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1、杨村一中2016-2017高三年级第二学期第二次月考英 语 试 卷第I卷 选择题(共95分)第一部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第1节 :单项填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1. Sorry, Sir. I cant remember all the new words we learn every day._. Practice more.A. Im afraid notB. You are not alone C. Its hard to say D. All right2. We urge _extreme ca

2、ution in _use of this medicine, which has not been officially approved yet.A. an; theB. an; 不填C. 不填; theD. 不填; 不填3. His _ of life has changed a lot since the experience he had in Africa three years ago.A. view B. attitude C. sight D. altitude4My friends thought they had made things very smooth for m

3、e, but I felt there was still much to _ with.A. wrestleB. compromiseC. associateD. stress5. Chinese eat _ vegetables per person today as they did in 1990.A. more than twiceB. as twice as many C. twice as many asD. more than twice as many6. It is reported that more than half of _surveyed on the websi

4、te say they are content with their current life.A. whomB. themC. onesD. those7. Frito-Lay is the biggest snack maker in America owned by Pesi Co and _ over half of the parent companys yearly profits.A. depends on B. accounts forC. allows for D. holds on8. Mike, the results are _ with our earlier res

5、earch.Fantastic! Thats what weve been expecting.A. apparentB. sustainableC. concreteD. consistent9Victor apologized for _ to inform me of the change in the plan.A. his being not able B. him not to be able C. his not being able D. him to be not able10. I have got a headache. No wonder. You _ in front

6、 of the computer too long.A. workB. are working C. workedD. have been working11. Have you heard that our primary school will be torn down next year? Really? I suppose it is such bad news _ most of its former and present students will feel upset about.A. thatB. whichC. asD. what12. _ the Internet is

7、bridging the distance between people, it may also be breaking some home or will cause other family problems.A. WhenB. WhileC. IfD. As13_ the danger of traveling on the lonely island, they would not be trapped now.A. Have they been informed ofB. Were they informed ofC. Should they be informed of D. H

8、ad they been informed of14. A warm thought suddenly came to me _ I might use the pocket money to buy some flowers for my mothers birthday.A. ifB. whenC. thatD. which15. Ive nothing on me except this ten yuan to donate, Im afraid. Never mind. _. We really appreciate your assistance.A. Every little he

9、lpsB. The more, the betterC. Its better to give than to receiveD. No one is perfect第二节:完形填空(共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)Jamess New BicycleJames shook his money box again. Nothing! He carefully _16_ the coins that lay on the bed. $24.52 was all that he had. The bicycle he wanted was at least $90! _17_ on ear

10、th was he going to get the _18_ of the money?He knew that his friends all had bicycles. It was _19_ to hang around with people when you were the only one without wheels. He thought about what he could do. There was no _20_ asking his parents, for he knew they had no money to _21_.There was only one

11、way to get money, and that was to _22_ it. He would have to find a job. _23_ who would hire him and what could he do? He decided to ask Mr. Clay for advice, who usually had _24_ on most things.“Well, you can start right here,” said Mr. Clay. “My windows need cleaning and my car needs washing.” That

12、was the _25_ of Jamess odd-job(零工) business. For three months he worked every day after finishing his homework. He was amazed by the _26_ of jobs that people found for him to do. He took dogs and babies for walks, cleared out cupboards, and mended books. He lost count of the _27_ of cars he washed a

13、nd windows he cleaned, but the _28_ increased and he knew that he would soon have _29_ for the bicycle he longed for. The day _30_ came when James counted his money and found $94.32. He _31_ no time and went down to the shop to pick up the bicycle he wanted. He rode _32_ home, looking forward to sho

14、wing his new bicycle to his friends. It had been hard _33_ for the money, but James knew that he valued his bicycle far more _34_ he had bought it with his own money. He had _35_what he thought was impossible, and that was worth even more than the bicycle.16. A. cleaned B. covered C. counted D. checked17. A. How B. Why C. Who D. What18. A. amount B. part C. sum D. rest19. A. brave B. hard C. smart D. unfair20. A. point B. reason C. result D. right21. A. split B. spend C. spare D. save22. A. borrow B. earn C. raise D


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