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1、毕 业 论 文题 目 我国服装业的发展研究 专 业 班 级 学 生 学 号 指导教师 二一二年十月二十一日济南大学泉城学院毕业论文- 摘 要一、引言服装产业,由于与人们的日常生活极为贴近,市场需求每时每刻都不曾间断,故一直被称为“永不衰落的产业” ,拥有极为广阔的发展前景。作为“世界工厂”的中国早在 2000 多年前就开辟了丝绸之路,拥有极为悠久的服装出口历史。时至今日,中国已经年产服装百亿件,掌握全球服装产业总量超过 60%的市场份额,是不折不扣的“服装大国” 。随着 20 世纪末期和 21 世纪信息技术的突飞猛进,现代社会已从工 业化迈入了信息化,进而促使各行各业都走了上信息化管理的康庄大

2、道。服装业也是如此。关键词:服装业;国际竞争力;全球价值链济南大学泉城学院毕业论文-I- ABSTRACTChina is the worlds largest clothing production and processing base, and it is the worlds largest dress to consume a country. The development of garment industry has greatly promoted the development of Chinas national economy, garment industry is

3、our countrys important foreign trade industry. in order to better promote Chinas garment industry development, based on the actual binding theory, comparative analysis methods in-depth analysis of Chinas garment industry development.At the same time our clothing industry developments present situati

4、on, development trend and Countermeasures of lack, detailed and in-depth analysis, that garment industry there is a lack of independent design style, increasing pressure on the stock, clothing brand gold content is not high, industrial structure is unreasonable wait for a lot of problems, and in acc

5、ordance with Chinas actual situation from overall point of view put forward the following suggestions: strengthen government guidance to positioning of Chinas garment industry international competitive rank, increase the technical inputs to enhance our country clothing quality, enhance the protectio

6、n of trademark rights consciousness enhance the brand influence, the management personnel and the training of designer, encouragement and expand exports, open up the market, strengthening the management of enterprises to improve management efficiency, adjust the industrial structure and countermeasu

7、res.To realize the optimization of the industrial structure, promote economic development, to promote the employment of the labor force, realizing social stable.Key words:Clothing industry; international competitiveness; industrial structure济南大学泉城学院毕业论文-II- 目 录摘要 .IABSTRACT .II一、前言 .1(一)我国服装业发展的意义 .

8、1(二) 国内外研究综述 .2(三) 研究目的和意义 .3二、滕州市第三产业发展现状与问题 .5(一) 滕州市第三产业发展的特点 .51. 趋同性和典型性 .52. 规律性和发展性 .63. 不足性和潜力性 .74. 快速性和几何性 .8(二) 滕州市第三产业存在的问题 .81. 缺乏科学的规划 .82. 产业联系不紧密 .93. 城市化水平较低 .94. 龙头行业比较少 .9三、滕州市第三产业发展策略 .10(一) 加大政府的服务职能 .101. 科学展望和规划 .102. 提高市场化水平 .10(二) 各种经济和产业支持 .101. 要依托其它产业 .112. 使产业循环发展 .113. 重视现代服务业 .



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