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1、2013届高考英语单项选择解题指导课件 一 汉语翻译法 1 WhencanIcomeforthephotos Ineedthemtomorrowafternoon They bereadyby12 00 A canB shouldC mightD need2 MayImoveyourbagalittleandtakethisseat A Idon tmindB GoaheadC Itdoesn tmatterD Doitplease should表示可能性的推测 语气强于might 意为 想必会 照说应该 B B 3 productionupby60 thecompanyhashadanoth

2、erexcellentyear A AsB ForC WithD Becauseof4 Aswehaveplanned we llgotoBeijingtoattendhissister sweddingparty We llvisitourmotherschool wegothere A ifB whenC onceD evenif C 句意表示原因 B C D都可表原因 A不可以 B 5 Whatwouldhavehappened asfarastheriverbank A BobhadwalkedfartherB ifBobshouldwalkfartherC hadBobwalkedf

3、artherD ifBobwalkedfarther C ifBobhadwalkedfarther 6 Shelooksforwardeveryspringto theflower linedgarden A visitB payingavisitC walkinD walkingin7 OnSaturdayafternoon Mrs Greenwenttothemarket somebananasandvisitedhercousin A boughtB buyingC tobuyD buy looksforwardto and D A 9 Therich for moneywasnota

4、problem wantedtostayatanexpensivehotel A theirB hisC whoseD whom10 Whichdoyouenjoy yourweekends fishingorwatchingTV A spendingB tospendC beingspentD spend D B 8 Youaresayingthateveryoneshouldbeequal andthisis Idisagree A whyB whereC whatD how disagree是不及物动词 B 删除法 15 besenttoworkthere A Whodoyousugge

5、stshouldB WhodoyousuggestthatshouldC DoyousuggestwhoshouldD Doyousuggestwhomshould doyousuggest A 你认为谁应该为这起事故承担责任 2 你建议该做什么来保护环境 Whodoyouthinkistoblamefortheaccident Whatdoyousuggestshouldbedonetoprotecttheenvironment 17 Isthisfactory wevisitedtheotherday A whereB thatC theoneD inwhich Thisfactoryis

6、theone that wevisitedtheotherday C Isthisthefactory wevisited Isthisthefactory wepaidavisit Isthisfactorytheone wepaidavisitto that which where that 18 Wasitinthevillage weusedtolivein theaccidenthappened A where thatB which thatC that whereD where which B FillintheblanksandputthesentencesintoChinese Wasitinthehotel theystayed thefirebrokeout Wasitduringtheholiday hewasinAmerica hepickedupsomeEnglish where that when that


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