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1、How to say “NO” politely Good morning, everyone. Today my topic is :How to say “No” politely. The word “No” is very easy to read .However, sometimes it is really difficult to say No to others. Just as Steve Jobs said: “Youve got to say No, No, No and when you say No you piss off people.” Thats why s

2、aying No in the right way is crucial. Now, lets talk about how to say no politely. Here, there are six simple ways for you to say No politely that we may all know or once used .Use the method that can best meets your need in situation. First, if you dont have time, you can say “I cant commit to this

3、 as I have other priorities at the moment. How about we reconnect at X time.”If you are too busy to engage in the request, this will be applicable. This lets person know you are busy at this time, so he/she should hold off on this request.Second, if you have other things to do, you can say “Id love

4、to do this, but.” Someone often use this as its a gentle way of breaking no to others. It lets person know you like the idea and theres nothing wrong with it. Just as you have other things to do.Third, if we dont have an idea, you can say “Let me think about it first and Ill get back to you.” This i

5、s more like a “maybe” than a straight out “no”. If you are interested in it , but you dont want to say “yes ”just yet, use this.Fourth, if you dont want to say no this time, you can say “This doesnt meet my needs now, but Ill keep you in mind.” If someone is pitching a deal to you, you can use it. I

6、t helps as the person knows theres nothing wrong with what he/she is offering. It signals you are open to future opportunities.Fifth, if you are being asked for help with something which you cant do yourself, but you know other people can do it. You can say:“Im not the best person to help on this. W

7、hy dont you try X?” In this way you can help steer the person to the right place.Sixth, you can tell the truth. If you really cant do something, you can just say so. Sometimes, this is the best way to say “NO” politely.No is perhaps the most important and certainly the most powerful word in the language .Learn to say no politely and youll get more time for yourself. Youll be happy when you start doing it. Thank you!



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