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1、最新人教PEP版小学英语精品试卷设计人教版小学英语五年级下册期中测试卷3带答案一、 根据中文写出下列短语。(10分)晨练 _ 吃早餐 _ 上英语课 _ 做运动 _ 弹钢琴 _ 看望祖父 _去远足 _ 堆雪人 _1月2日 _ 10月20日 _二、单项选择。(10分) ( )1. Lets _ a birthday card for our mother.A. make B. making C. makes( )2. _ is the ninth month of a year. A. September B. August C. October( )3. Which _ do you like

2、best? A. season B. seasons C. a season ( )4. My mother goes to school _ 7:00 _ the morning. A. aton B. atat C. atin( )5. He _ hiking. I go hiking, _ .A. gotooB. goeseitherC. goestoo( )6. _ birthday is in October? A. Who B. Whose C. Whos( )7.The tree _ are green in spring. A. leafs B. leaves C. leaf

3、( )8. _ do you like winter? Because I can _ snow. A. Whyplay withB.When play on C. Howplaying in( )9.Winter is beautiful, but its _ cold _ me. A. toforB. toofor C. tooto( )10. _ do you eat dinner? At 7:00. A. WhenB. WhichC.Why三、连线。(把节日与正确的月份连起来)(10分)January Army Day March New Years DayAugust Teacher

4、s DayOctober National DaySeptember Tree-planting Day四、选择合适的答语。(10分)( ) 1. Why do you like spring? ( ) 2. Which season does Mike like best? ( ) 3. What do you do on Saturday? ( ) 4. Whats Zoom doing? ( ) 5. When is your birthday? A. Hes sending Grandpa an e-card. B. Usually I do my homework.C. Becaus

5、e I can plant trees.D. Its November 12th.E. Fall.五、根据句意,填入所缺单词。(第一个字母已给出)(10分)1. Every weekend I climb m_2. I usually g_ up at 12:00 noon.3. Sometimes I v_ my grandparents.4. Because I can s_ in the lake.5. Whats the d_? June 9th.六、补全对话。(用所给句子把对话补充完整, 把编号填在横线上。)(10分)A. Can I go with you? B. OK. C. D

6、o you like planting trees? D. What do you do on Saturdays? E. Bye. F. What do you usually do on Mar. 12th .G. Why do you like spring?Lucy: Hello.Amy: Hi.Amy: _ ?Lucy: I often go shopping on Saturdays. Amy: This Saturday is Mar. 12th . _ ?Lucy: I often plant trees.Amy: _?Lucy: Yes, I like planting tr

7、ees very much.Amy: Me, too. _ ?Lucy: Yes, you can. Oh, Its time for class. Goodbye.Amy: _.七、 阅读选择。(10分)Peter: What are you doing, Mary? Mary: I am sending Mike an e-card. When is your birthday?Peter: It s in March. Is Mikes birthday in May?Mary: Yes. Its May 2nd.Peter: Does he have a computer? Mary:

8、 Oh, no. He doesnt.Peter: Then he wont be able to see the card. Lets make a birthday card.Mary: Good idea. Everyone likes to get birthday cards.( ) 1. Peter s birthday isnt in _ . A .March B. April ( ) 2. Mary _ play with the computer. A .can B .cant( ) 3. Mike _ see the e-card. A. can B. cant( ) 4.

9、 Peter _ . A .makes a card B .makes a cake( ) 5. _ birthday is in May. A .Marys B. Mikes八、短文填空:(用所给的单词填空,每词只准用一次)(10 分)( am warm favourite fly like cold windy is in cool fall at ) My name _ Lucy. I _ 12 now. My birthday is _ October. I _ fall best. Its _ and_ . I can _ kites. My sister Lily doesnt l

10、ike _ . Her _ season is spring. Its_ .九、根据答句写问句。(10分) 1. A: _ ? B: Its Monday today.2. A: _ ? B: Its Mar. 1st today.3. A: _? B: My birthday is in October.4. A: _? B: My favourite season is winter.5. A: _ ? B: I often go shopping on the weekend.十根据汉语提示,写出下面五句话(10分)1.你问Zhang Peng什么时候去上学,他告诉你说是七点钟。Y:_Z:_2.John问你最喜欢那一个季节,你告诉他是夏天,因为你能游泳。J:_Y:_3.你问Amy的生日,她告诉你说是3月12日。Y:_A:_4.你问Mike周末去干什么呢?他说去踢足球。Y:_M:_5.你想知道ChenJie得生日是不是在5月,他告诉你说不是。Y:_C:_答案:一、do morning exercises eat breakfasthave English class play sportsplay the piano visit grandpago hiking make a snowman二、A A A C C B B A B A三、



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