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1、(培训体系)2020年C无损检测人员培训大纲(培训体系)2020年C无损检测人员培训大纲NDE Personnel Training Program无损检测人员培训大纲0REV.NO. 修订号Prepared By编 制Date日 期Reviewed By审 核Date日 期Approved By批 准Date日 期Training Program for NDE Personnel无损检测人员NDE培训大纲Radiographic Testing Method (RT)射线照相检测方法(RT)(RT-Training Course Outline-Tc-1) (RT NDE培训大纲 -TC-

2、1)For Level RTRT 级人员A、 Radiographic Equipment Operating and Emergency Instructions Course射线设备操作和防护措施1 Personnel Monitoring人员受照剂量监控1.1 Wearing of Monitoring Badges佩带剂量计1.2 Reading of Pocket Dosimeters袖珍剂量计测读1.3 Recording of Daily Dosimeter Readings日常剂量计测读记录1.4 “Off-scale” Dosimeter-Action Required“标度

3、”剂量仪实际要求1.5 Permissible Exposure Limits受照容许限值2 Survey Instruments 监测仪器2.1 Type of Radiation Instruments辐射计测仪类型 2.2 Reading and Interpreting Meter Indications仪器指示值读评2.3 Calibration Frequency 校验频率2.4 Calibration Expiration-Action 期后校准-作用2.5 Battery Check-Importance 电池校准- 重要性3 Leak Testing of Sealed Ra

4、dioactive Sources 密封放射源的泄漏试验3.1 Requirements for Leak Testing 泄漏检查要求3.2 Purpose of Leak Testing 泄漏检查目的3.3 Performance of Leak Testing泄漏检查操作4 Radiation Survey Reports 辐射监测方案4.1 Requirements for Completion 完成监测工作的要求4.2 Description of Report Format 方案格式说明5 Radiographic Work Practices 射线照相操作5.1 Establis

5、hment of Restricted Areas 禁区的设定5.2 Posting and Surveillance of restricted Areas 禁区的标志和监测5.3 Use of Time, Distance, and Shielding to Reduce Personnel Radiation Exposure 用时间、距离及屏蔽法减少人员照射量5.4 Applicable Regulatory Requirements for Surveys, Posting, and Control of Radiation and High Radiation Areas. 辐射和

6、强辐射区的监测标志和控制的管理制度6 Exposure Devices 辐射设备6.1 Daily Inspection and Maintenance 辐射设备的日常检查和维护6.2 The radiation and exposure limitation of the Gamma-Ray exposure device 源曝光装置的辐射曝光限制6.3 Identification of the exposure device 曝光装置的标识6.4 Use of Collimators to Reduce Personnel Exposure 用准直器减少人员受辐照量7 Regulatio

7、ns 辐射防护法规7.1 License Reciprocity 放射工作许可证7.2 Qualification Requirements for Radiography Personnel 射线照相人员的资格评定要求7.3 Regulatory Requirements for X-Ray Machines (State & Federal as Applicable) X射线机管理要求1 * 2 *Total Hours of Instruction this Course (A) 5hr 5hr大纲 A 培训学时 5 小时 5 小时B、Basic Radiographic Physic

8、s Course 射线照相物理基础1 Introduction 引言1.1 History and Discovery of Radioactive Materials放射性材料的发现和简史1.2 Definition of Industrial Radiography工业射线照相的定义1.3 Radiation Protection辐射保护为什么?1.4 Basic Math Review, Exponents, Square Root, Etc 基本数学复习:指数、平方根等。2 Fundamental Properties of Matter. 物质的基本性质2.1 Elements an

9、d Atoms 元素和原子2.2 Molecules and Compounds 分子和化合物2.3 Atomic Particles-Properties of Protons, Electrons, and Neutrons 原子粒子-质子、电子和核子的性质2.4 Atomic Structure 原子结构2.5 Atomic Number and Weight原子序数和重量2.6 Isotope VS. Radioisotope 同位素及放射性同位素的比较3 Radioactive Materials 放射性材料3.1 Production放射性的产生3.1.1 Neutron acti

10、vation 中子活性3.1.2 Nuclear fission 核裂变3.2 Stable VS Unstable (Radioactive) Atoms 稳态和非稳态放射性的原子比较3.3 Curie-the Unit of Activity 居里:放射性单位3.4 Half-life of Radioactive Materials 放射性材料的半衰期3.5 Plotting of Radioactive Decay 放射线衰变曲线3.6Specific Activity-Curies/Gram 放射性比活度 :Ci/g4 Types of Radiation 辐射类型4.1 Parti

11、culate Radiation-Properties: Alpha, Beta, Neutron 微粒辐射性能:、中子4.2 Electromagnetic Radiation-X-Ray, Gamma-Ray 电磁辐射:X射线、射线4.3 X-Ray Production X射线产生4.4 Gamma-Ray Production 射线产生4.5 Gamma-Ray Energy 射线能量4.6 Energy Characteristics of Common Radioisotope Sources 常用放射性同位素源的能量特征4.7 Energy Characteristics of

12、X-Ray Machines X射线机的能量特性5 Interaction of Radiation with matter 辐射和物质的相互作用5.1 Ionization 电离作用5.2 Radiation Interaction with Matter 射线和物质的相互作用5.2.1 Photoelectric effect 光电效应5.2.2 Compton scattering 康普顿散射5.2.3 Pair production电子对产生5.3 Unit of Radiation Exposure-the Roentgen 辐射曝光单位:伦琴5.4 Emissivity of Co

13、mmonly used Radiographic Sources 常用射线照相源的辐射能力5.5 Emissivity of X-Ray Exposure Devices X射线曝光装置的辐射能力5.6 Attenuation and Shielding of Electromagnetic Radiation 电磁辐射衰减和屏蔽5.7 Half Value Layers; Tenth Value Layers 半值层;1/10值层5.8 Inverse-Square Law 平方反比律6 Biological Effects of Radiation 辐射生物效应6.1 “Natural”

14、Background Radiation “天然”背景辐射6.2 The Unit of Radiation Dose-Rem 辐射剂量单位雷姆6.3 The Difference between Radiation and Contamination 辐射和污染间的差异6.4 Allowable Personnel-Exposure Limits and the Accumulated Dose 人体允许的辐射剂量和累积剂量6.5 Theory of Allowable Dose 允许剂量的理论6.6 Radiation Damage-Repair Concept 辐射损伤:恢复原理6.7 Symptoms of Radiation Injury 辐射损伤的症状6.8 Acute Radiation Exposure and Somatic Injury 强烈的照射量和身体损伤6.9 Personnel Monitoring for Trackin



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