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1、必修二Unit 2The Olympic Games,1. 课前自测 2. 课堂学案,课前自测,Key:1. glory; glorious2. pain; painful3. athlete; athletic4. responsibility; responsible5. magic; magical; magician6. physical; physician; physicist7. replace; replacement; replaceable8. host; hostess; hosting9. admit; admission; admittedly10. advertis

2、ement; advertise; advertiser11. volunteer; voluntary12. compete; competition; competitor; competent; competitive,Key:1. in common with2. 轮流主办奥运会3. 每隔一年4. on5. an; in 6. one after another7. in; with; for8. eager to win9. replace; with10. with,Key:1. what you call2. why theyre called3. nor could slave

3、s4. as much competition 5. the better,Key: 1. a2. called3. have taken4. them5. who/that6. will be admitted7. in 8. Countries9. well10. Stronger,课堂学案,【词块助记】,1. compete vi. 比赛;竞争,1. (2012天津卷)Like many young athletes, she had Olympic dreams, but a serious illness kept her from competing in the Games. 和

4、其他的年轻运动员一样,她也有奥运梦想,但严重的疾病使她无法参加奥运会比赛。 2. Life is like a long race where we often compete with others to go beyond ourselves. 人生就像长跑比赛,在这场比赛中我们常常在与他人的竞争过程中超越自我。,compete in 参加比赛;在方面竞争 compete for 为而竞争 compete with/against sb. 与某人对抗/竞争/比赛 compete to do sth. 竞争做某事 in competition with 与进行竞争,As the younge

5、st _ (compete), I had _ (compete) in the writing contest _ 20 other top students _ the annual writing award. I must be very _ (compete) to be the winner. Key:competitor; to compete; against/with; for; competitive,【构词】competitor n. 竞争者competition n. 比赛 competitive adj. 有竞争力的,【词块助记】,2. admit vt. he ha

6、d driven2. admission,【词块助记】,3. replace vt. 接替;取代,1. (2014 山东卷)Serval says that one day, itll be possible to replace the brush on the handle with a brushing unit that also has a camera. 塞瓦尔说有一天,装有摄像头的刷牙装置来取代牙刷柄上的刷毛是可能的。 2. You have to replace the books on the shelves before you leave. 你离开之前必须把书放回书架上。

7、 3. (2014 陕西卷)I wish that sports day could be abandoned and replaced with some other less competitive event. 我希望运动会能被取消并用一种竞争性较小的赛事来代替。,replacetake the place of sb./sth. 取代某人/某物 replace sth. with/by sth. 用替换 in place ofin ones place 代替 take ones placetake the place of 代替,1. (2013全国卷改编)A researcher r

8、emoves the card and replaces it for another. 2. (2014天津卷改编)A phone call, however, could never replace with her presence and it was difficult not to feel lonely at times. Key:1. for改为with/by2. 去掉with,4. charge vt. in control of, in the control of等。,1. Its what this place offers, and its free for char

9、ge. 2. Any driver found drinking beyond the limit will be charging. 3. He sold his farm, collected his money, left his family in charge of a neighbor, and away he went in search of diamonds. Key:1. for改为of2. charging改为charged3. 在charge前加the,5. bargain vi. 讨价还价;讲条件 n. 便宜货;协议,1. (2014大纲卷)Although you

10、can find bargains in London, its not generally a cheap place to shop. 尽管你可以在伦敦找到便宜货,但它并不是一个廉价的购物场所。 2. (2013全国卷)But as a big-time bargain hunter, I know the value of a dollar. 作为一流的淘便宜货的人,我知道每一美元的价值。 3. She was bargaining with the storekeeper for the skirt when I first caught sight of her. 我第一次见到她时,

11、她正在为一件裙子和老板讨价还价。 4. He made a bargain with me,but he now is trying to break it off. 他与我达成了一个协议,但是现在他想毁约。,bargain with sb. about/over/for sth. 和某人就某事讨价还价 make a bargain with sb. 和某人达成协议 a bad/good bargain 买得不合算/合算 Its a bargain. 这是件便宜货。,1. I made a bargain _ him. 2. She bargained with the shop owner

12、_ the price. 3. The car was _ bargain at that price. Key:1. with2. over/about/for3. a,【词块助记】,6. deserve vi. & vt. 应受(报答或惩罚);值得;应得,1. (2013福建卷)It is a truth finally and universally acknowledged that a single woman with brains deserves to have equal opportunities to men. 这是一个最终被公认的真理:一个有头脑的单身女人应得到与男人平

13、等的机会。 2. (2014福建卷)These patients deserve a chance at a normal, happy future and they rely on the kindness of strangers to make that happen. 这些病人应享有获得正常的、幸福的未来的机会,他们依靠陌生人的善良来实现这个目的。 3. (2013广东卷)No matter how ordinary a job is, it plays a part in society and therefore deserves our due respect. 一个工作不管怎

14、样普通,它都在社会中起一定作用,因此应受到我们应有的尊重。,deserve to do 应该做;值得做 deserve consideration/attention值得考虑/注意 deserve to be done deserve doing 值得被做 注意:deserve to be done与deserve doing意义相同,动名词的主动形式表被动意义,用法相同的单词还有need,want和require等。,【词块助记】,1. 首先要保持开明的思想,因为每个人的见解都值得考虑。(consider) What comes first is to keep an open mind,

15、because everyones idea deserves _ / _ / _. 2. If everyone is equal, then whoever does anything wrong deserves punish. Key:1. consideration/to be considered/considering 2. punish改为punishment或punishing,7. stand for 代表;象征;表示;主张;支持;容忍,1. I wont stand_for being treated like a child. 我不会容忍被别人当孩子一样对待。 2. (

16、2015湖北卷)Science has a lot of uses. It can uncover laws of nature, cure diseases, make bombs, and help bridges to stand_up. 科学有很多用途。它可以揭示自然法则,治愈疾病,制造炸弹和帮助搭建桥梁。 3. Hes my best friend, who stood_by me when the going was hardest. 他是我最好的朋友,即使在情况十分艰难的时候他也会支持我的。,stand sth./doing sth. 忍受(做)某事 stand out 突出;显眼;杰出 stand on ones own feet 自立;不依靠他人 stand aside 靠边站 stand by 袖手旁观;站在一边;支持 stand up for 维护(权利);支持 stand


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