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1、更多试题、学习资源在春知学堂 更多试题、学习资源在春知学堂 1 六年级英语下册期末测试卷及答案六年级英语下册期末测试卷及答案 (共(共 100 分)分) 一、找出画线部分发音与所给音标相同的单词。(5% ) ( ) 1. /i/ A. violet B. again C. Sunday ( ) 2. /a/ A. ago B. cabbage C. festival ( ) 3. /u/ A. dragon B. radio C. carrot ( ) 4. /ei/ A. decorate B. breakfast C. again ( ) 5. /ai/ A. pillow B. nice

2、 C. healthy 二、选择最佳答案填空。(10% ) ( ) 1. You must _ your student card if you want to enter (进入) the library. A. see B. show C. let ( ) 2. My sister is a naughty girl. She is always_. A. in trouble B. heavy C. angry ( ) 3. Your part is _ important part of the play. A. a B. an C. 不填 ( ) 4. Newton was one

3、of the greatest _ in the history. A. musicians B. presidents C. scientists ( ) 5. He was much healthier five years_. A. ago B. before C. longer ( ) 6. I wish I_ be the tallest girl in our school. A. can B. could C. will ( ) 7. I want to be _ when I grow up. A. write B. writer C. a writer 更多试题、学习资源在春

4、知学堂 更多试题、学习资源在春知学堂 2 ( ) 8. From then _, he works harder. A. begin B. on C. start ( ) 9. He plays computer games_. A. all day long B. a long day C. all long days ( ) 10. Would you please give this box _ the lady over there? A. to B. for C. from 四、用动词的适当形式填空。 (10%) 1. An hour ago, Mr. Wang_ (is) in h

5、is office. But now he_ (is) back home. 2. Robin Hood and his friends_ (live) in the wood. 3. -_ you still_ (teach) Chinese now? -No, Im teaching English. 4. -Are you a teacher? -No, I _ (teach) ten years ago. 5. When they saw the funny monkey, they all_ (laugh). 6. The mouse_(bite) the cake yesterda

6、y. 7. One day a lion_(look) for food when he suddenly_(catch) a mouse. 8. We_(carry) some fruit with us when we_(have) a picnic on the farm the day before yesterday. 9. We_(plant) an apple tree in our garden next spring. 10. David_(fall) from the tree this morning when he_(pick) some apples from the

7、 tree. 五、用所给的单词填空,将对话补充完整。 (10%) (tell, did, father, course, doing, leader, important, loved, tried, about) A: What are you 1._ ? B: Im reading a story 2. _ Sun Yatsen. 更多试题、学习资源在春知学堂 更多试题、学习资源在春知学堂 3 A: Whos Sun Yatsen? B: He was the 3. _ of modem China. He was very 4._ in China. A: Really? Can you

8、 5._ me something about him? B: Of 6._. He was a great 7. _ in China. He 8._ to change China and free the Chinese people. A: Did he free the Chinese people? B: Yes, he 9. _. And all the Chinese people 10._ him. 六、根据上下文和首字母提示将对话补充完整。 (12%) Librarian: Good afternoon. Can I help you? Boy: Yes, please.

9、Could I b_ some books? Librarian: Yes, of course. Can I see your l_ c_? Boy: Library card? Sorry, Im a n_ student. I dont have a library card yet. Librarian: Well, do you have a s_ card? Boy: Student card? Yes, I do. H_ you are. Librarian: Thank you. What books do you want? Boy: Do you have the Anci

10、ent Chinese Fables? Librarian: Yes, we do. Here it is. Boy: How long can I k_ it? Librarian: Two weeks. If you cant finish it, you can r_ it. Boy: I think I can f_ it in just one day. I love Chinese fables. Could I borrow a d_ too? Librarian: Sure. Dictionaries are over there, in the reading room. Y

11、ou can use it here, in the library, but you cant take a dictionary h_. Boy: Thats fine. Ill read the fables and u_ the dictionary right there, in the 更多试题、学习资源在春知学堂 更多试题、学习资源在春知学堂 4 reading room. Thank you very much. Librarian: You are welcome. 七、按要求改写句子。 (5%) 1. A car crashed into the young tree la

12、st night. (改为一般疑问句) _a car _into the young tree last night? 2. Chinese Tree Planting Day is on March 12th. (改为特殊疑问句) _ _Chinese Tree Planting Day? 3. Plants can give people food and oxygen. (改为特殊疑问句) _ _ plants give people? 4. The first plant appeared in the ocean. (改为同义句) People _the first _in the

13、ocean. 5. The children wanted to make the broken tree live. (改为同义句) The children _to _the broken tree. 八、选择正确的答案填空。 (8%) It was Monday morning. Miss White was (l)_ to her pupils. She said,” It is good to make others (2)_. Now, children, (3)_ you make anyone happy last weekend?” “Yes, I (4)_, Miss Wh

14、ite,” said a boy named Jerry. “Thats very nice,” said Miss White, “Who was the (5)_ person?” she asked. “My grandma,” answered Jerry. “Good boy! How did you make (6)_ happy?” I went to her house last Saturday and stayed there (7)_ three hours. (8)_ I said to her “Grandma, Im going home,” she said “Im so happy to hear that.” ( ) (1) A. playing B. talking C. singing 更多试题、学习资源在春知学堂 更多试题、学习资源在春知学堂 5 ( ) (2) A. happy B. laugh C. excited ( ) (3) A. Can B. Are C. Di



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