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1、形容词与副词 考点一 形容词和副词在句中的位置 1 be 形容词 做表语 Iam happy happily Heis successful successfully Lucyis kind kindly 2 形容词 名词 作定语 Iama student happy happily Heisa man successful successfully Lucyisa doctor kind kindly 3 动词 副词 做状语 Heruns quick quickly Hestudied good well HewilllistentoTom careful carefully happysu

2、ccessfulkind happysuccessfulkind quicklywellcarefully 1 Wouldyouliketotellme aboutyourfriends A somethingdifferentB differentanythingC differentsomethingD anythingdifferent 考点二 形容词修饰不定代词 2 Ihave todotoday A anythingimportantB somethingimportantC importantnothingD importantsomething 3 Isthere intoday

3、 snewspaper No there s A anythingspecial somethingunusualB anythingspecial nothingunusualC specialanything nothingunusualD specialanything unusualnothing close与closelyHeissitting tome Watchhim late与latelyYouhavecometoo Whathaveyoubeendoing near与nearlyHeissitting thetable Hewas killedinthecaraccident

4、 close closely late lately near nearly 考点三 辨析词汇 deep与deeplyHeputthestick intothemud Evenfatherwas movedbythefilm high与highlyTheplanewasflying Ispeak ofyouropinion deep deeply high highly wide与widelyHeopenedthedoor Englishis usedintheworld free与freelyYoucaneat inmyrestaurantwheneveryoulike Youmayspea

5、k saywhatyoulike wide widely free freely 9 区别几组易混淆的副词 形容词 already常用于肯定句 yet常用于否定句 疑问句 Thetrainhas gone Theyhaven tcomeback such修饰名词so修饰形容词 副词 Ihaveneverseen aninterestingfilm Thisboxis heavythatIcan tcarryit alone 单独 独自 作表语 byoneselflonely 孤独的 可作表语 定语 Helived buthedidn tfeel It sa village hard 努力地 h

6、ardly 几乎不 否定副词 Sheworksvery andhe hasarestonSundays already yet such so hard hardly lonely alone lonely 形容词的比较级和最高级构成和用法 形容词有三个等级 原级 比较级 最高级 形容词的比较级和最高级构成 规则变化 不规则变化 tallerharderlargerwider tallesthardestlargestwidest biggerhotterfatterwetter biggesthottestfattestwettest happierdrierearlier happiest

7、driestearliest narrowercleverer narrowestcleverest moredifficultmorepopularmoreslowly mostdifficultmostpopularmostslowly 少数以 er ow结尾的双音节词可加 er或 est 规则变化 better best worse worst less more most farther further older elder least farthest furthest oldest eldest 不规则变化 巧记 特殊形式比较级共有三对二合一坏病两多并两好little意思不是小一

8、分为二有两个一是老来二是远 1 但有少数几个形容词无比较级和最高级 如 favorite等 2 比较级前有时有一个表示程度的词或短语 常见有 alittle abit much alot still even some any far等 3 注意 在含有形容词的比较级句子中 对两个相比较的内容为了避免重复 我们常常用that those来代替前面的词 例如 TheweatherinBeijingiscolderthanthatinGuangdong 形容词原级的常用句型 TomisastallasMike as 形容词原形 as Thereareasmanystudentsinourschoo

9、lasyours 否定notas 形容词原形 as 和 不一样 或notso 形容词原形 as 不及 不如 TomisnotastallasMike 1 Thismathsproblemisverydifficult Itis thatone A soeasyasB asdifficultasC muchdifficultthanD lesseasierthan 2 Tomplayschess ifnotbetterthan David A aswellB aswellasC sowellD aswellas 3 Ischemistrymoredifficultthanphysics No c

10、hemistryisn tas asphysics A easyB difficultC easierD moredifficult 4 Sharkisgettingoldandcannotjumpas ashedid A highB higherC highestD muchhigher Thistruckisbigenoughtocarry5tons so 形容词原级 that丛句such 名词 that丛句 Heissobigthathecan tentertheroombythedoor too 原级 todosth Heistooyoungtojointhearmy 形容词原级 en

11、oughtodosth 形容词原级的常用句型 1 两者之间的比较 句中有明显的标志词thanTomistallerthanJohn2 Which Whois 比较级 AorB Whichiseasier mathsorEnglish 形容词比较级的常用句型 3 isthe 比较级 ofthetwo Tomisthetallerofthetwoboys 4 数量 比较级than Heisthreeyearsolderthanhisbrother 5 比较级 and 比较级 越来越 Nowitishotterandhotter 现在越来越热6 The 比较级 the 比较级 越 就越 Themor

12、e thebetter 越多越好 Correctthemistakes a ChinaislargerthananycountryinAsia b Tomisthetallestofthreebrothers c ThepopulationofShanghaiislargerthanBeijing d Itiseasiertomakeaplanthancarryingitout other the thatof tocarry Whichislarger CanadaorAustralia Whichisthelargercountry CanadaorAustralia Sheistalle

13、rthanhertwosisters Sheisthetallerofthetwosisters 比较 修饰名词时 后面跟有ofthetwo时 5 AmymakesfewermistakesthanFrank Shedoesherhomework A morecarefullyB morecarelesslyC morecarefulD morecareless 6 Sheeats meatthanshedidlastyear That swhyshe sgettingfatter A moreB lessC fewerD much 7 Icantype thanIcanwritebyhand

14、 A fastB muchfasterC morefasterD fastest 8 Whatdeliciouscakes Theywouldtaste withbutter A goodB betterC badD worse 9 Doyoulikethetwoskirts Theyellowoneisgoodbutthegreenonelooks A nicerB niceC bestD morenice 10 Haveyoudecidedwhichyou dliketobuy theblackshirtortheyellowone Theblackone Becauseitis ofth

15、etwo A thenicerB thenicestC nicer 11 OfthetwoAustralianstudents Mashais one Ithinkyoucanfindhereasily A tallestB thetallerC tallerD thetallest 12 Thebusierheis the hefeels A happilyB happyC happierD morehappy 13 friendsyouhave youwillbe A More happierB Themore thehappierC More morehappyD Themore the

16、morehappy 14 youwork knowledgeyou llget A Theharder moreB Therharder themoreC Harder themoreD Harder more 15 Nowtheairinourhometowniseven thanitwasbefore Sowemustdosomethingtostopit A dirtyB betterC worseD morebetter 1 oneofthe 最高级 名词复数 形容词最高级的常用句型 2 最高级 of in 三者及以上范围的 3 Thisis wasthe最高级 名词 that定语从句 LuXunisoneofthegreatestwritersinChina ThisistheworstfilmthatIhaveseentheseyears Ofallthemoviestars IthinkZhaoWeiisthebest 形容词最高级的常用句型 5 the 序数词 最高级 名词 in of 4 Which Whoisthe 最高级 A BorC Whichisthebigg



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