人教PEP五年级上册英语Unit 6 In a NatureParkB read and write课件

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《人教PEP五年级上册英语Unit 6 In a NatureParkB read and write课件》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《人教PEP五年级上册英语Unit 6 In a NatureParkB read and write课件(22页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、,Uint 6 B read and write,building,bridge,house,village,tree,Say something about the following pictures .,There is a/an. There are some/many.,There is a car in front of the house.,There are some flowers in front of the house.,There is a tree in front of the house.,There are some trees near the house.

2、,Are there any .?,Whos at Mr Jones house?,Listen to the tape,answer some questions.,1.Where is Robin? 2.Is there a nature park near the house? 3.Is there a lake in the village? 4. Are there any ducks on the lake? ,Robin is at Mr Jones house.,Yes ,there is.,No, there isnt.,Yes,there are.,Read aloud!,

3、Read and write,Pay attention to these words.(按顺序找出介词 ),(在),方位介词,Mr Jone的一家,tall和high的区别,形容人用 tall 形容山峰 建筑物用 high或者tall He is tall boy.The building is so high.1,说人,动物,树木等有生命的东西,主要用tall,不用high, 例如 a tall horse 一个高大的马 2.指建筑物、山时要tall或high都可以,不过high的程度比tall高。 3.tall的反义词为short, high的反义词为low.,Robin is at M

4、r Jones house. There is a nature park near the house. In the park there is a high mountain. In front of the mountain there is a small village. There is a lake near the village. There are many ducks on the lake.,Who can read?,Tick or Cross.,1.( )Robin is at Mr Whites house. 2.( )There is a lake near

5、the house. 3.( )There is a high mountain in the park. 4.( )There arent any ducks on the lake. 5.( )There is a small village.,a lake in the park,any birds in the park,Is there a high mountain in the park,Yes, there is.,Yes, there are.,Yes, there is.,There is ,There are 的用法: 始终遵循“就近原则”,也就是说以紧跟在后面的第一个名

6、词为准,如果第一个名词是单数,则用There is .如果第一个名词是复数,就用There are . 如 : There is a bag and two books on the desk. There are two books and a bag on the desk .,知识点拨,描写“某地方有某物”应该用There be 句型表达。,选择正确的答案 ( )1. The bridge is _the river. A. on B. at C. over ( )2. There _ many chairs and a teachers desk. A. are B. is C. /

7、( )3.Are there _ _ in front of the house? A.some,trees B. any, trees C. any ,tree,C,A,B,阅读短文,根据短文内容选择正确答案 Hi, I am Li Ping. I am from a small village. There are many houses and rivers in my village. The houses are very beautiful. The water is clean. You can see many fish in the river. There is a mou

8、ntain near our village. There arent any pandas in the mountain. But there are many trees on the mountain. A big forest is not far from the mountain. My village is pretty. I like my village. ( ) 1. Where is Li ping from? A. He comes from a small village. B. He is from a small city. ( ) 2. -Are there

9、any houses and rivers in the village? - _ A. No, there arent. B. Yes, there are. ( ) 3. -What can you see in the river? -_ A. ducks B. fish ( ) 4. There are many _ in the mountain. A. trees B. pandas ( ) 5. The big forest is _ the mountain. A. near B. far,A,B,B,A,B,Read and write(连词成句) 1. is there in the forest a river _? 2. there small houses are many in the village _. 3. there small houses are any in the village _?,Is there a river in the forest,Are there any small house in the village,There are many small houses in the village,Good bye!,


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