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1、第二部分 语法专题 专题五 副词,精讲必备考点,考点五 副词的固定搭配,考点一 副词的位置,考点二 副词的种类及用法,考点三 副词比较级的构成及比较等级用法,考点四 副词的词义辨析,副词用来修饰动词、形容词、其他副词、介词短语或全句。在句中主要作状语,还可以作表语(可用作表语的副词:in,out,on,off,up,down,over,around)、定语、宾语补足语等;主要表示时间、地点、程度、方式等概念。 考点一 副词的位置 1. 副词作状语时一般放在谓语动词之后。如果谓语动词带有宾语,副词则放在宾语后面。 We all study hard. 我们学习都很努力。 He is drawin

2、g a horse carefully. 他正在认真地画一匹马。 2. 频度副词,如always,often,sometimes,usually等,作状语时通常放在be动词、助动词或情态动词之后,实义动词之前。,He is always late for school. 他上学总是迟到。 I often go to see my grandparents on Sunday. 我经常星期天去看望祖父母。 3. 副词修饰整句话或强调上下句的衔接时,放在句首。 Suddenly he had a good idea. 突然他想到了一个好办法。 4enough修饰形容词或副词时,放在所修饰词之后。

3、The boy is old enough to go to school. 这个男孩够年龄了,可以去上学了。 5. 当一个句子中同时出现两个时间副词时,通常表示具体时间的副词在前,表示笼统时间的副词在后。 I get up at seven every morning. 我每天早上七点起床。,6. 当一个句子中既有时间副词也有地点副词时,通常地点副词在前,时间副词在后。 They are going there tomorrow. 他们打算明天去那儿。 【典例精析】 1. On June 29, 2012, Chinas Shenzhou9 spacecraft landed _ at th

4、e main landing area in northern Chinas Inner Mongolia (内蒙古). A. safeB. safelyC. safety,解析:三个选项都有“安全”的意思。但修饰动词landed(着陆)只能用副词。,答案:B。,2. Sally, I went to the concert last night. How big the symphony (交响乐) hall is! So it is. It is _ to hold more than one thousand people. big enoughB. enough big C. too

5、bigD. too small,答案:A。,解析:enough作为副词修饰形容词或副词时,通常后置,故可排除B项;too big太大;too small太小。根据句意可知,设空处要表达的意思是“足够大”。,考点二 副词的种类及用法 副词的种类及用法,【典例精析】 1. The World Health Organization has given some advice on _ to protect us from being infected (感染) with H7N9. A. howB. whatC. whereD. when,解析:how怎么;what什么;where哪里;when何

6、时。根据句意可知,此处应用疑问词how。,2. She always does very well in the English exams. But she can understand English radio programs. A. alwaysB. hardlyC. alreadyD. easily,答案:A。,解析:always总是;hardly几乎不;already已经;easily容易地。根据第二句中的but可知,考试成绩好的她却听不懂英语广播节目。,答案:B。,考点三 副词比较级的构成及比较等级用法 1. 副词的比较级、最高级的构成和形容词的比较级、最高级构成方法和用法基本

7、相同。请参见形容词比较等级用法。 2. 两者进行比较,表示“A不如B”时,部分双音节和多音节副词除使用“not . as / so +副词原级 + as”结构外,还可使用“less + 副词原级 + than”结构。 Bill didnt do his homework as carefully as Jim. = Bill did his homework less carefully than Jim. 比尔做作业没有吉姆认真。 3. 副词最高级前无定冠词。 Lin Tao did best in English of all. 林涛是所有人中英语学得最好的。,【典例精析】 1. The

8、volunteer spoke as _ as she could to make the visitors understand her. clearlyB. more clearly C. most clearlyD. the most clearly,解析:句中的as . as之间要用副词的原级。,2. Tony is not as clever as Lucy, but he works _ than her. A. hardB. harderC. hardestD. the hardest,答案:A。,解析:句中有比较级的标志词than,因此应用比较级形式表示两者间的比较。,答案:B

9、。,3. Who runs _, Lily or Michelle? A. slowB. slowerC. slowest,解析:句子是选择问句,表示在两者之间进行比较和选择。故应用比较级。,4. We held a concert in the hall yesterday, Kate sang among the singers. A. goodB. wellC. betterD. best,解析:根据among the singers可知,参赛选手在三个或三个以上,因此要用最高级。,答案:B。,答案:D。,考点四 副词的词义辨析,hard & hardly,much too & too

10、much,too, also & either,already & yet,loud & loudly,sometime, sometimes, some time & some times,too & enough,ago & before,so & such,now, just & just now,【典例精析】 1. Look at the bird over there! Its so beautiful! Wow! Its a rare crane (丹顶鹤). It _ appears in this area. A. alwaysB. usuallyC. seldomD. oft

11、en,解析:always总是;usually通常;seldom很少;often经常。由前半句“哇,是丹顶鹤”可知,答话人感到很惊奇,因此可以判断他们很少见到丹顶鹤。,答案:C。,2. My friend Frank sings well, and he is _ good at playing guitar. A. notB. alsoC. yetD. too,解析:not否定词;其余各项皆为“也”,但also和too用于肯定句,并且also多用于句中,too多用于句尾;yet用于否定句和疑问句,多用于句尾。第一个分句为肯定句,因此排除A、C两项;又设空处位于句中,因此用also。,答案:B。

12、,3. Look! There is a big river. Lets swim in it! No, I think its _ dangerous. much tooB. too much C. too manyD. much more,解析:much too太,程度副词,用于修饰形容词或副词;too much太多,多用来修饰不可数名词;too many太多,多用来修饰可数名词复数;much more多得多。而句中的被修饰词dangerous为形容词,因此用much too。,答案:A。,4. The 3D Titanic is a moving film. My parents have seen it twice _. A. yetB. alreadyC. neverD. almost,5. Dont talk _. Your grandmother is sleeping now. A. loudB. hardly C. loudlyD. hard,解析:yet还,常用于否定句和疑问句句尾;already已经,多用于肯定句中;never从不;almost几乎。根据句意“3D版泰坦尼克号很感人,我的父母已经看了两次了”可知,用already。,答案:B。,解析:根据句意可知,大声交谈会影响到奶奶,因此用loudly。,答案:C。,考点五 副词的固定搭配 常考副词词组,



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