【创新设计】2012届高考英语复习 第一部分 Unit5 Music练习 新人教版必修2.doc

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1、Unit5 Music(30分钟限时训练).完形填空On Monday at 235 p.m.,a bus full of passengers was going to Bungalow.It was so 1 that you had to struggle even to get room to stand 2 about a seat.At one stop,an old lady 3the bus.She looked tired and I thought she was not 4also.After a few minutes,her 5 were shaking slight

2、ly.She was looking around to find a 6.She asked a few guys to let her sit because she had a problem of arthritis (关节炎)in her knees.7responded to her positively,so she was feeling helpless.I noticed she was facing a lot of 8 and she was trying to hide it but did not 9.I was thinking of giving her my

3、seat,but was fighting in my mind about why I should give her my seat.I 10it myself:Because she is old and its my duty to help her.But I 11 that this is Mumbai (孟买),where to help anybody may be dangerous.I was hesitating (犹豫)about it.Before I asked the lady to take my seat,an old man stood and 12 her

4、 his seat.The man,who traveled his rest journey standing,had only one leg.I found myself in an ocean of 13 and guiltwhy didnt I help her?My journey ended but I still regretted that I wasted my time in thinking when it was the right thing to do.Now I 14 travel by bus and have decided to never waste t

5、ime in thinking to help anybody whatever it results in.I will help although it is 15to actually do.语篇解读:面对一位患有腿疾的老人,作者为是否给她让座而犹豫不决,结果错过了提供帮助的机会。这让他至今懊悔不已。1.A.broken B.crowdedC.small D.slow解析:上句提到车内挤满了乘客,由此推知,此处意思是车内非常拥挤(crowded),以至于很难找到立足之地。答案:B2.A.forget B.talkC.worry D.know解析:人们连站的地方都没有,更别妄想有个座位了。

6、forget在此意为“不再想,不再考虑的可能性”。答案:A3.A.got off B.broke intoC.came on D.looked for解析:句意:公交车停了,上来(came on)一位老太太。答案:C4.A.clever B.prettyC.selfish D.well解析:从她看上去很疲惫及下文提到的arthritis可推知,她身体也不好(well)。答案:D5.A.hands B.legsC.ears D.shoulders解析:从下文she had a problem of arthritis in her knees 可推知此处选legs。答案:B6.A.stick B

7、.ticketC.support D.place解析:她环顾了一下四周想找个地方(place)坐。答案:D7.A.Nobody B.SomebodyC.All D.Neither解析:由本句末helpless可推知,对于她的求助无人(Nobody)作出积极的回应。答案:A8.A.damage B.pressureC.pain D.anger解析:既然她有关节炎,那么站立的时间长了,她肯定很疼痛(pain)。答案:C9.A.lie B.agreeC.admit D.succeed解析:句意:她想掩饰这种疼痛,但是最后实在是忍受不住了。此处用did not succeed表示她未能做到。答案:D1

8、0.A.answered B.askedC.refused D.suggested解析:从上文why I should give her my seat和下文Because后的内容可推知,此处选answered。答案:A11.A.introduced B.noticedC.feared D.heard解析:从作者想提供帮助但又犹豫不决的态度可推知,他担心这样做会带来什么后果。故feared符合语境。答案:C12.A.passed B.offeredC.showed D.found解析:句意:我还没来得及(Before)给她让座,一位老者站起来把自己的座位让给了(offered)她。答案:B13

9、.A.hope B.fearC.shame D.sadness解析:与本空后的guilt构成了并列,此时,“我”感到非常地羞愧(shame)难当。答案:C14.A.even B.stillC.never D.ever解析:文章讲述的故事发生在乘公交车时,再结合后半句话中and一词可推知,此处still符合语境。答案:B15.A.more beneficial B.more dangerousC.harder D.easier解析:从文章所讲述的故事可看出,一个人在想要为处于困境中的人伸出援助之手时,有时也不容易。本文作者在经历这件事情之后,尽管意识到这实际上有点难(harder),但还是计划多

10、帮助别人。答案:C.语法填空Maybe you never opened that account,but someone else 16 someone used your name,your credit card number or 17 (person) information to commit fraud(造假)without letting you know,18 is actually a crime.The biggest problem is 19 (probable) that you may not know that someone has taken away yo

11、ur identity 20 you notice that something is wrong.You may get bills for 21 credit card account you never opened.Your credit report may include debts you never knew you had,22 you may see charges on your bills that you didnt sign for.If your identity 23 (steal) like that,the Federal Trade Commission

12、(FTC)suggests that you should take at least two actions immediately.First,contact the fraud departments of the major credit offices and ask them 24 copies of your credit reports.Then,review your reports carefully 25 (check)your information.16.解析:指代前面的opened。答案:did17.解析:personal information个人信息。答案:pe

13、rsonal18.解析:此处which引导非限制性定语从句。答案:which19.解析:probably是副词,意为“可能”。答案:probably20.解析:这里的意思是“直到你意识到事情不对时你才知道有人盗用了你的账号”。答案:until21.解析:你可能收到你从没有启用的信用卡的账单。答案:a22.解析:表示选择,前后表示的是两种不同的情况。答案:or23.解析:这里表示被动。答案:is stolen24.解析:ask sb.for sth.向某人要。答案:for25.解析:此处用不定式作目的状语。答案:to check.阅读理解AWe once had a poster competition in our fifth grade art class.“You could win prizes,” our teacher told us as she wrote the



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