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1、 湖北省武汉市中考英语试卷 一 听力测试 共三节 第一节 満分4 分 听下面 4 个问题 每个问题后有三个答语 从 题中所给的A B C 三个选项中选出最佳选项 听完每个问题后 你都有S 秒钟的时间来作 答和阅读下一小题 每个问题仅读一遍 1 A Some old books B It s Jim s C Big and clean 2 A About food B Mr Smith C In the classroom 3 A By plane B It s tiring C In the USA 4 A Very nice B For about 3 hours C At 2 this a

2、fternoon 5 Where are the two speaking A In a department store B On a playground C In a clothing factory 6 What does the father mean A He doesn t like music B He doesn t like the question C The music doesn t sound good 7 Why does the woman suggest Betty should look at the computer A She owns it B She

3、 can help with it C She is very outgoing 8 What s the relationship between the two speakers A Husband and wife B Teacher and student C Doctor and patient 9 How does the man like the panda A It s cute B It s not cute C It s just so so 10 Who will open up the gin A The man B The woman C Ted 11 Which p

4、lace does the man like better A Neither B Hawaii C Mexico 12 What time did the train leave A At 9 10 B At 9 15 C At 9 20 13 听下面一段对话 回答13 至 15 三个小题 13 What are they talking about A An American girlfriend B English study C Some problems 14 What s the matter with Jenny A She s tired of joking B She s a

5、fraid of English C She s not doing well in English 15 Why did the boy ask Jenny to come back A He had another joke for her B What he said was not real C He wanted to make friends with her 16 听下面一段对话 回答16 至 18 三个小题 16 Where do you think the two speakers are A At a dress factory B At a clothes store C

6、 In an office 17 What catches the woman s eye A A one shoulder dress B A pair of black high heels C Comfortable silk 18 How does the woman like the dress A It s not well made B It fits her well C It s too expensive 19 听下面一段对话 回答19 至 22 四个小题 19 Who do you think the two speakers are A Two volunteers B

7、 An actor and an actress C A club worker and a student 20 When will the man have to go to the performance section A On weekends B On Saturdays C On Sundays 21 What do we know about the man A He is too busy to join any club B He wants to have more time to study C He has great ability of performance 2

8、2 What will the man probably do if he agrees to join the section A He will spend time holding activities B He will fill in a form for his decision C He will sign up for the woman 23 听下面一段独白 回答23 至 25 三个小题 23 Where was Romana Banuelos born A In Arizona B In Mexico C In Los Angeles 24 What did Romana

9、Banuelos do in Los Angeles A She became a maths teacher B She put money into a business C She helped her family move to Mexico 25 What happened when Romana Banuelos became well known A She started a bank only for Mexican Americans B She set up a food company in the US C She was asked to work for the

10、 government 二 选择填空 共15 小题 每小题1 分 满分 15 分 从题中所给的A B C和 D四个选项 中 选出一个最佳选项 26 Do you think I could borrow your pencil A Yes you may borrow B Yes you could C Yes go on D Yes help yourself 27 How is everything going A Everything is finished B Nothing has been done C Not so bad you know D Not doing wrong y

11、ou see 28 I had a really good weekend at my aunt s A Oh that s very nice of you B Congratulations C It s a pleasure D Oh I m glad to hear that 29 I football quite well but I haven t had time to play since the new year A will play B have played C played D play 30 Linda is not coming for the party ton

12、ight But she A promises B promised C will promise D had promised 31 How are you today Oh I as ill as I do now for a long time A didn t feel B wasn t feeling C don t feel D haven t felt 32 I don t like reading watching TV what about you I don t like reading all day I like watching TV news A and or B

13、and and C or and D or but 33 Even though we re in difficult times we need to keep hope A real B alive C fresh D close 34 Dad I ll be in the final singing competition tomorrow Be careful not to get a sore throat and your voice A lose B raise C drop D break 35 Have you got the results of the exam No A

14、ll we do now is to wait A must B can C may D could 36 I wonder if you ve made a decision on the project Eric Not yet I can t make it until I have first hand on prices A news B knowledge C information D education 37 1didn t mean to trouble Curry yesterday It was pouring with rain so I his offer of a

15、lift A refused B received C allowed D accepted 38 My elder brother my wet sports shoes and made me sit by the fire A took off B kicked off C carried out D put out 39 The frozen yogurt tastes like ice cream but has of the fat It suits me fine I m on a diet A none B neither C any D some 40 I d like to

16、 know for the party I have no idea A why did she buy so little food B what she has prepared C whether will she dance D when is she leaving 三 完形填空阅读下面短文 从短文后各题所给的A B C和 D四个选项中 选出可以填入 空白处的最佳选项 41 On 28 of March Richard Byrd stood outside the small house He shook hands with the menwho were leaving They were heading back to the main camp on the coast of Antarctica 南极洲 He would 41 to work at the base camp I don t like leaving you here alone Pete Demas said I ll be 42 Byrd replied He was looking forwa


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