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1、,Chinese Traditional Marriage Culture,2020/7/8,copyright 2006 All Rights Reserved,2,主要内容,汉族婚姻风俗的简要介绍 汉族婚姻风俗六个主要元素的评析 (1)说媒 (2)定亲 (3)聘礼 (4)迎娶 (5)拜堂 (6)喝交杯酒 总结,2020/7/8,copyright 2006 All Rights Reserved,3,汉族婚姻风俗的简要介绍,早在春秋战国时期即已形成一套完整的礼仪,即“纳彩”、“问名”、“纳吉”、“纳征”、“请期”、“亲迎”等,称之为“六礼”(Proposal,Birthdates,Brid

2、e price,Wedding gifts,Arranging the wedding,Wedding Ceremony)。 传统的中国婚礼仪式现在包括6个必备元素,说媒、定亲、聘礼、迎娶、拜堂、喝交杯酒。,2020/7/8,copyright 2006 All Rights Reserved,4,说媒:proposal second to both parents and the third to each other。,2020/7/8,copyright 2006 All Rights Reserved,9,喝交杯酒:drinking wedlock wine,喝交杯酒是成婚的标识性步骤

3、,即夫妻双方手持酒杯相交饮酒的仪式。 此译法较准确的传达了其内涵,但是夫妻双方手臂交叉这一独特的设计似乎就没有传达出来 因为,我们提倡加注的方法,即译为 drinking wedlock wine(the couple drink the wine with their hands crossed)。,2020/7/8,copyright 2006 All Rights Reserved,10,Bridal sedan chair,Embroide red shoes,Red endshield,2020/7/8,copyright 2006 All Rights Reserved,12,Re

4、d double happiness,This big red flower is used to combine the bride and bridegroom.,peanuts, red dates, lotus seed, oranges,2020/7/8,copyright 2006 All Rights Reserved,14,1.Show-Bridal sedan chair parked in front of the bridegrooms house to show to theneighbors 2.Send- the groom arrived the brides h

5、ome to marry the bride to bridal sedan chair 3.Begin-all people start to go to the grooms house with the sound of gong and drum 4.Jolting the palanquin in the midway intend to block evil. 5.The floor is full of red carpets and the bride shoes can not touch the ground. 6.Shoot universe to pray for he

6、avenly blessing: shoot ground representing enduring as the universe: shoot the far end manes hope and happiness,Ancient Chinese wedding programs,2020/7/8,copyright 2006 All Rights Reserved,15,7.Getting across the brazier to represent the day flourishing 8.Cross the saddle: apples meaning peace 9.Cha

7、pel: fist, worship of heaven and earth; two, worshiped diocese; third, husband and wife worship each other. 10.Lift off-The bridegroom uses the steelyard to pick up the brides veil 11.Drink a toast- it symbolizes that the couple has become an entia. 12.Present a cup of tea and then call parents. 13.

8、 Enter the bridal chamber: present the dates and chestnut, meaning having a baby earlier.,Ancient Chinese wedding programs,2020/7/8,copyright 2006 All Rights Reserved,16,Ancient Chinese wedding customs,1、三书:按照中国传统的礼法,三书指的是礼聘过程中来往的文书,包括“聘书”订亲之书,在订婚时交换;“礼书”礼物清单,当中祥列礼物种类及数量,过大礼时交换;“迎书” 迎娶新娘之书,结婚当日接新娘过门

9、时用。 Three: according to Chinese traditional etiquette, Three refers to the recruitment process and instruments, including- The contract it is the engagement book to exchange at the time of engagement; “Present list- a gift list which contains the type and quantity of gifts in detail, exchanged when

10、count the dowry; Welcoming book the book of marrying the bride, it is used when the bride comes in.,2020/7/8,copyright 2006 All Rights Reserved,17,2、六礼:是指由求亲到说媒到迎娶,完婚的手续。分别为“纳采”俗称说媒;“问名”俗称合八字;“纳吉”婚事初步议定;“纳征”又称过大礼,男方选定吉日到女方家举行订婚大礼;“请期”择吉日完婚;“亲迎”婚礼当天,男方带迎书亲自到女方家迎娶新娘。 Six:it refers the process from pro

11、posal to finish the wedding. Including- “produced - commonly known as marriage; ask - commonly known as horoscopes; Nugget - marriage initially agreed; Present - the man selected an auspicious day to the brides family to have the marriage ceremony; Please select an auspicious day to finish the marri

12、age; Welcome” -on the day of the wedding, the bridegroom goes to the brides family with the welcoming book to marry the bride.,2020/7/8,copyright 2006 All Rights Reserved,18,3、安床:在婚礼前数天,选一良辰吉日,在新床上将被褥,床单铺好,再铺上龙凤被,被上撒各式喜果,如花生,红枣,桂圆,莲子等,意喻新人早生贵子,一种吉祥之意。 Before the wedding, choose an auspicious occasio

13、n to put on bedclothes, sheets in a new bed and then put on the dragon phoenix bedding. All kinds of candies, such as peanuts, red dates, longan, lotus seed, mean having a lovely baby early, an auspicious meaning.,2020/7/8,copyright 2006 All Rights Reserved,19,4、闹洞房:早时规定,新郎的同辈兄弟可以闹新房,老人们认为“新人不闹不发,越闹

14、越发,”婚后如意吉祥。 The bridal chamber: early provisions, the bridegroom peer brothers can trouble in the bridal chamber. Old people think newcomers have to make a shock, more shock, more wealth, it means smooth going and happy life.,2020/7/8,copyright 2006 All Rights Reserved,20,5、嫁妆:女方家里的陪送,是女方家庭地位和财富和象征。

15、嫁妆最迟在婚礼前一天送至夫家。嫁妆险了衣服饰品之外,主要是一些象征好兆头的东西,也随各地风俗的不同而不同。 The dowry: the womans family escort, it is the womans family status and wealth and symbol. The dowries must be sent into the husbands family the day before the wedding. The dowries contain clothing accessories and mainly some good symbol things w

16、ith the customs varying.,2020/7/8,copyright 2006 All Rights Reserved,21,6、上头:男女双方都要旱灾行的婚前仪式。也是择定良辰吉日,男女在各自的家中由梳头婆梳头,一面梳,一面要大声说:一梳梳到尾,二梳梳到白发齐眉,三梳梳到儿孙满地,四梳梳到四条银笋尽标齐。 Both men and women will have the marriage ceremony before the wedding. Also choose an auspicious occasion, men and women are combed by an old woman in their homes and speaking loud: first comb to the hair tail; second comb, third comb to mean having more grandchildren,2020/7/



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