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1、2019年高考英语完形填空专题练习(名师精选真题+详细解析答案,值得下载练习)A One day,a lady bought some bath soaps from a shop.When she opened one of the packets,she found that it had no soap;it was just an empty wrapper!She made a 1 against the manufacture and got money back with a successful claim.That being 2 ,there was a task befo

2、re the management of the soap factory.How had this happened?How could they 3 that the accident would not occur again?After a detailed 4 ,it was discovered that during the 5 of wrapping,it so 6 that one or two wrappers did get through without any soap in them.There was no way to 7 the difference betw

3、een a full wrapper and an empty one.The process of handing each one separately for this purpose seemed to be very difficult.So,the technical 8 was given the job of finding the method to 9 the problem.The man prepared a detailed report and proposed setting up a computerbased system that would weigh a

4、nd scan each bar,for the empty packs could not be 10 by a normal Xray machine.The management heard him out and passed the 11 to release the funds to buy the machinery that he had proposed.An 12 worker said,“Excuse me,sir, 13 my rudeness,but I have a 14 that will cost a tiny amount of what you are pl

5、anning to spend.”The management 15 in the beginning.But 16 ,they heard him out and agreed to try out his proposal.The next day,the worker brought a strong industrial fan.He put it at an angle near the 17 belt,on which the packed soap bars were coming through,and 18 it on.The few empty wrappers that

6、came through got 19 by the fan!A simple solution for a 20 problem!This proves that the educated do not have a pattern on good ideas.【语篇解读】本文是一篇记叙文。一位女顾客发现买的肥皂只有包装盒,于是向制造厂商投诉。制造厂商意识到必须彻底解决这一问题,一位未受过教育的工人用简单的方法解决了这个复杂的问题。1AcommentBcomplaintCthoughtDclaimB根据上文可知这位女顾客向制造厂商投诉。complaint“抱怨,投诉”;comment“评论”

7、;thought“想法”;claim“声明”。2AdiscoveredBstressedCsettled DarguedC根据下文内容可知,厂家在商讨避免这一问题的具体方法,说明投诉事件已经解决。settle“解决”;discover“发现”;stress“强调”;argue“争吵”。3AenableBensureCadmit DavoidB根据上文内容及设空处后面的“the accident would not occur again”可知此处说的是他们怎么确保这样的事件不再发生。ensure“确保”;enable“使能够”;admit“承认”;avoid“避免”。4Ainvestigati

8、onBconclusionCargument DdiscussionA经过详细的调查,发现在包装过程中,个别没有肥皂的包装盒也碰巧通过了。investigation“调查”;conclusion“结论”;argument“争论”;discussion“讨论”。5ApositionBprocessCperformanceDpossessionB参见上题解析。process“过程”;position“位置”;performance“表现”;possession“拥有,财产”。6Aoccurred BbelievedChappened DstressedCit so happened that.碰巧

9、,恰好。7Asend out Blay outCcome out Dmake outD根据下文“The process of handing each one separately for this purpose seemed to be very difficult.”可知没有办法辨认出包装里是否有肥皂。make out“辨认出”;send out“发送,派遣”;lay out“展示,安排”;come out“出版”。8AdepartmentBworker Chead DcompanyC技术主管被要求找到解决这个问题的方法。head“领导人,负责人”;department“部门”;work

10、er“工人”;company“公司”。9Areduce BovercomeCsearchDdenyB参见上题解析。overcome“克服”;reduce“减少”;search“寻找”;deny“否认”。10Adirected BdrivenCdevelopedDspottedD根据设空处后的“a normal Xray machine”可知空的包装盒不能被一般的X射线机发现。spot“发现”;direct“管理,指挥”;drive“推动”;develop“发展”。11Aban BlawCpolicyDorderD根据设空处后的“to release the funds to buy the m

11、achinery that he had proposed”可知相关部门通过了发放资金去买检测机器的指示。order“指示,命令”;ban“禁令”;law“法律”;policy“政策”。12Aexpert BuneducatedCimportant DunqualifiedB根据最后一段“This proves that the educated do not have a pattern on good ideas.”可知这位工人未接受过教育。uneducated“未受过教育的”;expert“熟练的,内行的”;important“重要的”;unqualified“不合格的”。13Ato B

12、inCoverDforDexcuse sb.for sth.原谅某人做某事。14Aguess BsolutionCproblem DdesignB根据下文“A simple solution”可知此处选B。solution“解决办法”;guess“猜测”;problem“问题”;design“设计”。15Ahesitated BappreciatedCimagined DagreedA根据下文“But 16 ,they heard him out and agreed to try out his proposal.”可知一开始他们对这位工人的话半信半疑。hesitate“犹豫”;apprec

13、iate“欣赏”;imagine“想象”;agree“同意”。16AsuddenlyBeventuallyCdifferently DeagerlyB根据设空处后的“agreed to try out his proposal”可知最终他们接受了这位工人的建议。eventually“最后,终于”;suddenly“突然地”;differently“不同地”;eagerly“渴望地”。17Aobserving BtransportingCburning DtrainingB根据设空处后的“the packed soap bars were coming through”可知包装好的肥皂从传送带上

14、通过。transporting belt“传送带”。18AsmoothedBsharpenedCswitchedDseizedC根据设空处后的“The few empty wrappers that came through got 19 by the fan!”可知没有肥皂的包装盒被风扇吹跑了,因此推断风扇被打开了,起到了相应的作用。switch on“开启”。19Ablown offBblown upCblown out Dblown overA没有肥皂的包装盒被风扇吹跑了。blow off“吹掉”;blow up“爆炸”,blow out“吹熄”;blow over“平息”。20Acom

15、mon BcomplexCfreshDprimaryB与simple相对应的是complex。complex“复杂的”;common“常见的”;fresh“新鲜的”;primary“主要的”。B I was in desperate need of a break.The “witching hour” was upon us once again,dinner was burning on the stove,and fights were 21 between my two children.The crying was neverending and I was 22 the end of my rope.But I was holding down



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