小学英语 英语故事(童话故事)The Beetle 甲虫

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《小学英语 英语故事(童话故事)The Beetle 甲虫》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《小学英语 英语故事(童话故事)The Beetle 甲虫(6页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、TheBeetle甲虫The Emperors horse was shod with gold - a golden shoe on each of its feet.And why was he getting golden shoes?He was a magnificent-looking animal, with slender legs, intelligent eyes, and a mane that hung down his neck like a soft veil of silk. He had carried his master through the smoke

2、and flame of battle and heard the bullets sing and whistle around him; he had kicked and bitten those about him and done his share of the fighting whenever the enemy advanced; he had leaped, carrying his master on his back, over the enemys fallen horse and had saved the Emperors red gold crown, save

3、d the life of the Emperor, which was much more valuable than the red gold; and thats why the Emperors horse had golden shoes, a golden shoe on each of his feet.And the Beetle came creeping out.First the big ones, he said, and then the little ones; but size isnt the only thing that does it. Then he s

4、tretched out his thin legs.And what do you want? demanded the Blacksmith.Golden shoes, replied the Beetle.Why, you must be crazy! said the Blacksmith. Do you want golden shoes, too?Golden shoes, said the Beetle. Im just as good as that great creature that is waited on, currycombed, and brushed, and

5、served with food and drink. Dont I belong to the imperial stable, too?But why does the horse have golden shoes? asked the Blacksmith. Dont you understand that?Understand? I understand that it is a personal insult to me, said the Beetle. Its just done to annoy me, so Im going out into the world.Get o

6、ut of here! said the Blacksmith.What a rude person! said the Beetle as he left the stable. He flew a little way and presently found himself in a beautiful flower garden, all fragrant with roses and lavender.Isnt it lovely here? asked one of the little Ladybirds that were flying about, with black spo

7、ts on their red shieldlike wings. How sweet it smells here and how beautiful it is!Im used to much better things, said the Beetle. Do you call this beautiful? Why, there isnt so much as a manure pile here!Then he went on and got into the shadow of a large Gillyflower. A Caterpillar was crawling alon

8、g on it.How beautiful the world is! said the Caterpillar. The sun is so warm, and everything is so pleasant! And when my time comes and I must die, as people call it, Ill wake up again, and Ill be a butterfly!What conceit! said the Beetle. You fly about like a butterfly, indeed! Im from the stable o

9、f the Emperor, and no one there, not even the Emperors favorite horse - who wears my castoff golden shoes - has any idea like that! Get wings! Fly! Why, I can fly already! and then the Beetle flew away. I dont really want to be annoyed, and yet I am annoyed.Soon afterward he settled on a large lawn.

10、 Here he lay quietly for a while, and then he fell asleep.My goodness! The rain came down in buckets! The noise woke up the Beetle, and he wanted to get down into the earth at once, but he couldnt. He tumbled over; sometimes he was swimming on his stomach, sometimes on his back, and it was out of th

11、e question to try to fly; would he ever escape from there with his life? So he just lay where he was and remained lying there.When the rain had let up a little, and the Beetle had blinked the water from his eyes, he saw something gleaming white. It was linen that had been put out there to bleach; he

12、 managed to make his way to it and creep into a fold of the damp cloth. Certainly this place wasnt as comfortable as the warm stable, but there was nothing better, and so he stayed there for a whole day and a whole night, while the rain stayed, too. The next morning he crept out, very much annoyed w

13、ith the weather.Two frogs were sitting on the linen, their bright eyes shining with pleasure.What wonderful weather this is! one of them said. How refreshing! And this linen holds the water together so perfectly! My hind legs are tickling as if I were going to swim.Id like to know, said the other Fr

14、og, whether the swallow, who flies so far in her many trips to foreign countries, ever finds a better climate than ours. Such a storm, and such a downpour! You really might think you were lying in a wet ditch. Anybody that doesnt enjoy this weather certainly doesnt love his native country!Have you e

15、ver been in the Emperors stable? asked the Beetle. The dampness there is both warm and refreshing. Thats what I am used to; thats the climate for me; but one cant take it along on a journey. Isnt there a nice hotbed here in the garden, where persons of rank, like me, can find a place to live and mak

16、e himself at home?But the Frogs either didnt or wouldnt understand him.I never ask a question twice, said the Beetle, after he had already asked three times without getting any answer.He went on a little farther and bumped against a piece of broken pottery. It certainly shouldnt have been lying there, but since it was it gave good shelter. Several


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