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1、高中英语写作教学,训练应循序渐进,训练书面表达不是盲目地练,应从基础练起。首先写好简单句,掌握好五种基本句型;然后学写并列句和复合句,注重句型转换和重点句型操练;最后再进行篇章训练。在进行篇章训练时,要注意遣词造句,布局谋篇,要学会用适当的连接词使全文逻辑意义正确。,不同阶段的侧重点,高一:兴趣、习惯 高二:规范、仿写 (体裁、结构) 高三:提炼、升华 (遣词造句,逻辑修辞等),不断积累是关键,要写好英语作文,积累是很关键的。积累应包括生活知识的积累和语言表达的积累。“厚积”才能“薄发”,只有平时做个有心人,才有可能在考试时写出佳作。,写作需要积累,阅读基础 背诵积累 摘录优美句子 写正确的句

2、子 复述和写课文概要(controlled) 用适当的词和词组还原课文概要(语感) 听写句子、课文概要、小故事等(语感) 排序题(逻辑思维),几种写作训练形式,基于生活的写作 基于阅读的写作 基于话题的写作 基于项目的写作 基于体裁的写作 基于应试的写作,基于阅读的写作,没有一定的目的语的输入,输出很难产生。(Krashen) “Nothing can be written before its read”.(Alexander) 阅读帮助学生: 1)获取语篇知识,丰富形式图式; 2)获取语言知识,丰富知识图式; 3)获得话题内容,丰富内容图式; 4) 获得写作技巧,丰富策略图式;,选材(典型

3、),阅读和分析,归纳特点,练习(仿写),讲评,结构,语言,输入,输出,策略指导,重要,基于体裁的写作,NarrativeDescriptive,Organization (format),State it- who? what? How? Explain or illustrate it- examples Restate it- comment,Sample 1,Everyone has a hero in his mind, and mine is Deng Yaping, a talented woman player of table tennis. Why was she able

4、to make such brilliant achievements in spite of being short? It was because of her hard work and determination. As a little girl of four, she began to play table tennis under the strict guidance of her coach. She kept struggling until she became a member of the National Training Team. Although she w

5、on many championships and medals, she remained modest and continued working hard. On her way to success, she proved that it was not height but hard work that mattered. She will always be a good guide to my action.,Sample 2,Today our class organized an activity to visit Hongxing Farm (点题). In the ear

6、ly morning, We started excitedly from the gate of school on foot. One hour later, we arrived. The farm workers gave us a warm welcome. Then the head showed us around. We knew much about crops. At noon we had a picnic lunch on the grass. How tasty the food and drinks were! After lunch, we began to am

7、use ourselves in group. Some danced and sang. Some chatted together. Two of us even played a game of chess. After the sun set, we had to leave and said good-bye to the workers. What an enjoyable day it was!,News report,Organization,Introduction Paragraph1 Summary of the event (time, place, people in

8、volved) Main body Paragraph23 Development of the event in detail, causes, consequences Conclusion Final paragraph Peoples comments /action taken,Student volunteers Brought Sunshine to The Elderly,On May Day, LiYue and Zhang Hua, students from Class Three, Grade Two, went to Sunshine Nursing Home and

9、 did some voluntary work. Upon their arrival, Li Yue and Zhang Hua were warmly welcomed, and respectfully, they presented the elderly with flowers and fruits. Then they started working at once, cleaning the windows andsweeping the floor. Everything done, they sat in the yard chatting with the elderl

10、y people.,when,who,where,what,detailed information,When it was time for the volunteers to leave, the elderly people thanked them for their kindness. They said it was such a beautiful day that they would remember it forever. LiYue and Zhang Hua were very happy. What they did has brought joy to others

11、 and enriched their own lives. By Chen Jie, School Newspaper,detailed information,comments,An Upside down Pyramid,introduction,main body,comment,新闻语体,simple words, but vivid expressions pictures the event in readers minds cause people to think objective brief but appealing ,应用文,信函 通知 演讲稿 便条,2020/7/2

12、2,How to write a letter,invitation thanks recommendation asking-for-help complaint refusal congratulations application,A letter of,letter format 1,(Receivers address),(your address),Date,greeting,Dear xx,signature,Yours sincerely,xxx,To Whom It May Concern:,xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx x

13、xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.,Body,letter format 2,(Receivers address),(your address),Date,greeting,Dear xx,signature,Yours sincerely,xxx,xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxx

14、xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.,Body,2020/7/22,A sample letter of application for a job,P1Where you read the advertisement and the exact name of the job you are applying for (e.g., full-

15、time or part-time) P2Details of your education (e.g., school and grade; best subjects or exams passed; first language and other languages) P3Brief details of any interests, hobbies, or activities,Source of information,Personal information,P4Brief details of other jobs you have done (if any) P5The re

16、ason why you want the job P6A request for an interview (say when you are free to attend, e.g., any time / day, any day after),Request,Personal information,reason,演讲稿,Organization Greetings Introduction of your topic Main body of the speech Closing of your speech,范例,学校将组织竞选新一届学生会主席,你准备参加竞选。现在请你根据以下要求写一篇竞选发言稿: 1. 胜任条件:能力、爱好、性格 2. 如果当选,将为本校同学做 词数:120-130左右,A Campaign Speech,Good morning, everyone! Today I am very glad to run for the pr


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