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1、Modulel 第3课时教案一、教学内容Module l Unit 2 Its at the station.1. Listen, point and say.2. Listen and say.3. Read and match. Then say.二、教学目标1. 能够正确听、说、朗读句型Where is ? Hes Its 2. 能够正确听、说、认读单词hill, house, station, train, up, down, near。3. 能够听懂、会说、会表演对话的内容,并在真实场景中运用所学语言进行真实交流。4在对话交流中养成用英语交流的习惯,培养良好的语音、语调和语感。三、重

2、点难点重点:词汇hill, house, station, train, up, down, near。难点:灵活运用方位介词up, down, near。四、教学准备客媒体课件、音频、导学案、路标图片。五、教学设计Step 1 Warming up播放动画片托马斯和他的朋友们片段:T: Do you like Thomas? Today, lets follow Thomas to visit Dodo Island.(你们喜欢托马斯吗?今天,让我们跟随托马斯一起去多多岛上参观一下吧!)设计意图:师生共同观看动画视频,这调动了学生学习的积极性,活跃了课堂气氛,同时也为新课引入创设了强档的情境

3、。Step 2 Presentation1. Word teaching.(单词教学)a. 教师展示多多岛图片。T: What can you see in the picture?Ss: 火车,小山,房屋,车站。教师出示单词卡,教授新词train, hill, house/houses, station。Chant:(1) Train, train, its a train.(2) Hill, hill, this is a hill.(3) House, house, theyre houses.(4) Station, station, at the station.通过老师领读、学生个

4、别读、集体读等方式反复操练,检查学生对单词的熟练程度。(在指图认读单词的过程中,认读到train“火车”时,教师伺机讲解号火车我们可以说“Train 1”,2号、3号、4号火车 )设计意图:通过展示图片让学生认识新授单词,在识词的过程中让学生习得单词的自然拼读的能力。同时在操练环节中,教师以chant的形式进行操练巩固,在巩固新知的同时,激发了学生学习英语的兴趣。2. Text learning.(课文学习)T:认识了岛上的景物后,我们就跟着托马斯开始参观吧!a. 教师出示单词卡up,贴在1号火车上,并作出费力上山的动作,引导学生跟读。Up, up, up the hill, its up t

5、he hill.T: Wheres Train 1? Its up the hill.(号火车在哪里?它在上山。)b. 教师出示单词卡down, 贴在2号火车上,并作出缓慢下山的动作,引导学生跟读。Down, down, down the hill, its down the hill.T:Wheres Train 2? Its down the hill. (二号火车在哪里?它在下山。)c. 教师出示单词卡near,贴在3号火车上,并将火车开到房屋附近,引导学生跟读。Near, near, near the house, its near the house.T:Wheres Train 3

6、? Its near the house.(三号火车在哪里?它在房屋附近。)d. 教师出示单词卡at,贴在4号火车上,并将火车开进车站,引导学生跟读。At, at, at the station, its at the station.T: Wheres Train 4? Its at the station.设计意图:通过展示、观察图片的形式呈现本课文本,有意让学生整体感知,然后以小短句为单位,进行句句突破。3. Play the tape,and the students read after it (在读的过程中要注意个别单词的发音,可以采用集体读、分组读等方法操练会话内容。)T: 你们

7、真是太棒了!接下来我们就做一些练习,看看谁掌握得又快又好。练习一:请把听到的句子和图片搭配起来,你听到的句子是图几?教师示图:1. The car is down the hill (Picture 3)2. The car is at the station. (Picture 4)3. The car is near the houses. (Picture 2)4. The car is up the hill. (Picture 1)练习二:听录音给图编号。教师示图:1. The train is at the station (Picture 2)2. The train is ne

8、ar the park. (Picture 3)3. The train is up the hill. (Picture 4)4. The train is down the hill. (Picture 1)Step 3 Consolidation1. Say and do.(你说我做)由一个学生来说本节课学习的短语或者句子,另一个学生表演出相应的动作。Eg: Sl: The train is down the hillS2: 做出火车上山的动作。Make sentences.(造句)学生运用本节课学习的单词或短语造句。eg: Thomas is at the station. 托马斯在车

9、站里。Step 4 Summing up & HomeworkSumming up:T: 同学们,今天托马斯带我们参观了多多岛的哪些地方呢?他又是怎么带领我们参观的呢?哪位同学能上来给大家演示一遍呢?(通过情景再现,总结本节课所学习的重点内容,并起到巩固作用)这节课我的收获是:_这节课我的不足是:_Homework:1. Listen and recite the dialogue. 听录音并侧对话。2. Finish the relevant workbook cxercises. 完成课堂检测中的相关习题。3. Make a new dialogue according to this l

10、esson and act it out. 结合本课学习内容创编一个新对话并将其表演出来。六、板书设计Unit 2 Its at the station.up the hill Where is ?down the hill Its at the station near the house七、回顾总结小结本课所学介词及介词短语:beside, near, next to都可以表示“在旁边,在附近,靠近”的的意思。区别在于:near表示“靠近,在旁边”,距离稍微远一些。Eg: I live near the park.我住在公园附近。beside表示“在的旁边,靠近”,距离稍微近一些。Eg: There is a book beside the pen钢笔旁边有一本书。next to表示“与相邻,紧挨着”,距离更近。Eg: The bedroom is next to the bathroom. 卧室紧挨着浴室。


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