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1、北师大版高中英语基础练习 Unit 11 The Media Unit 11 The Media一、单词拼写1. The _ (目前的, 现在的)situation makes us worry about the local people in that country. 2. Everybody is interested in world _ (事务) these days. 3. Henry was forced to leave his motherland for _ (政治的)reasons. 4. _ (贫穷)makes a man mean. 5. The _ (改革)in

2、teaching methods is warmly welcomed by students. 6. Supply should rise to meet _ (需求). 7. Have they _ (宣布)when the race will begin? 8. This is a new discovery that has a number of industrial _ (用途). 9. There wasnt enough _ (证据)to prove him guilty. 10. The girl was startled when the balloon _ (爆炸). 1

3、1. All _ (尝试)to control the spread of the disease have failed. 12. The best _ (方法)to learning a foreign language is the study of the spoken language. 13. He has made great _ (贡献)to the local education cause. 14. She was _ (雇用)as a manager in the bank because of her experience. 15. He _ (假装)to be rea

4、ding when his teacher came in. 16. Im sorry to _ (打断, 打扰)you, but I really have something important to tell you. 17. We all should take a correct_ (态度)towards the criticism from others. 18. There are _ (某些)things I just cant tell you now. 19. The work was finished on time and within _ (预算). 20. Plea

5、se fill in the _ (申请)form carefully. 21. His family were _ (感到高兴)with his choices of profession. 22. The sentry (哨兵) _ (守卫)the gate against sudden attack. 23. Those are the facts; what do you _ (得出结论) from them? 24. The waste water also creates one of _ (自然环境的) pollution origins. 25. I admire his pa

6、ssionate _ (信念) in what he is doing.26. He has made great c_ to a space development program.27. She is e_ in a bank because of her experience.28. The student took a correct a_ towards the criticism from the teachers.29. Those are the facts; what do you c_ from them?30. Youd better not i_ him. He is

7、sleeping.二、用方框内所给单词的适当形式填空analyse, arise, blame, attempt, advertise, defend, dislike, pretend, respect, approach1. Mistakes often _ from misunderstandings. 2. She _ jogging early in the morning. 3. The soldiers _ the gate against sudden attack at night. 4. Winter is _. 5. All students should _ their

8、 teachers. 6. They want to _ to be astronauts. 7. The design flaws(瑕疵) of the bridge may be to _ for the disaster. 8. We should _ for someone to look after the garden. 9. Liu Xiang _ to break the world record again in the next Olympics in 2012. 10. They _ the situation very closely in the meeting. 三

9、、完成句子1. The score was 30-25_ (支持, 赞同) the local team. 2. He was obviously in some kind of trouble. So I decided to _ him _ (帮助摆脱困境). 3. I believe that dress will make you _ (显眼)in a crowd. 4. She won the race finally, _ (使高兴的是)all her fans. 5. They _ (试图) prevent the river from being polluted. 6. Th

10、e school _ (由组成) 5, 000 students are holding a sports meeting. 1. He explained his job experience and educational background _ (详细地). 2. He was _ (与竞争) ten others for the job. 3. Do you know what that sign _ (代表)? 5. We should appreciate your cooperation _ (在这方面). 8. He believed that nothing is unch

11、angeable _ (只要) we try. 9. Every morning we _ (陷入之中)a traffic jam. 10. Who _ (出现, 取得) on top, I wonder? 11. I finished the work several days _ (最后期限前). 12. Eating too much fat _ (对有害)your health. 13. What did you _ (从中得出结论)the facts? 14. They _ (把他看作) their best friend. 15. We _ (得出结论)that the house

12、 price would decline. 四、完成句子1. 委员会由所有大学的代表组成。The committee _ representatives from all the universities. 2. 最终的结果就是债务问题。It all _ the matter of debt in the end. 3. VIP 代表很重要的人。 VIP _ the very important person. 4. 他努力学习为的是能通过考试。 He studies hard _ he can pass the exam. 5. 大雨阻止了他外出。The heavy rain _. 6. 一定要充分利用时间。Time must _. 7. 明年这里将种很多树。Many trees _ next year here. 8. 街头成群的人们正在欢庆这个消息。The news _ by crowds in the street. 五、选词填空:stand for, as long as, in favour of, consist of, participate in, in public, stand out1. Nixon was _ a more active policy.2. GNP _ gross na


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