二年级英语上册 The forth period教学设计 北师大版

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《二年级英语上册 The forth period教学设计 北师大版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《二年级英语上册 The forth period教学设计 北师大版(3页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、The forth periodTeaching objectives:1.了解Hello !Whats your name? M y names(Uncle Booky).与What is your name? My name is (Ann ).并运用2. Review the phonics and writing Teaching key point1.My names-与Im -2. Whats = What is Im =I am My names = My name is Teaching difficult point理解并正确运用1.My names-与Im -2. What

2、s = What is Im =I am My names = My name is Teaching aids: drillcard master small blackboard Teaching procedure:Step 1 Review 1. 师生热情的用hello ! Whats you name ? My name is -打招呼。2.Free talk (学生自由对话)S1: Hello Whats your name ?S 2: My name is -Step 2 Write the letters A a B b Cc and D d1.Say ,“Watch me w

3、rite the letter A.” Stand with your back to the class . Write capital letter A in the air, using large arm movements. Ask the children to write the letter in the air with you.2.Repeat for the small letter a.3Have the children turn to the “Trace and copy”activity in their books.4Have the children tra

4、ce over half of the capital As. On the next line, they should write capital As by themselves.5Repeat for the small letter a.6Follow the same procedure for Bb, Cc and Dd.7Tell the children that they will finish tracing over the letters for homework.Step 3 Listen for A B C and D Student Book page 8Dra

5、w the childrens attention to the pictures at the bottom half of the page.Display your page .Point to each picture in turn and say the matching word. For example , baby, ball , baby.Now play the tape. As the children repeat each word they should point to its beginning letter.Without the tape, have th

6、e children point to each picture in turn and say the beginning sound.Have the children trace the letters beside the pictures. They can finish the exercise for homework. Step 4 Uncle Bookys BlackboardStudent Book page 9 Hold up the Whats your mane? drillcard and read it to the children , pointing to

7、the words as you read them.Have the children repeat the question after you .Now hold up the What is your name? Drillcard and repeat the procedure. Explain that both structures mean the same thing.Point to them of Whats and explain that the apostrophe mark shows that a letter has been left out. In th

8、e same way ,review My names and introduce My name is .Choose a child to hold up the Whats your name ?drillcard.Choose two other children to stand facing the class and hold up drillcards to form the answer, My names Ken.Say the words of the question and answer as you point to each one .Have the child

9、ren repeat them after you.Repeat the procedure using both questions and different answers.Now have the children open their books at the top of page 9.Model the structures by reading ,for example, Hello? Whats your name? My names Ken.Divide the class into two groups. Have one group repeat the questio

10、ns, and the other group repeat the answers . Use all possible combinations.Have the groups change places.Step 5 Touch and say Have the children practice saying the sentences from the previous activity.Draw the childrens attention to the bottom part of the page. Display your copy of the page, and exp

11、lain that when you point to a character you will ask a child to tell the class what that character would say.If time allows ,children could repeat the activity in pairs or small groups.Step 6 homework 1. Remind the class to finish tracing and writing Aa ,Bb ,Cc ,and Dd.Blackboard writing: Unit 1 Hello Whats=what is Im=I amMy names=My name is教学后记:


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