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1、unit 6 My holiday,我的假期,travel 旅游,enjoy the visit 享受旅行,the West Lake 西湖,place of interest 名胜古迹,the Great Wall 长城,the Palace Museum 故宫博物馆,May Day,五一国际劳动节,large,大的,巨大的,all,所有的,全部,wonderful,精彩的,极好的,Kitty:May Day is coming. Where will you go on the holiday?,五一劳动节快到了,你假期打算去哪儿。,Alice:I will go to Beijing w

2、ith my parents.,我将和我的父母去北京。,Kitty:Great! You can visit many places of interest there, the Palace Museum, the Great Wall,.,好极了!在那你可以参观很多的名胜古迹,故宫博物馆,长城.,Alice:What is the Palace Museum like?,故宫博物馆怎么样?,Kitty:Its large. There are many big houses in it. All the houses are red and yellow. It is really won

3、derful.,它很大。那里面有很多大房子。所有的房子都是红色和黄色的。真的非常棒。,Alice:Really? I will enjoy my visit there.,真的吗?我将会很享受那里的旅行。,重点句子,1.Where will you go on the holiday? 你假期打算去哪儿? I will go to Beijing with my parents. 我将和我的父母去北京 What is the Palace Museum like? 故宫博物馆怎么样? It is large. 它很大.,Mr Zhao: What will you do this summer

4、, Emily?,今年暑假你将做什么,Emily?,Miss White: I will travel to HangZhou. Im going to visit the West Lake.,我将去杭州旅行。,Mr Zhao:How will you go?,你将如何去?,我打算去参观西湖。,slow,慢的,慢地,Miss White:I will go by train.,我将坐火车去。,Mr Zhao:Why not go by plane? It is fast.,为什么不坐飞机呢?那很快。,Miss White:The train is slow,but I can enjoy t

5、he beautiful places along the way.,火车很慢,但是我可以享受沿途美丽的地方。,Mr Zhao:Will your parents go with you?,你的父母亲将会和你一起去吗?,Miss White:No,they wont.My friend will go with me.,不,他们不会。我的朋友将会和我一起去。,Mr Zhao:Oh.Have a good time!,哦,那玩得开心。,Miss White:Thank you.,谢谢。,重点句子,1.How will you go ?,你将如何去?,2.I will go by train.,我

6、将坐火车去.,3.Will you parents go with you?,你的父母将会和你一起去吗?,4.No,they wont.,不, 他们不会.,A:Welcome to Xian! Where are you from? B:We are from France. A:Where will you go next? B:We will travel to Qingdao. A:How will you go there? B;We will go by car. A:Have a good time! B:Thank you,France Qingdao /by car,欢迎来西安!,你来自哪里?,我们来自法国.,你打算接下来去哪儿?,我们将去青岛旅游。,你将怎样去那里?,我们将乘小汽车去那里。,玩得愉快!,谢谢!,Where will Kitty go?,How will she go there?,Kitty will.,Kitty 将去哪里?,她将如何去那里?,



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