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1、 suit v.sut( suits; suited; suiting ) 双解释义 vt.适合于 look attractive on (sb) vt. & vi.对方便,中的意 be convenient for or acceptable to (sb) vt.对合适或有利 be right or beneficial for (sb/sth) 基本要点1.suit的基本意思是“适合于”,可指整体衣着搭配及颜色与肤色的协调,也可指时间、价格、计划、工作等合适。suit还可作“对方便,中的意”“对合适或有利”解,作“对合适或有利”解时,常用于否定句。2.suit可用作不及物动词,也可用作及

2、物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词或代词作宾语。 词汇搭配 +名词 suit landscape与景色相适合 suit ones plans适合某人的计划 suit ones tastes适合某人的喜好 suit the needs of modernization适应现代化的需要 +副词 suit quite非常适合 suit well完全适合 suit admirably极好地相配 suit beautifully极好地相配 suit definitely明确地相配 suit exactly恰当地相配 suit logically合乎逻辑地相配 suit peculiarly特别相配 suit

3、 perfectly完全适合 suit precisely恰好相配 suit rationally合理相配 suit simply简单地相配 suit specifically特有地相配 suit superbly极好地相配 suit up穿上制服 +介词 suit for适合做 suit to使与相适合,相符或相称,适合于,中(某人)意 suit the punishment to a crime使罪罚相当 suit with与协调,相称 常用短语suit oneself随自己的意愿行事 do as one likesIt doesnt matter to me where you sit;

4、 suit yourself!坐在哪儿都行,请自便!suit to(v.+prep.)suit sb/sth to sb/sth1.使与相适合相符、相称 make sth fit or match sthYou have to suit your spending to your income.你必须让你的收支相符。You must suit the garment to the cloth.衣服样式和面料应相配。Take care to suit the punishment to the crime.注意要以罪量刑。A good teacher suits his lessons to t

5、he age of his pupils.一个好老师的教学内容要与其学生的年龄相适应。2.适合于; 中(某人)意 have the right qualities to become sth such as a position or to please sb 常用于be ed结构Jim and Mary seem suited to each other, in spite of their quarrels.吉姆和玛丽虽然常争吵,可两人看起来很相投。Some people are simply not suited to the competitive world.有些人完全不适应这充满竞

6、争的世界。Do you think David is suited to teaching?你觉得大卫适合当教员吗?suit up(v.+adv.)主美穿上制服 put on special clothing, as for worksuit upWhen youve suited up, come into the machine room.穿好工作服到机房来。suit with(v.+prep.)与协调相称 match sth well说明 suit with通常不用于进行体,也不用于被动结构。suit with sthDoes the job suit with his experien

7、ce?他的经历适于这一工作吗?The hours of work dont suit with his lifestyle.工作时间与他的起居方式不合。 句型例句用作不及物动词S+(+A)Will that time suit?那个时间合适吗?These prices dont suit.这些价格不合适。用作及物动词S+n./pron.Does this skirt suit me?这裙子我穿着合身吗?That colour doesnt suit your complexion.那颜色不适合你的肤色。Blue suits her very well,I think.我认为蓝色对她很合适。If

8、 you want to go by train, that suits me fine.你要是想坐火车去,那对我很方便。Its difficult to find a time that suits everybody.要找个对每个人都合适的时间很困难。That arrangement will suit me quite well.这样的安排对我很合适。I dont know what profession would suit me.我不知道什么职业适合于我。The architecture of the house should suit the rugged landscape.这房

9、子的建筑风格应适合那种丘陵的景色。Methods of management operation should also be changed to suit the needs of modernization.管理方法也得改变一下以适应现代化的需要。The changes did not suit his plans.这些变动不合他的计划。This climate doesnt suit me.这种气候对我很不适合。Very spicy food doesnt suit her stomach.太辣的东西她吃了胃不舒服。It s/ed+n./pron.+to-vIt doesnt suit

10、 her to have her hair cut short.她不适合剪短发。How would it suit me to be a bus-driver?我当个公共汽车司机合适吗?It doesnt suit a woman to work on the night shift.妇女上夜班不合适。 词语辨异suit, fit参见fit条。 正误解析这顶红色的帽子不适合她。误 She is not suited by the red cap.正 The red cap does not suit her.析 suit作“相配”解时,不可用在被动结构中。 学习参考be suited tofo

11、r表示“适合,适宜于”时,该短语中的to既可用作介词,后接介词宾语; 也可用作动词不定式符号,后接动词原形(其中的suited用作形容词)。例如:他不适合当老师。He is not suited to the teaching profes-sion.He is not suited to be a teacher.He is not suited for a teacher.He is not suited for teaching.He is not suited forto a post of teacher. 补充资料同义词n. action, appeal, case, cause;

12、 clothes, clothing, coat, costume, dressv. accommodate, adapt, adjust, agree, fit, modify, please反义词v. clash, displease词源 中古英语sute(控诉,诉颂,一套衣服)古法语suite民间拉丁语sequitasequere(跟随,适合) suit n.sut( suits ) 双解释义 C一套衣服 a set of clothes made of the same material, usually including a short coatjacket with trouse

13、rs or a skirt C诉讼案件; 法律程序 case in a lawcourt; legal proceedings 基本要点1.suit通常用作可数名词,基本意思是“一套衣服”,通常指用同一料子做成的男子的短上衣和裤子或女子的短上衣和裙子。也可指为进行某活动而准备的“套装”,此时常用于构成复合词如太空服(a spacesuit)。2.suit有时也可指组成一副纸牌的“四种花色的牌中的任何一种”,即黑桃、红桃、梅花或方块,常用于follow suit短语中表示“跟出同样花色的牌”,引申可表示“跟着做,照着做”,其中suit只能用单数形式。3.suit还可作“诉讼案件”“法律程序”解,

14、在正式文体中还可表示“(向权威人物,尤其是当权者提出的)请求或恳求”。 词汇搭配 动词+ make a suit制一套衣服 order a suit订一套衣服 put on a suit穿上西装 take off a suit脱掉西装 try on a suit试穿一套衣服 bring a suit against sb 控告某人 conduct a suit起诉 enter a suit起诉 file a suit起诉 gain a suit胜诉 institute a suit against sb 控告某人 lose a suit败诉 press a suit坚持诉讼 win a suit胜诉 follow suit跟牌,仿照前人的办法跟着做 have a suit to对有所求 press ones suit强行求婚 形容词+ striped suit一套条子衣服 everyday suit便服 civil suit民事诉讼 s



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