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1、学 海 无 涯英语开学第一课教案三篇 【学习目标分析依据】 基于学生实际 三年级的学生处于第一学段的初期,有强烈的好奇心、求知欲强。所以在教学时,要从启发兴趣、激发思维入手,学生自己总结学习方法,鼓励畅所欲言,使学生产生学习的愿望,愿意表达自己独特的思想。 【学习目标】 1.通过与学生交流课程纲要,了解本学期英语学习的课程内容、课程目标以及课程评价。 2.通过了解教师对学生的评价和学习方法,激发学生自主学习的主动性。 【教学重点】 通过学习和老师的讲解了解本学期的教学重点和难点,教学内容和评价方法。 【教学难点】 1.通过课程纲要的分享,了解本学期的教学目标,并了解英语学习中的重点,并养成习惯

2、. 2.围绕课程纲要展开讨论,就自己感兴趣的地方实行思考,积极发表自己的见解和建议。 【教学时间】1课时 【教学准备】课前学生根据要求“预习要求”自学;教师准备课件。 【评价设计】 通过课堂指名说、课堂交流等形式对学生交流情况实行评价。 【学习活动方案】 一、谈话导入 1、同学们,今天的课堂上老师要带领大家理解一位新朋友,它就像一幅地图一样,能够指引大家在本学期的学习中找准学期目标,理清学习内容、了解学习安排,真正成为学习的小主人,它就是课程纲要。(板书课题) 二、新授 1、怎样才能做学习的小主人呢?首先我们要了解本学期的学习内容。请大家打开目录,看一看本册书我们总共分为几个单元,附录页又有哪

3、些部分构成? 2、那这些内容我们怎么合理安排呢?(PPT出示一单元学习时间安排) 3、目录就像路标一样,指引我们了解每单元都有哪些内容,下面我们一同以第一单元为例,一同探讨本单元的话题功能及重点单词类别、句型功能及语音组合。(出示PPT,指生说) 4、请大家打开第二单元,想想这本单元的话题功能及重点单词类别、句型功能及语音组合又是什么呢?(出示PPT,指生说) 5、下面我们分成四人小组合作学习,分大组分别完成剩余四个单元?(四人小组合作学习) 6、小组汇报(PPT出示) 7、同学们,通过刚才大家的学习,我们已经了解了本学期我们要学习的内容和时间安排,那么我们本学期通过学习要掌握哪些本领呢?(P

4、PT出示学习目标)指生读 8.为了更好地掌握以上本领,我们又要怎样逐步实施的。接下来是董老师对你们的期望,希望你们通过努力达成一个个目标。(课程评价推介) 三、回顾梳理 孩子们,这节课我们已经把课程纲要分享完了,你们的认真思考、合作共享,真是一个个会学习的孩子。那么,最后谁愿意再同大家分享分享你在这节课学到了什么,又有什么收获呢? 【板书设计】 课程纲要 学习内容学习目标学习评价 初中 课前准备 教师:准备游戏时所用的图片(食物、蔬菜、动物)。 学生:准备表演时所需道具(服装、假发)。 教学设计 Step One :Present the sentence patterns. 1. Play

5、a game “How many words do you know?”(利用小游戏调动学生的积极性,同时通过对冠军的介绍引出本课。) Teacher: After the study of the first three starters, I think most of the students must have known a lot of words. How many words do you know? Lets play a game to see who know? Lets play a game to see who knows the most. (Divide all

6、 the students into several groups and show a picture(图片略)to them with the computer. Every group can choose two students to join. They are asked to come to the blackboard and write down the words in 30 seconds.) (Group 2 is the champion group. They can write 11 words.) 2. Introduce the champion group

7、 to the class.(引课方式贴近生活,学生易于接受) Teacher: Congratulations, now Group 2 is the champion. But I dont know your names. Would you like to introduce yourselves to us? S1& S2:Yes. S1:Hello.My name is Li Lei. Nice to meet you. Ss: Hello, Li Lei. Nice to meet you ,too. Ss: Hello! Whats your name? S2:Im Sun P

8、ing. How do you do? Ss: How do you do ? Step Two: Drills. 1. Make introductions.(通过句型的操练使学生更加熟练掌握所学的句式。) Teacher: The new term begins. Everyone will meet many new classmates. Do you want to make friends with them? If your answer is “yes”, please introduce yourself in your group. Example: Sa: Hello!

9、Im Li Lei. Whats your name? Sb: My names Zhang Feng. Nice to meet you. Sa: Nice to meet you, too. And whats your name, please? Sc: Lin Li. How do you do? Sa:How do you do? 2. Listen and number the conversations. Teacher: Today I have good news for you. Three new students will come to our class. They

10、 are from other countries. Do you want to know them? Lets listen to the recording of 1b in Section A. (Students listen to the tape and give the right answers.) Step Three: Make friends. 1. Make new friends.(用谈话的方式完成任务,生动活泼,同时更容易向学生实行美德教育。) Teacher: Now everyone has some new friends. Do you want othe

11、rs to know them? Do you want more friends? Lets introduce our new friends to others, OK? Ss: OK. Example: Sa: This is my new friend. His name is Sun Nan. Sb: Hello, Sun Nan. Nice to meet you. Sc: Nice to meet you, too. Look! This is my new friend. Her name is He Lu. Ss: How do you do? Sd: How do you

12、 do? (Students can stand up and introduce their friends to others freely. They can greet each other warmly. Everyone in the class can have more friends. They can also know something else about them.) 2. The New comers.(以表演的形式完成,使课堂气氛达到*。) Teacher: Just now I said three new students from other countr

13、ies would come to our class. Now, look! They are here. Lets give them a warm welcome. (Three “foreign”students come in and all the students clap warmly.) Teacher: Its their first time to come to China. Would you like to listen to their introductions? Ss: Yes. (Three students can make introductions a

14、nd act out the dialogue vividly.) Step Three: Sum up. Some students are asked to sum up this lesson. It is how to make new friends and how to greet them. It is very important in the daily life. Homework “How do you meet new visitors at home? 高中 一、自我介绍(Introduce myself 3)Hello everybody, Well,nice ta

15、lking with you here. Im your English teacher, next year we will learn together, with the progress. I have worked for 1 years since I graduated from the university . Being a teacher is tired but excited . Having taught for this year, I think I am experienced in teaching field .I have a strong sense of duty and humor.Actually , I always think that English is so wonderful a language that we should not only regard it as a



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