五年级上册英语教案-Unit 3 Animals Story Time|人教新起点版

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1、课题名称Unit 3 Story Time年级Grade Five设计者教材分析本课是人民教育教育出版社(一年级起点)英语小学五年级上学期第三单元的第三课时。这一单元的主题是Animals,主要话题是就是对动物的特点进行描述。本节课的故事部分 Story Time内容生动活泼有趣,是学生们喜爱的话题。教材通过故事的形式,帮助学生体会故事内在意义,并学会在生活中运用语言进行真实的交际,有利于学生综合语言运用能力的发展。本课在活动的设计上,教师采用层层递进的教学方法,结合大量形式多样、情景真实、语言自然、趣味性强的语言实践活动,并着重综合训练,强调整合优化,突出整体感悟。目的是让学生通过体验、实践


3、故事排除很多障碍。但是个别学生胆小,羞于开口表达。因此教师在教学中安排了小组体验活动,给他们一些小角色锻炼,创设故事情境来表演,给学生们创造更多的机会进行口语表达,以提高运用英语交际的能力。教学目标语言知识目标:能够借助图片读懂Story Time的故事,完成故事后的问答练习题,达到熟练运用口语的培养目标:能力目标:能够在教师的指导下表演小故事情感态度目标:通过学习课文故事,让学生懂得遇到一个完美的朋友不太容易,因为世间每个物种,每种生物都有它的优缺点。学习策略目标:1、本堂课通过直观生动的多媒体课件向学生呈现辅助文本,提高学生学习兴趣。2、小组合作表演课本剧,培养学生的合作意识和综合语言运用

4、能力。教学重点教学难点教学重点:能够借助图片读懂Story Time的故事,完成故事后的问题教学难点:能够运用自己的语言熟练地讲述故事教学方法任务型教学、听说法等教具多媒体课件、图片、头饰、皮影、布景等。Step 1Warm-up&Revision1.Greetings2.Free talk&guessing gameT: What do we usually do in our English class?S1: We sing songs and say chants.S2: We talk with our partners.S3: We listen to the tape.S4: .

5、T: Wow, there are so many forms in our English class. So today I will give you a special experience. Come on, children.T: There is a lot of positive energy in our society. What happens in our school? Lets go and see.Then the students answer the questions about the video.Q1: What is He Jinqi like?Q2:

6、 Is Guo Zibo helpful?Q3: What do you learn from the video?Students answer these questions.T:I have a pet, but you all must guess a riddle, then you will Know the key.Im an animal.Im honest.I like eating bones.What am I? Students: Its a dog.T: My favorite animal is the dog. Whats your favorite animal

7、?Students:T ;These days ,my pet dog is unhappy.He looks very worried. What does he want to do?T: Were going to watch the videos and find out the reason. I hope you will enjoy it. 教师与学生亲切交谈,营造英语课堂的气氛,拉近师生距离。用Free talk的形式导入创设英语情景,为同学们做好参演课本剧做好准备。通过观看视频,让学生感受描写人物个性的词汇:honest,little, short and thin, tal

8、l and strong ,etc.再用猜a riddle的形式引出本课的主角:a dog操练重点句型。欣赏视频,让学生了解小狗要交好朋友的动机,让人期待。5Step 2New teaching&PracticeTeaching the storyT: From the whole video, what do the cat and dog talk about?S1: They talk about their animal friends.T: Whats the arrangement of the animals in the story?Students: Elephantbutt

9、erflyturtleT: This is our mind map, We should answer these questions with the words: who, why, whatT shows the video of Paragraph 1.Students answer the question.T; Who wants to make a new friend? Students: The dog wants to make a new friend.T; Why doesnt the dog like the elephant/butterfly/turtle? S

10、tudents: Because the.Compare the pictures and try to fill in the charts.goodbadelephantbutterflyturtleT: Lets look at Paragraph 8. What does the dog learn from the cat?All animals have good things and bad things. You must think about the good, not just the bad.T: Can you give the story a title(题目)?S

11、tudents: A new friend./ My new friend ./T puts the title on the blackboard.T: How to make a new friend? T invites some pupil to the front and play a guessing game.play withfavorite animal too slow to play footballthink about friendlywant .to be 创设情境,直接把学生带入故事情节中。 学生融入到故事中,记住故事中小动物的出场顺序,便于理清思路。 学生们回答

12、带有特殊疑问词的问题,让学生讨论这些动物的优缺点。通过列表格的形式,让知识点一目了然,优缺点更加清晰。学生观察区别图表,揭示课题A new friend.学生们乐于玩这个游戏,轻松的同时有掌握了知识要点。16Step 3ExtensionT: Now lets connect the lines.play with 最喜欢的动物favorite animal 友好的 too slow to play football 想成为think about 考虑 friendly 和一起玩want .to be 踢球太慢Fill in the blanks.1. I want to _a new fri

13、end.2. Can I _ you?3. Whats your _ animal?4. I_ want elephant to _my friend.5. Shes very friendly,_.6. Shes _small.7. I like to play _ big animals.8. Turtle is _slow _play football.9. All animals _good things _bad things. 10.You must think _the good,not_ the bad.T lets the pupils do the exercises in groups.T: You all did a good job. This time lets act it out. The pupils act the story with some head dresses, hand puppets and shadow puppets.Act the story. Through many ways to perform the story. For example: hand puppets, head dresses, especially the shadow puppets.


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