShow What do you like? I like I dont li

7、ke on the screen.Ask Ss to say I like I dont like .Teach to say fried chicken. Read one by one,T put the picture on the B, asks a S to find the correct words and put it on the B.T: Is he / she right? (Reward the S)Teach to say biscuits.S2: I like biscuits.T: wonderful. Youre so clever. You like bisc

8、uits.Teach to say: biscuits.Practice between boys and girls. Ask an S to find the words and put it on the B.Repeat: I like biscuits. (Show the sentence on the screen).T: What do you like?I like biscuits. (Ask some students for some times)Sing or chantT: You like food, I like food, too. I have much f

9、ood.Guess, what am I going to draw?Ss guess, maybe they will say in Chinese, this should be allowed.Teach to say: salad.Practice group by group, then asks an S to find the word.T: What do you like?S: I like salad.T: To keep healthy, please eat less meat but eat more vegetables and fruit. Although th

10、ey are delicious, they are junk food.Teach to say: junk food.Asks Ss to practice in lines. Then find the words.T: What do you like?S: I dont like junk food.活动3【活动】Lets play a game1Listen and sayPlease turn to page twenty-three, listen to the tapes for once.Read after the tapes for twice, pay attenti

11、on to your pronunciation,Lets read in one, two, three, four five six groups.Lets recite the dialogue together.2Read the four words together. Now, lets play a game, OK?What am I?教师将本节课所学习的单词卡片抽出一张藏在背后,请同学来猜是哪一张.比一比谁猜的快.活动4【练习】Little journalistPlease work in groups of two, interview your classmates wh

12、at do they like. Then do the action in the front. (T should act with a student for example).【作业布置】Today, weve learned four words and a sentence style, who is the winner, who gives more flowers to Candy.Reward the winner. There are some other food in our life, such as pizza, hamburger.Miss Xiao want you to know:To keep healthy, please eat less meat but eat more vegetables and fruit. One apple a day, the doctor away.Todays homework, copy the four words for two rows. And ask your family members about their favorite food? See you, boys and girls.


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