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1、Module 7 Unit 1 I dont believe it!,fantastic,lucky,I like coffee. I like tea. I like cats and they like me. Daming likes singing. Amy likes dancing. Mike likes skipping with me.,一、Review: Lets chant,Guess 1,They are animals. Theyve got long tails. They climb trees very fast. They like bananas. What

2、are they?,They are monkeys.,They are animals. Theyve got no legs. They live in water. What are they?,They are fish.,Guess 2,They are fat. They live in Sichuan, China. They love bamboo. What are they?,They are pandas.,Guess 3,They are long. They havent got legs. They cant hear. What are they?,They ar

3、e snakes.,Guess 4,二、Activity 1. Listen and say.1. What are they talking about?2. Do snakes love music?,Snakes, love, music, dog, eat, CD,Well, I dont know.,三、Activity 2. Look and say. 1、Who are they?2、What are they doing?,They are Daming and his grandma.,They are watching a DVD together. 一起,pandas,s

4、nakes,Activity 2. listen and answer. What is the DVD about?,The pandas: How long do the pandas eat a day? 2. Do pandas love bamboo(竹子)?,Yes, they do. They love bamboo. Lucky (幸运的)pandas!,Pandas eat for twelve hours a day.,Read and underline. Pic 1.,相信,幸运的,Pandas love bamboo. Why?,Pandas eat for 12 h

5、ours a day. Why?,Do you know?,大熊猫属于哺乳动物纲,它的祖先有尖锐发达的犬齿,以及肉食动物的消化生理特点,大熊猫在进化过程中,仍保留了祖先的这些特点。只是由于生存环境发生了很大改变,渐渐地,它们退居深山竹林,过着与世无争的隐士生活。于是,现代的大熊猫就变成了吃竹子的肉食动物。,Do you know?,新研究显示:熊猫基因组中一个能感受食物鲜度的基因失活,导致熊猫品尝不出肉类的鲜味,这被认为是熊猫改吃竹子的重要原因。当然,其前置原因是熊猫的生活环境发生了改变,找不到肉食,而恰好竹子丰富,就逐渐进化成以竹子为食了。,Pandas love bamboo. Why?,

6、大熊猫的食物竹中含有的营养物质非常少,而且,它们食物非常单一,单位质量的竹含有的热量少,为了摄取身体必需的热量,只能长时间的吃。另外的办法是少活动,多睡觉,这样能减少热量消耗。,Pandas eat for 12 hours. Why?,How long do pandas eat/sleep/playa day?,eat 12 hours,sleep 8 hours,play 4 hours,They for a day.,Ask and answer:,A: How long does it sleep ? B: It sleeps for a day/night.,sleep:18hou

7、rs sleep: day,How long does it sleep ? It sleeps for 18 hours a day.,Sleep:15 hours Sleep: day,How long does it sleep ? It sleeps for 15 hours a day.,Sleep:3 hours Sleep: night,How long does it sleep ? It sleeps for 3 hours a night.,The snakes,( )they cant hear the music. ( )The snakes can use its b

8、ody to dance. ( )so, it gets frightened. ( )the snake thinks the flute is dangerous. ( )why does the snake come out of the box?,1,4,3,2,5,它的,身体,利用,1.Do snakes like music? 2.Why is the snake coming out of the box?,No, they dont. 据说 It says snakes cant hear(听到).,The snake thinks the flute (笛子)is dange

9、rous. 认为 危险的 The snake gets frightened.(变得害怕),Pic. What does it about snakes?,say,Why can snakes use its body to dance?,蛇是“聋子”。它之所以会随着舞蛇的人摆动,是因为蛇同时也是高度近视眼,它看不清前面的是什么,为看清楚前面的东西,确保对自己没危险,它必须前后左右的晃动,来感知前面事物与它的距离,来做出是防守还是攻击。,Do snakes love.? Yes, they do. / No, they dont.,Lets talk. What do they like?,P

10、andas like bamboo.,Cats like fish.,Monkeys like bananas.,Lions like meat.,Elephants like water.,Bears like sleeping in the winter.,Pandas love _. They eat for _ _ a day. They are pandas. Snakes cant . The snake _ the flute is dangerous. So it frightened.,bamboo,twelve hours,lucky,hear,thinks,gets,Re

11、ad and fill in the blanks.,Pic 3. Does Daming like the present?,Yes, he does.,Activity 2. Listen and read.,四、New words,believe bili:v 相信,lucky lki 幸运的,bamboo 竹子,fantastic fntstk 非常好的,很棒的,interesting 令人感兴趣的,有趣的,frightened 恐惧的,害怕的,snake 蛇,together 一起,共同,its 它的,body 身体,flute 笛子,get变得,变成,五、Key phrases.,1. eat bamboo 吃竹子 2. get frightened 变得害怕 3. come out of the box 从盒子里出来 4. a fantastic present 一件非常棒的礼物 5. an interesting DVD 一张有趣的DVD,



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