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1、学 海 无 涯 1 高考英语必备(个人整理) 1. To ones+ 情感名词 Eg: To my surprise, he did very well in his previous job. 令我吃惊的是,他在之前的那份工作中也干的不错。 ( To ones surprise 是固定搭配) 用于该结构的名词常见的有 admiration (羡慕), amazement (惊奇), amusement (娱乐), annoyance (烦恼), astonishment (惊奇), delight (欣喜), despair(绝 望 ), disappointment( 失 望 ), emb

2、arrassment( 难 堪 ), happiness( 幸 福 ), horror ( 恐 怖 ), joy ( 高 兴 ), puzzlement ( 疑 惑 ), regret ( 遗 憾 ), relief ( 如 释 重 负), satisfaction (满意), shame (羞愧), sorrow (悲伤), surprise (惊讶)等 2.beside/besides beside 是一个介词,表示在.的旁边,相当于 by:而 besides 是一个副词,也可作介词,表示除了.还有. Eg: Dont stand beside me. 不要站我旁边 I am outgoi

3、ng. Besides, I am helpful. 我很外向。此外,我还乐于助人。 besides 和 except 的区别 都可解作“除之外” 但含义不同。 except 表示“从所提到的人或事物中除去,即从整体中除去一部分”,表示递减的概念,含义是否定的。 besides 表示“除了之外,还有”,指“在整体中加入一部分”,表示递加的概念,含义是肯定的。 试比较: We all went except him. 除他之外,我们都去了。(他没有去) We all went besides him. 除他之外,我们大家也都去了。(他也去了) 3. See/ look/ watch See 看见

4、了(强调看的结果) Did you see it? 你看见了吗? Look 意为看,瞧(强调动作)Look at the blackboard. 请看黑板。 Watch 观看,注视(形容观看的内容比较精彩,比较有过程)watch a game/watch a fight 看比赛,观看打斗(看得东西都比较有内容) 常见短语:see sb doing sth(看见某人正在做.,doing 作 sb 的宾补) see sb do sth (看见某人做了.,强调看了整个过程) See a movie/ film 看电影 Look like 看起来像./ Look for. 寻找./ have a lo

5、ok at 看一看/ look at 看着( glare at 怒视/ stare at 盯着看/ glance at 一瞥) 学 海 无 涯 2 Watch TV 看电视 look out= watch out 担心,小心 4. Hear / listen Listen 不及物动词,表示有意识地听、仔细听,强调的是听的动作 Listen to music 听歌 Listen to me. 听我讲。 Hear 及物动词,强调听的结果 I cant hear you!我听不见你。 5. So/ such such 与 so 的意思都是“如此,这样”.但两者用法根本不同,与 what 和 how

6、引导的感叹句相类似. 1、such 后面主要是修饰名词.即:sucha/anadj.n.或 a/ansuchadj.n.如果名词是不可数名词或复数名词,则不可以用不定冠词 a 或 an.如: He has such a beautiful bike.We all go to see it. Its a such fine day.We all want to go to fly a kite. 2、so 后面只能跟形容词或副词.即:和 soadj.或 adv.不过,so 后面也可以跟名词,但该名词必须是单数可数名词.用法为:so+形容词+a 或 an+单数可 数名词.如: The tiger

7、is so big.And the cat is so small. She is so lovely a girl. 3、它们后面还可以与 that 从句连用.即:suchthat 和 sothat 意思是“如此以致”.如: She is such a clever girl that she can make much progress in math exam. His brother is so young that he cant go to school. 注:当名词前的形容词为表示数目的词时,such 必须换成 so.如: There are so many people tha

8、t we cant go past. I ate so much food that I didnt want to go any farther. 6. how/ what (how about= what about .怎么样?) what、how 常用于感叹句 感叹句一般是用来表示说话时的喜悦、惊讶等情感。英语感叹句常用what和how引导,what和how与所修饰的词置于句首,其它部分用陈述句 语序。 一、 由what引导的感叹句:what意为多么用作定语,修饰名词(被强调部分),单数可数名词前要加不定冠词 a/an,复数可数名词或不可数名 词前不用冠词。这类句子的结构形式是: wha

9、t+(a/an)+adj.+n.+主语+谓语+(it is). 学 海 无 涯 3 如: What a clever girl she is! 多么聪明的姑娘呀! What an interesting story it is! 多么有趣的故事呀! What delicious food it is! 多么有味的食物呀! 二、由how引导的感叹句:how意为多么,用作状语,修饰形容词或副词(被强调部分)。如果修饰形容词,则句中的谓语动词用系动词;如 果 how 修饰副词,则句中的谓语动词用行为动词,这类句子的结构形式是: How+adj.(adv.)+主语+谓语+(it is). 如: How

10、 cold it is today! 今天多么冷呀! How well she sings! 她唱得多好呀! 三、在表示同一意义时,英语感叹既可用what引导,也可用how引导。如: What a hot day it is! = How hot the day is ! 多么热的天气呀! What bad weather it is! = How bad the weather is! 多么糟糕的天气呀! 四. What do you do?你是做什么的 How do you do it?你是怎样做的 7. Sometimes, sometime 和 some time 的区别 (1)som

11、etimes 的意思是“有时”,是副词.例如: Sometimes he comes by bike and sometimes by bus. 他有时骑车来,有时乘公共汽车来. (2)sometime 也是副词,意思是“在某个时候”.可用于一般过去时与将来时.例如: You can hand in your homework sometime before Friday. 你可以在周五前某个时候交作业. (3)some time 是名词短语,它的意思是“一段时间”.例如: Ill be away for some time.我将离开一段时间. 学 海 无 涯 4 8. 表示“非常多”修饰可数

12、名词复数或不可数名词 不可数名词前可用:much, a little, a great deal of, a large amount of 可数名词前可用:many, a few, a great many ,a large number of 既可以修饰可数名词又可以修饰不可数名词的有: lots of, a lot of, plenty of,a great quantity of. 9. another,the other, other, others. another(三个及以上之中)另一个 the other(两个中)另一个 other +n (other 是一个形容词) othe

13、rs n. =other+n(pl.) Eg: I am sorry,but can you give me another chance? Peter has two sons. One is six and the other is just two years old. We need to care about other people= we need to care about others. 10. 就近原则:1.There be 句型 There is a book and some pencils on the desk.=There are some pencils and

14、 a book on the desk. 2.neither.nor.Neither you nor he is right.= Neither he nor you are right. 3.either.or.Either they or Jim is going to Shanghai next Saturday. = Either Jim or they are going to shanghai next Saturday. 4.not only.but also.Not only Ann but also her parents stay at home every Sunday.

15、 = Not only Anns parents but also she stays at home every Sunday. 就远原则 有一类连接词,其后的谓语动词要与连接词前一部分的主语保持一致.此类连接词有 with, along with,together with,as well as,besides,like,without, except (but),including 等.例如: Lisa, as well as her parents, was invited by Jack. 丽萨和爸妈都被邀请了! Tracy,like many girls,loves dancing

16、.特蕾西像很多女孩一样,喜欢跳舞. All the students,including Tom,are leaving.所有的学生,包括汤姆都走了. No one except (but) me knows about this news.除了我没有人知道 11. 关于元音字母和元音音节 元音字母总共有五个 a e i o u 但决定用冠词 a 还是 an 取决于 后面的单词首字母是不是元音因素 学 海 无 涯 5 (1).A book, a useful book, a European country, a university, a unique man.【这些单词中的 U 都发 ju:,这是一个辅音音节】 (2).An umbrella, an apple,an hour, an honest man 【h 不发音】 12. 星期和月份 (week / month) Monday 星


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