上海市玉华中学2020学年六年级英语上学期开学摸底考试试题(无答案) 牛津上海版五四制

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上海市玉华中学2020学年六年级英语上学期开学摸底考试试题(无答案) 牛津上海版五四制_第1页
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《上海市玉华中学2020学年六年级英语上学期开学摸底考试试题(无答案) 牛津上海版五四制》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《上海市玉华中学2020学年六年级英语上学期开学摸底考试试题(无答案) 牛津上海版五四制(6页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、2020学年第一学期六年级英语开学摸底考I. Read and write.(根据音标和句子含义填入所缺的单词)6%1. There is a beautiful _prnses in her dream.2. I want two _tkts. One is for my mother. The other is for me.3. We should eat some _heli food every day.4. No _ swm. Look at the sign.5. Kongfu Panda is a _fni film. 6. Oh, I _ s: a lot of old th

2、ings in the museum.II. Read and write.(根据划线部分的提示,写出同类词)8%1.Drinking too many soft drinks is bad for our health. Eating a lot of _ and _ make us strong. 2. Last Sunday, my family had a good time. We _ to Changfeng Park together. I_ football happily with my brother.3. Danny can draw well with pencils.

3、 But he is not good at drawing with _ and _.4. The street is noisy. The buses, _ and _ _ make a lot of loud noises.III. Choose the best answer.(选择最恰当的答案)20%( ) 1.The box falls _ the floor. The nails are on the floor.A. onB. intoC. onto( ) 2.-Does your brother often play sport? -No, he _ play sport v

4、ery often. A. oftenB. doesntC. dont( ) 3.Ben, _be loud. Grandpa falls _.A. dont sleepingB. doesntasleepC. dontasleep( ) 4.Do you often see films _ Caoyang Cinema?A. inB. atC. on( ) 5.An apple a day _ the doctor _.A. keepawayB. keepsawayC. keepsalong( ) 6.They watch too _ TV and eat too _ sweet food.

5、A. manymuchB. manymanyC. muchmuch( ) 7.The television is too _. I _ hear the doorbell.A. quietcantB. loudcantC. noisycan( ) 8.The tadpole, Little Justin, is born _.A. on a farmB. in a boxC. in a river( ) 9.Miss Li is our teacher. She is a friend of _ too. We all like _.A. oursherB. ourshersC. ourher

6、s( ) 10.Mary and May have many toys. _ of them like their toys.A. BothB. AllC. One( ) 11.Mirror, mirror. _ the fairest of all?A. WhosB. Whose isC. Whose( ) 12. The airplane is flying _ the mountain.A. aboveB. onC. under( ) 13. Its time _ class.A. forB. of C. to( ) 14. My home isnt far away from your

7、s. So I _there.A. on footB. walkC. by train( ) 15. Speak _. I cant hear you.A. quicklyB. longC. loudly( ) 16. _ Tom and I are students.A. AllB. BothC. Each ( ) 17. The spaceship flew _ the sky.A. inB. intoC. out( ) 18. My mother _ read newspapers yesterday.A. doesntB. didntC. wasnt( ) 19. My father

8、likes apples very much. Last night he _ two apples.A. eatB. ateC. eats( ) 20. _ hay does a horse eat for lunch?A. How many B. How old C. How muchIV. Complete the sentences.(用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空)12%1. Steven _ (sit) at the table and _(do) homework yesterday.2. The English book _(be) on the desk. But now i

9、t_ (be) on the sofa. 3. Shall we _(visit) the museum this Sunday?4. Look! The pupils of Class Four _(eat) their lunch in the classroom.5. Mr Wang, is this _(you) parrot? No, _(I) is in the cage.6. Run_(quick)! Otherwise youll be late again.7. You are too fat. You have an _(health) diet.8. Whose coco

10、on is it? Its _(his).9. Christmas is on the _(25) of December.V. Read and rewrite.(按要求改写句子,每格限填一词)12%1. Alice saw a film in the room. (划线部分提问) What _ Alice _ in the room?2. I was a lovely baby. (改成一般疑问句) _ _ a lovely baby?3. There is one seat in this office. (划线部分提问) How many _ _ there in this offic

11、e?4. Its time for lunch.(换种说法,意思不变) Its time _ _ lunch.5. These are their scarves. (换种说法,意思不变) These scarves _ _.6. Mary has lunch at school. (改为否定句) Mary _ _ lunch at school.7. I always go home at 6:00. (对划线部分提问) _ _ you go home?8. we to go a film shall this see afternoon? (连词成句) _?9. subject is fa

12、vourite like because I my painting Art ( .) (连词成句) _ Part II Reading and writing (36%)VI. Reading comprehensionA. Answer the questions.(读短文回答下列问题,每格限填一词)10%Good morning, everyone. Today Im going to tell you something about the frogs. You may know the story Little Tadpole Looking for Its Mother. The

13、story tells us the life cycle of a frog. Little tadpoles dont look like their mothers. The mother frog lays eggs in or near the water. Then the eggs become tadpoles. As (当)a tadpole grows, it grows legs. The tadpole becomes a froglet (幼蛙). It has two legs and a tail. The adult frog has four legs but no tail. They can live on land too.1. What does the story tell us? It tells us


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