2013年9大“最敢说”的CEO .pdf

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1、Strongest CEO stands of 2013 2013 年9大 最敢说 的CEO 苹果公司首席执行官蒂姆 库克 立场 为 LGBT 指同性恋 双性恋和 变性人 群体争取工作权益 雇主因种族 肤色 性别 国籍 宗教 年龄或残疾而歧视员工属于违法行为 但美 国多数州至今依然不保护LGBT群体的工作权 益 苹果公司CEO 蒂姆 库克希望消除这种差 异 11月份 库克在 华尔街日报 Wall Street Journal 评论版对页发表了题为 平 等就业对企业有益 Workplace Equality Is Good for Business 的文章 敦促联邦立法 以免就业者因性取向而受到

2、歧视 他在文章中写道 促进公平和多样性 的保护措施不应该把个人的性取向排除在 外 有些人不得不在工作时隐瞒自己的这些 特征 这种现象已经存在了太长的时间 而 且已经影响了太多的人 这篇文章发表后 美国参议院很快投票 通过了 反就业歧视法 Employment Non Discrimination Act 这样 在工作中 歧视 LGBT群体也有可能成为违法行为 这项 法案即将提交众议院审议 Apple CEO Tim Cook Stand Apple CEO Tim Cook fought for workplace protection for the LGBT community It is

3、 already illegal for employers to discriminate on the basis of race color sex nationality religion age or disability But a majority of states still don t provide protection to LGBT individuals in the workplace Apple AAPL Fortune 500 CEO Tim Cook wants to put an end to this discrepancy In a November

4、Wall Street Journal op ed entitled Workplace Equality Is Good for Business Cook urged the passing of a federal law to protect workers from discrimination based on sexual orientation Protections that promote equality and diversity should not be conditional on someone s sexual orientation he wrote For

5、 too long too many people have had to hide that part of their identity in the workplace Shortly after Cook s op ed the Senate voted to approve the Employment Non Discrimination Act which would make it illegal to discriminate against LGBT employees in the workplace The legislation will now be sent to

6、 the House for consideration 可口可乐首席执行官穆泰康 立场 呼吁进行移民改革 可口可乐 CEO 穆泰康是第一代美国移民 同时也是业界的领袖人物 他认为移民改革 对企业有好处 2月份 他在 今日美国 USA Today 的评论版对页文章中表示 他庆幸自 Coca Cola CEO Muhtar Kent Stand Coca Cola CEO Muhtar Kent called for immigration reform Coca Cola KO Fortune 500 Chief Executive Muhtar Kent thinks as both a f

7、irst generation American as well as a 己能够在美国生活 而且他认为其他外国创 业者也应该获得同样的机会 穆泰康写道 他支持移民改革的原因是移民 是这个伟大 国家进步基石的关键组成部分 我们必须让 决心来到美国 同时又拥有高超技能的人更 容易在这里生存和生活下去 business leader that immigration reform is good for business Kent outlined in a February USA Today op ed how lucky he felt to be able to make his life

8、 in the U S and his belief that foreign entrepreneurs should have the same opportunity The CEO wrote that he supports immigration reform because immigration is an essential part of the growth calculus for this great country We need to make it easier for committed highly skilled people to make their

9、lives and livelihoods here he added 联想首席执行官杨元庆 立场 和员工分享 300万美元奖金 美国公司高管的薪酬不断上升 收入差 距越拉越大 在这种情况下 看到一位不光 关心自身收入的CEO 不禁让人眼前一亮 9月 份 联想首席执行官杨元庆宣布 他将连续 第二年和大约 1万名联想员工分享他的奖金 数额至少为 300万美元 他做出这个慷慨决定 的原因是这家个人电脑制造商的年度销售额 创下了历史新高 据彭博新闻 Bloomberg News 报道 参与 分成 的联想员工获得 的奖金大约相当于中国普通城镇就业者一个 月的收入 Lenovo CEO Yang Yua

10、nqing Stand Lenovo CEO Yang Yuanqing shared his 3 million bonus with workers With executive compensation in the U S rising and the income gap only getting bigger it s refreshing to see a CEO who cares about more than his own paycheck Lenovo LNVGF Chief Executive Yang Yuanqing announced in September

11、for the second year in a row that he would share at least 3 million of his bonus with roughly 10 000 of his workers The generous decision was a product of the personal computer maker s record sales that year The average worker payout is equal to roughly a month s pay for the typical city worker in C

12、hina according to Bloomberg News 雅虎首席执行官玛丽莎 梅耶尔 立场 为禁止员工在家上班进行辩解 几乎没几个首席执行官的决策能像雅虎 首席执行官玛丽莎 梅耶尔禁止员工在家上 班的决定那样引起了这么大的关注 这项政 策出台后 人们最初的反应是它存在很大争 议 而且让许多人感到不安 原因是人们认 为这样的措施缺乏灵活性 面对批评 梅耶尔4月份接受本刊采访时 为自己的决定进行了辩解 她说人们 错误 地把这项措施视为行业条例 她表示 自 己需要员工在办公室工作 目的是鼓励他们 进行合作与创新 目前看来 这个不同寻常 Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer Sta

13、nd Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer defended work from home ban There are few chief executive decisions that drew more attention this year than Yahoo YHOO Fortune 500 CEO Marissa Mayer s work from home ban The policy was initially seen as highly controversial and had a lot of people upset because of its perc

14、eived lack of flexibility Despite the criticism Mayer defended her decision to Fortune in April and said that the move was wrongly perceived as an industry narrative Mayer said she needed employees 的做法可能正在对雅虎产生积极影响 2012年梅耶尔上任以来 这家公司的股 价已经上涨了一倍多 to work in the office to encourage collaboration and in

15、novation from workers So far it looks like her controversial move may be helping the business Yahoo s stock is up more than 100 since Mayer took over in 2012 沃尔玛美国公司总裁兼首席执行官比尔 西 蒙 立场 承诺聘用老兵 1月份 沃尔玛美国公司总裁兼首席执行 官比尔 西蒙承诺 这家全球最大零售企业将 在今后五年内聘用10万名老兵 此外 作为 美国最大的私营雇主 沃尔玛还表示它将邀 请光荣退伍不到一年的老兵加盟公司 西蒙接受本刊采访时说 聘

16、用老兵是 我们做出的最好的决定之一 我们在阵亡将 士纪念日推出了 欢迎回家 计划 至今我 们已经聘用了超过2 6 万名老兵 让我们倍感 骄傲 老兵在面对压力时表现一贯优秀 而 且有服务热情 这些因素让我们很容易兑现 聘用老兵 学习老兵和支持老兵的承诺 Wal Mart U S president and CEO Bill Simon Stand Wal Mart U S President and CEO Bill Simon pledged to hire veterans In January Wal Mart WMT Fortune 500 U S president And CEO Bill Simon pledged that the world s largest retailer would hire 100 000 veterans over the next five years In addition the biggest private employer in the U S said it would offer employment to any honor


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