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1、奥巴马北京演讲稿(中英文对照)奥巴马(欧巴马)和胡锦涛于11月17日在北京举行联合新闻记者会,分别发表讲话。奥巴马总统的讲话全文,英语演讲稿+翻译。PRESIDENT OBAMA: Good afternoon. I want to start by thanking President Hu and the Chinese people for the warmth and hospitality that they have shown myself and our delegation since we arrived. We had a wonderful day in Shangha

2、i yesterday, a wonderful discussion with Chinas young men and women, and Im looking forward to the conversations well have and the sights that well see here in Beijing over the next two days.奥巴马总统:下午好。首先我要感谢胡主席和中国人民从我们到来后给予我和代表团的热情款待。昨天,我们在上海度过了非常愉快的一天,同中国男女青年进行了一次十分愉快的讨论。我期待着我们今明两天将在北京进行的会谈和景点参观。We

3、 meet here at a time when the relationship between the United States and China has never been more important to our collective future. The major challenges of the 21st century, from climate change to nuclear proliferation to economic recovery, are challenges that touch both our nations, and challeng

4、es that neither of our nations can solve by acting alone.我们是在美中关系对我们的共同未来具有前所未有的重要性的时刻在这里举行会晤。21世纪的各项重大挑战,无论是气候变化、核扩散还是经济复苏,都与我们两个国家相关,而且哪个国家都不能通过单独行动来对付这些挑战。Thats why the United States welcomes Chinas efforts in playing a greater role on the world stage - a role in which a growing economy is joined

5、 by growing responsibilities. And thats why President Hu and I talked about continuing to build a positive, cooperative, and comprehensive relationship between our nations.这就是为什么美国欢迎中国努力在世界舞台上发挥更大的作用这个作用意味着伴随经济发展而增长的责任。这也就是为什么胡主席和我都谈到要继续建立积极合作全面的美中关系。As President Hu indicated, we discussed whats req

6、uired to sustain this economic recovery so that economic growth is followed by the creation of new jobs and lasting prosperity. So far Chinas partnership has proved critical in our effort to pull ourselves out of the worst recession in generations.如胡主席所说,我们讨论了要使经济复苏持续所必须采取的措施,以便使经济增长带来新的就业机会,实现持久繁荣。

7、迄今,与中国的伙伴关系被证明在我们为摆脱几代人以来最严重的衰退所作的努力中至关重要。Going forward, we agreed to advance the pledge made at the G20 summit in Pittsburgh and pursue a strategy of more balanced economic growth - a strategy where America saves more, spends less, reduces our long-term debt, and where China makes adjustments acros

8、s a broad range of policies to rebalance its economy and spur domestic demand. This will lead to increased U.S. exports and jobs, on the one hand, and higher living standards in China on the other.展望未来,我们同意推进我们在匹兹堡20国集团峰会上所作的保证,实施经济更平衡增长的策略。根据这一策略,美国要增加储蓄,降低消费,减少长期债务,而中国则要进行各项政策调整以平衡经济,刺激内需。这样,将一方面增

9、加美国的出口和就业机会,另一方面提高中国的生活水平。As President Hu indicated, we also agreed that maintaining open market and free flows of commerce in both our nations will contribute to our shared prosperity. And I was pleased to note the Chinese commitment, made in past statements, to move toward a more market-oriented e

10、xchange rate over time. I emphasized in our discussions, and have others in the region, that doing so based on economic fundamentals would make an essential contribution to the global rebalancing effort.如胡主席所说,我们还一致认为,保持我们两国市场的开放和商贸的自由流通将能增进我们的共同繁荣。我很高兴地注意到,中国多次表示了对逐步实现在更大程度上由市场决定汇率的承诺。我在双方以及在与地区其他各

11、方的讨论中强调,这样按照基本经济原理行事将是对全球经济的重新平衡的重大贡献。President Hu and I also made progress on the issue of climate change. As the two largest consumers and producers of energy, there can be no solution to this challenge without the efforts of both China and the United States. Thats why weve agreed to a series of i

12、mportant new initiatives in this area. As President Hu indicated, we are creating a joint clean energy research center, and have achieved agreements on energy efficiency, renewable energy, cleaner uses of coal, electric vehicles, and shale gas.胡主席和我在气候变化问题上也取得了进展。作为能源的最大消费国和生产国,没有中美两国的共同努力就无法成功地应对这一

13、挑战。因此我们同意在这一领域采取一系列新的重要行动。胡主席已说明,我们将设立一个清洁能源联合研究中心,我们还就能效、可再生能源、清洁使用煤炭、电动车辆和页岩气等问题达成一致。We also agreed to work toward a successful outcome in Copenhagen. Our aim there, in support of what Prime Minister Rasmussen of Denmark is trying to achieve, is not a partial accord or a political declaration, but

14、 rather an accord that covers all of the issues in the negotiations, and one that has immediate operational effect. This kind of comprehensive agreement would be an important step forward in the effort to rally the world around a solution to our climate challenge. And we agreed that each of us would

15、 take significant mitigation actions and stand behind these commitments.我们还同意为哥本哈根会议取得成果而努力。为支持丹麦首相拉斯穆森(Rasmussen)所争取实现的目标,我们将不是致力于一项局部性的协议,也不是一份政治宣言,而是一项包含谈判涉及的所有问题的协议,一项可立即运作的协议。这样的全面协议将使动员全世界共同应对气候挑战的努力向前跨出重要一步。我们同意,双方都将采取重大的减缓行动,坚定地履行这些承诺。On the issue of nonproliferation, President Hu and I disc

16、ussed our shared commitment to stop the spread of nuclear weapons, and I told him how appreciative I am of Chinas support for the global nonproliferation regime as well as the verifiable elimination of North Koreas nuclear weapons program.在防扩散问题上,胡主席和我讨论了制止核武器扩散的共同承诺,我向胡主席表示了我对中国支持全球防扩散制度和可验证地消除北韩核武器项目的极大赞赏。We agreed on the importance of resuming the six-party talks as soon as possible. As I said in Tokyo, North Korea has a choice: It can



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