八年级英语下册 Unit 9 Please Explain单元测试题 教科版

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1、Unit 9 Please Explain单元测试题一、听力(略)二、单项选择( ) 1-There are many books on the_. -Yes, I want to check some books _to read. A. bookshelves, up B. bookshelves, out C. bookshelf , out( ) 2-The soldiers lined up and walked forward_. -Yes, they practice hard _pass the exam. A. in order, in order to B in order

2、 to, in order C in order, in order( ) 3-I_to visit Hawaii. -Yes,if you go there, youll have_. A. expect, funny B. wish, an fun C. expect, fun( ) 4-If you go on _like this, youll make yourself ill. -It doesnt matter. Im very strong. A. drinking B. to drink C. drink( ) 5-_, his house was stolen yester

3、day. Now in the room there is _but a bed. A. Fortunately, nothing B. Unfortunately, anything C. Unfortunately, nothing( ) 6-I_you should read more English books than Chinese books. -But I_ Chinese books. A. suggest, prefer B. want, prefer C. suggest, hate( ) 7-In the _two months ,I have seen him lit

4、tle. -Im _to tell you he has been in Beijing University. A. pass, pleased B. past, please C. past, pleased( ) 8-The sports meeting will _on Sunday. -Really? Yes, a number of students and teachers _coming. A. take place, is B. take place, are C. happen, are( ) 9-Who allowed you _the classroom? -My te

5、acher. A. to leave B. leave C. leaving( )10-You must try your best to get everyone _this story. -Yes, I told everyone _this story. A. understand, about B. to understand, about C. to understand, to( )11-This event will _in the future. -Yes, we_ think much. A. take place, have to B. take place, mustnt

6、 C. happen, have to( )12-I borrowed a book _my sister. But I didnt finish reading it, my sister asked _it back A. to, to get B. from, get C. from, to get( )13-Can you tell me a good book _every day? -Certainly. I know a best book _students like reading. Its name is Time. A. to read that B. read, tha

7、t C. reading, which( )14- Look at the information on the card. Which of the following is wrong?Jane EyreCharlotte Bronte (18161855)Oxford University Press, 1900237PA. There are 237 pages in the book.B. Charlotte Bronte was the writer of the book Jane Eyre.C. Jane Eyre was a teacher of Oxford Univers

8、ity.( )15.Which word of the following has a different stress from the others? A. Suggestion B. Nothing C. Continue三、完形填空 Do you get angry when your friends are singing loudly while you are trying to work or when your best friend does not wait_ 1_ you after school? If you do, you need to control your

9、 feelings and stop _2_ angry so easily. Your friends will leave you if you often get angry with them. _3_ are just like wild animals. You must learn to control the feelings .Teens can become angry more _4_, so its important for them to learn how to stay cool when bad things happen _5_ them. _6_ angr

10、y only makes problem worse .It can _7_ make them better. Getting angry is not a natural way to act .It is just a bad habit, like smoking. But you can control your anger easily-all you have to do is to tell yourself not to be angry. When a baby falls over, it will cry if people are watching it. Like

11、a baby, you should only get angry if you are sure it is the right thing to do. If you get angry easily, you can _8_ a diary. Every time you get angry ,write down why you are angry. Look back at it later and you will see you do_ 9_ angry too easily. You can ask your friends to stop talking to you whe

12、n you get angry. This will make you feel better. You also can do something different. When you get angry, walk away from the problem and go somewhere else. Try to laugh! There are also some other ways to change the habit of getting angry easily. Maybe you can find out the way _10_ fits you well. As

13、a word, angry is bad and it can change much of you. But if you can try to correct it, you will be happier.( )1.A. for B. of C. on( )2.A. get B. getting C. to get( )3.A. Feeling B. Thoughts C. Feelings( )4.A. easily B. easier C. easy( )5.A. to B. of C. for( )6.A.Get B. Getting C. Gets( )7.A. never B.

14、 sometimes C. often( )8.A. make B. record C. keep( )9.A. get B. getting C to get( )10.A. what B. that C. as四、阅读理解 (A)根据短文内容选择最佳答案。Leaves are natures food factories. Plants take water from the ground through their roots. They take a gas called carbon dioxide (CO2) from the air. Plants use sunlight to turn water and CO2 into glucose. Glucose is a kind of sugar. Plants use glucose as food for e


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