五年级英语上册 Unit 2 第1-2课时教案2 苏教牛津版

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1、苏教牛津版五年级上册英语Unit 2 A new house第1-2课时教学内容5A Unit 2 B Look, read and learn C Ask and answer 共几课时6课型新授第几课时1教学 目标知识与能力1. 能听、说、读、写以下单词:in, on, under, behind。2. 掌握句型 Whats in/on/under/behind? Theres a in/on/under/behindThere are somein/on/under/behind3. 在图片、情景等非语言提示的帮助下,理解课文,熟读课文。过程与方法培养与锻炼自主学习的能力,分享学习资源,

2、和同伴共同完成学习任务。情感与态度学习英语的兴趣浓厚,敢于用英语进行交流和表达。教学重难点教学重点单词bed, sofa, telephone, lamp. On, in ,under, behind教学难点句型 Whats in/on/under/behind? Theres a in/on/under/behindThere are somein/on/under/behind教学资源单词卡片、投影仪、录音机、练习纸预习设计* 听U2 B部分录音,试读以下单词:in, on, under, behind。* 试用there be句型及in, on, under, behind来描述房间或教

3、室。*对于Whats in/on/under/behind?能分别试着用单复数来回答。学 程 预 设导学策略调整反思A.预习展示(3分钟)1.学生试读单词,相互纠正发音:方位词in ,on, under, behind, i n front of,和房间名称bedroom, bathrooms, study, kitchen, dining-room, 2.用in, on, under, behind描述教室环境。B.教师导航(3分钟)1.用There be句型介绍学校的情况。教师用手势表示方位,上下,左右,前后,先让学生说说,再让学生做做抽读单词:齐读和个别朗读相结合。 设计情景,有外宾参观

4、我们学校,选几名学生做小导游。2. 模仿老师,就教室里的东西来说说位置情况,熟练运用There be句型。3.Guessing game: Wheres the ball ? 学生提问:Is it in the box ?/Is it behind the box?4. Ask and answerWhat s in your bedroom?Whats in my hand? Theres a lamp and a telephone.5. Practice the sentences using the things in the classroom.C. 合作探究(20分钟)a. Wor

5、k in pairs to talk about the pictures of Part C b. 小组展示,展示时其它小组作点评。D融会贯通 (7分钟) 阅读短文,根据短文内容进行问答。Look at Alices bedroom. What can you see in the room? I can see a desk, a chair and a bed in the room. There is a photo on the desk. Its her family photo. There are three crayons under the books. There is

6、a football behind the door. Alice likes it very much.根据对话内容回答问题。1. Whats in Alices bedroom?2. Whats on the desk?3. How many crayons are there under the books?4. Whats behind the door?E反馈总结 (5分钟)* 左右配对( ) 1. Whats on the desk? A. Good idea.( ) 2. Is there an egg in the box? B. No, there isnt.( ) 3. S

7、hall we go and play there? C. No, there arent.( ) 4. Are there any chairs in the room?D. Yes, we can.( ) 5. Can you see a dog over there? E. Thank you.( ) 6. Here is some water for you. F. Theres a school bag. *对划线部分提问1. There are some footballs under the bed. _ _ the bed? 2. There is a monkey behin

8、d the tree. ?* 翻译句子 1. 桌子上有什么?有一些书。 _ _ on the table? -_ _some books.2. 你们班上有多少名男生? _ _ boys _ _ in your class ?3. 桌子下面没有伞。There _ _ umbrellas _ the desk .根据自身情况选做两个部分,相互检查,订正错误。利用实物作道具,边示范边说介词,如: The ball is in the box ./on the box /under the box/ behind the box教师随意摆放球的位置,让一学生转过身去看不到,猜测球的位置, 师生问答,小

9、组活动 板书:Whats in/on/ under/behind/ the desk?Theres a in/ on/ under/behind .There are some in/ on/ under/behind .教师小结注意点教师给与阅读的指导,先通读全文,再根据问题,去文中寻找证据,去回答问题。教师巡视指导 。教师收阅。作业设计(2分钟)* 笔头完成C部分四幅图。 * 预习A部分,听录音跟读不少于5遍初步感知课文。 * 试默今天所教的4个单词,并用C部分句型写4问4答,单复数各半。要求:1. 划出疑难问题,下次小组交流。2. 划出课文中出现的C部分的句型。教后反思:教学内容5A U

10、nit 2 A Read and say共几课时 6课型新授第几课时 2教学目标知识与能力1.能正确地听、说、读、写词汇:live, study, a bedroom, large, a wall, a bed, near2.正确地听、说、读、写句型:Whats in /on/beside/between? Theres /There isnt a /anThere are some /arent any3.能正确地听、说、读日常交际用语或句型:I live in a new house now. They like the very much.4 正确理解、掌握对话内容,并能朗读、表演对话。

11、过程与方法培养与锻炼自主学习的能力,分享学习资源,和同伴共同完成学习任务。情感与态度学习英语的兴趣浓厚,敢于用英语进行交流和表达。教学重难点教学重 点词汇:live, study, a bedroom, large, a wall, a bed, near句型:I live in a new house now. They like the very much.教学难 点句型:Whats in /on/beside/between? Theres /There isnt a /anThere are some /arent any教学资源单词卡片、投影仪、录音机、练习纸预习 作业* 听U2 A

12、录音,跟着录音朗读对话。* 试着正确朗读这些词组 a new house, three bedrooms, two bathrooms, a dining-room, a large sitting-room, any pictures, a map of the world, on the wall* 试着理解整篇课文的意思,做出口头翻译。学 程 预 设导 学 策 略调整反思A预习展示(3分钟)1. 抽读词组a new house, three bedrooms, two bathrooms, a dining-room, a large sitting-room, any pictures

13、, a map of the world, on the wall2. 翻译课文中几个重要的句子Yang Ling and her parents live in a new house now. / Whats in your bedroom?/Are there any pictures on the wall?/ Theres a map of the world on the wall.其余学生判断评价B教师导航1. 学生看第一幅图,仔细观察,理解老师所说的意思并跟读造句2. 学习live, house,明白意思并造句用同样的方法学习They like the new house ve

14、ry much.后,争做小解说员,优秀者有奖励。3. 复习单词a bathroom, a bedroom, a study, a kitchen, a dining-room, a sitting-room等,正确的朗读这些单词,注意bedroom的读音,kitchen和chicken的区别,以及各种单词的含义。4.借助实物投影仪,学生上来指着屏幕上的图并描述新居的情况,如:Yang Lings house is big. There are three bedrooms, two bathrooms, a study, a kitchen, a dining-room and a large sitting-room.学生试着说这句话,或分句描述。5.学生看图回答老师的问题如:Is there a study/



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