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1、 中考网络阅卷适应性试题 九年级英语 一 单项选择 共15 题 每小题1 分 计 15 分 在下列各题A B C D四个选项中选择一个能填入题干空白处的最佳答案 1 What fine weather it is Yes Why not play guitar in the garden A a the B an a C the D an 2 are you going to the School Uniform Exhibition Amy To learn about different styles of school uniform A Why B Where C What D Whi

2、ch 3 Kate is one of the most hard working tennis players Of course she is can win so many matches if he doesn t practise hard A Anybody B Nobody C Somebody D Everybody 4 The art festival will be held on time it rains Oh let s listen to the weather forecast right now A as B if C until D unless 5 Mum

3、must I stay there the whole day No you You may come back after lunch if you like A can t B won t C needn t D mustn t 6 Tom often gets full marks in English tests but he never shows off I agree He is very A organized B modest C creative D curious 7 Have you heard of Yao Foundation Charity Tour Yes It

4、 s very kind Yao Ming so much for charity A of to do B of do C for to do D for do 8 Simon what do I need to take for the hiking You d better more water than usual It s hot today A take B to take C taking D took 9 Why do you like living in the countryside Because there s noise and fewer cars there A

5、little B less C few D fewer 10 When shall we go to watch the basketball match in the sports centre Not until my task A will complete B will be completed C completes D is completed 11 Has Jane done the washing yet You cannot her to do such a thing A want B hope C expect D wish 12 Doyoumindmyclosingth

6、ewindow It smuchtoonoisyoutside A Yes pleaseB Ofcoursenot C Allright D It doesn t matter 13 Are you going to Shanghai to enjoy the classical concert this Friday I m not sure It time A takes on B depends on C stands for D carries on 14 We can use MSN to talk with each other on the Internet Really Wil

7、l you please show me A how can I use B how I can use C how can I use it D how I can use it 15 We ll travel to different places this summer vacation Enjoy your trip A The same to youB Yes I d love to C Me too D Very well thank you 二 完形填空 共15 题 每小题1 分 计 15 分 阅读下列短文 从文后各题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案 If something t

8、hat makes you feel angry happens how can you manage your anger Try these things to help 16 angry feelings from building up inside Exercise Go for a walk 17 go to play a sport Lots of research has shown that 18 is a great way to improve your mood Listen to music Music has also been shown to 19 a pers

9、on s mood pretty quickly And if you dance then you re exercising at the same time Write down your 20 and emotions You can write down things in lots of ways for example in a 21 or as your own poem or song lyrics 歌词 After you ve written them down you can 22 them or throw them away It doesn t matter Th

10、e 23 thing is that writing down your thoughts and feelings can improve how you feel Practise deep breathing This one works 24 among all the tips It can help you control yourself when you re 25 If you do this regularly you ll find that 26 is less likely to build up Talk about your feelings with someo

11、ne you trust Lots of times there are other emotions such as fear sadness Talking about 27 with someone you trust can help Anger is a strong emotion It can make us feel overwhelmed 被压倒的 28 Learning how to deal with strong emotions 29 losing control is part of becoming more mature 成熟的 It 30 a little e

12、ffort a little practice and a little patience but you can get there if you want to 16 A hear B get C prevent D suffer 17 A so B or C and D but 18 A exercise B sleep C envy D growth 19 A change B control C worry D satisfy 20 A dreams B address C name D thoughts 21 A diary B room C rest D meal 22 A bu

13、y B read C keep D sell 23 A difficult B important C unhappy D similar 24 A best B least C worst D badly 25 A happy B stressed C cheerful D successful 26 A happiness B warmth C anger D balance 27 A none B them C one D everyone 28 A for time B on time C in time D at times 29 A with B under C without D

14、 across 30 A leaves B spends C pays D takes 三 阅读理解 共15 小题 每小题2 分 计 30 分 阅读下列内容 从每小题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳选项 A What opinions did experts have about movements and transportation throughout history Take a look Lord Kelvin a famous scientist 1800s Opinion Airplanes would never fly Was he right No On December17

15、1903 the Wright brothers made the first controlled flight in a powered airplane Lee Deforest a pioneer in radio TV and Radar 1900s Opinion No person would ever reach the moon Was he right No On July20 1969 Neil Armstrong stepped onto the moon Leonardo da Vinci artist inventor 1400s Opinion People wo

16、uld fly in a machine with an overhead propeller Was he right Yes This artist s sketch made about 1490 shows a helicopter 400 years before its invention Jules Verne Science fiction writer in an 1870 novel Opinion People would be able to travel under water in airtight ships Was he right Yes Through submarines already existed it would be decades before they could stay submerged for long distance travel 31 Which of the following experts was a science fiction writer A Lord Kelvin B Lee Deforest C Leo


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