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1、(1) 浪漫主义文学(修改版)着重表现作家的主观理想,抒发强烈的个人感情,由情生物,为情造物。具有主观性、重理想,重感情的本质特征。就像费希特所说:“从你周围的一切掉转目光,朝向你的内心王国吧,这是哲学向他的信徒们道出的第一个要求。你身外之物没什么重要的,你本身是唯一的问题。”主要代表有夏多不里昂的勒内,湖畔派 华兹华斯丁登寺,魔鬼派雪莱麦布女王,拜伦唐璜恰尔达哈洛尔德游记等。(2) 浪漫主义文学将大自然和资本主义文明对立,受卢梭的“返回自然”和泛神论的影响。偏重于描写自然风光,厌恶资本主义的文明和现实。正如美学家李斯托威尔所说:自然这块天地,不得不等到19世纪的浪漫主义运动,方才得到了充分而


3、欧洲各国的社会生活熔于一炉。这种新形式扩大了诗歌反映现实的范围,对长篇小说的发展也起了推动作用。(4)浪漫主义作家喜欢用夸张、对比的手法,追求强烈的艺术效果。好写中世纪和异国题材,曲折离奇的情节,塑造非凡的传奇性的人物形象。雨果是对比艺术的倡导者和大师,他提出:“丑就在美的旁边,畸形靠近着优美,丑怪藏在崇高的背后,美与恶并存,光明与黑暗相共。”他把这种对照原则运用于小说、诗歌和戏剧创作中。如巴黎圣母院,就是以美与丑的对比、外表与内心的巨大反差,表现了作家爱憎分明的情感。(1) romantic literature focuses on the performance of the write

4、rs subjective ideal, to express strong personal feelings, by the feeling of life, for the feelings of creation. It has the characteristic of subjectivity, the heavy ideal and the heavy sentiment.As Fichte said: from all around you, looking away toward your inner Kingdom, this is the first requiremen

5、t to the philosophy of his followers to make the. What out of is not important, you are the only problem. The main representative is “Leon Rene” Lake Paihuazi Wentz Tintern Abbey, the devil sent Shelley Queen Mab, Byron Don Juan and jharda Harolds pilgrimage etc.(2) romantic literature contrast the

6、nature with capitalist civilization ,affected by the influence of Rousseaus return to nature and pantheism,Emphasis on the description of the natural scenery, the civilization and the reality of capitalism. As the American scientist Lee Stowell said: this world, had to wait until the nineteenth Cent

7、ury romantic movement, has been fully and carefully excavated. Byron, Shelley, Wordsworth, Goethe, is the first time that they have the sea, rivers and mountains into their own works. But also pointed out the romantic view of the world is a kind of natural view. Romanticism regards all primitive, pl

8、ain, and innocent things as natural. John Keatss famous poem Ode to a Nightingale and Ode on a Grecian Urn, on the performance of nature, indulge in the pastoral beauty of the ancient world. Merimees novel Mademoiselle Du Maupin also advocated a return to nature, return to the original human nature

9、and innocence.(3) the romantic writers pay great attention to the folk literature. Romantic art forms are very fruitful exploration, one of the most striking is the creation of the folk literature and the importance of poetic novels. In Germany and Britain, romanticism is the beginning of the collec

10、tion of folk literature.As Byrons first verse novels, is developed in the drama on the basis of its broad vision, and the social life of European countries will All blend into one harmonious whole. This new form expands the scope of poetry to reflect the reality, and it also plays a role in promotin

11、g the development of novels.(4) the romantic writers like to use exaggeration and contrast to pursuit strong artistic effects. And prefer writing medieval and exotic themes, twists and turns bizarre plot ,creating the extraordinary and legendary figure.Hugo is an advocate of Comparative Art and mast

12、er, he proposed: ugly on the side of the United States, abnormal close to the beautiful, ugly monster hidden behind the noble, the United States and evil coexist, bright and dark. He applied this principle to the creation of novels, poems and plays. Such as Notre Dame de Paris, is a huge contrast to beauty and ugliness contrast, appearance and heart, and show the writer emotion.



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