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1、英语介词的翻译+词语搭配+句子结构分析,英语介词与汉语动词词组的对译,林肯在葛底斯堡演说词 “民有、民治、民享” “and that government of the people, by the people, and for the people shall not perish from the earth” 汉英两种语言的一大差异:英语是相对静态的语言,而汉语则是相对动态的语言。许多在汉 语中必须用动词表达的意思,在英语中往往要化“动”为“静”,用其他词类表达,其中之一便是介词短语。反之,英语中用介词短语表达的意思,在汉语中往往需要化“静”为 “动”,用动词来表达。 一般说来,汉语句

2、子中如有两个以上的动词,且它们之间没有并列关系的情况下,英语中通常只用一个谓语动词,同时用介词短语或别的词类表示其他动词的意思。反之亦然。 例如:,说完这些话,他便走开了。 With these words, he went away. 试比较:After he said these words, he went away. We arrived just in time for their Water Splashing Festival. 我们到达时正好赶上参加他们的泼水节。 African Americans who had left the poverty of the rural S

3、outh for factory jobs in the North were among the first to be laid off. 非洲裔美国人逃离了穷苦的南方农村,在北方工厂找到了工作,却成为第一批被解雇的工人。 对英国进出口货物征收的关税必须由两国协商决定 Tariffs on British goods should be fixed by mutual agreement 她带学生到那座新建的科学博物馆去参观。 She took her students to that new science museum for a visit.,如果汉语句子中两个动词中一个表示动作,一

4、个表示状态,通常把一个译为谓语动词, 另一个则可转化为介词短语。例如: 屈原怀着十分悲痛的心情,抱了一块石头,投汩罗江自杀了。 Overwhelmed with grief, Qu Yuan drowned himself in the Miluo River with a large stone in his arms. 他点了点头,表示同意。 He nodded in agreement. 1493年,哥伦布一行约1200人,驾着17艘船,横渡大西洋归来。 Columbus returned across the Atlantic in 1493 with seventeen ships

5、and some 1,200 men. 她英语说得很棒,带着美国腔,却并不十分夸张。 She spoke English well with an American accent, not, though, a very exaggerated one.,另外,在英语中表示方向的介词,由于其本身带有动作性,译成汉语时通常译成动词; 反之,这类汉语动词译成英语时通常用介词表示。例如: Twenty-five or thirty would be out on the side of the rail, white and colored. 二十五岁到三十岁的,不论白人黑人,都出去沿铁路找活。 I

6、 looked out of the window into the street. 我透过窗子,朝街上望去。 12)他走出小屋,跨过草地,爬上小山,走进了那座庙宇。 He went out of the cottage, across the lawn, up the hill and into the temple.,英语介词短语与汉语副词的对译,不少译者英译汉时,习惯于把英语中的状语译成汉语中含“地”的副词,汉译英时反过来,把汉语副词译成带后缀-ly的副词,结果译文自然呆板凝滞。如果英译汉时少用点 “地”,汉译英时活用介词短语,定能使译文增色不少。例如: She spoke to him

7、 with tenderness. 她和他说话时,声音非常柔和。 The audience stared at the acrobat in amazement. 观众呆呆地望着那位杂技演员,惊讶不已。 父亲不赞成地看着他。 Father looked at him in disapproval. 试比较:Father looked at him disapprovingly. 他胡乱地套上一件衣服,匆匆忙忙地离开了家里。 He threw on a coat and left home in a hurry. 试比较:He threw on a coat and left home hurr

8、iedly.,Translate the following sentences into Chinese. Pay special attention to the italicized words. 1.The manager sat in his office amid his morning mail. 经理坐在办公室里处理早上到的邮件。 2.He is a man above vulgar interests. 他是一个脱离了低级趣味的人。 3.The ancient compass is of high sensibility. 古代的指南针具有很高的灵敏度。 4.It looks

9、 as if we are in for a storm. 看来我们免不了要碰上一场暴风雨了。 5.He was between sheets by eleven. 十一点时,他已钻进被窝了。 6.On a third voyage in 1498 Columbus found Trinidad and explored the northern coast of South America. 1498年第三次出航时,哥伦布发现了特立尼达,探访了南美的北部海岸。 7.Fresh from his role in Titanic,he has a double starring role in

10、The Man in the Iron Mask. (铁面人) 刚刚完成泰坦尼克号中的角色,他又一人饰演两个角色,主演电影铁面人。,8.Later when the children came home for the week of Christmas, the house was bright with Christmas colors. 后来,孩子们回到家过圣诞周,家里灯火辉煌,充满着圣诞情调。 9.He continued to search through the Bahamian Cays down to Cuba, a place name which suggested Cip

11、angu (Japan), and then eastward to the island he named Espanola. 他继续行航行,穿过巴哈马群岛,直下古巴这个名字暗指“西潘戈(日本)” 然后东行至他命名为伊斯帕尼奧拉岛的地方。 10.Out of all the glorious tales written about the U. S. revolution for independence from Britain, the fact is hardly known that a black man was the first to die for American inde

12、pendence. 读遍了关于美国为摆脱英国统治争取独立而进行革命的堂皇纪事,很少有人知道第一个为美国独立而牺牲的原来是个黑人。,Translate the following sentences into English. Pay special attention to the underlined words. 1. 中国经历了一系列艰苦的变革和试验。 China has been through a wrenching series of changes and experiments. 2. 我再向外看时,他已抱了朱红的橘子往回走。 When next I looked out he

13、 was on his way back with some ruddy tangerines. 3. 1292年,马可波罗携弟弟和儿子,随十四条大船组成的船队和六百名船员从中国南方一个港口出发,离开中国,前往威尼斯。 Marco Polo, together with his son and brother, left China for Venice in 1292 with a fleet of fourteen large boats and 600 other passengers from a port in southern China. 4. 爹上班去了,妹不在家,妈刚找到工作

14、,还得过一个小时才下班。 Dad was at work, my younger sister was away, and Mother wouldnt be home from her new job for an hour. 5. 经过仔细研究,他们发现这个设计落后了。 After careful investigation they found the design behind.,6.“来啦!”她转身蹦着跳着跑了,越过草地,跑上小径,跨上台阶,穿过阳台,进了门廊。 “ Coming !” Away she skimmed over the lawn, up the path, up t

15、he steps, across the veranda, and into the porch. 7. 他们一不会做工,二不会种地,三不会打仗。 They do not know a thing about factory work, nor about farm work, nor about military affairs. 8. 他们派了一个杀手去追杀他。 They sent a killer after him. 9. 他们立刻出动去追击敌人。 They immediately set out in pursuit of the enemy. 10.我进屋时,他在读书。 When

16、I entered the room, he was at his books.,词语搭配与句子结构分析,英语和汉语各自有一套独特的语言表达系统,在语法、语义、修辞等方面存在着差异。在英语中,词的粘合力和搭配能力较强,一个动词往往可以同多个名词搭配。与此相反, 汉语用词倾向于具体化,词的搭配能力不如英语活跃。 因此,在英译汉的翻译过程中,在准 确理解原文的基础上,为了使译文变得更加通顺流畅,符合汉语的行文习惯,常常需要根据 上下文选择与不同名词搭配的相应动词。,1) Although the amount of land under cultivation and the number of people earning a living from agriculture expanded,the growth of commerce, manufacturing,and the service industries steadily eclipsed farmings significance. 误译:尽管耕作的土地面积在扩大,以农为生的人口也在扩大,商业、制



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