Unit 2 Poem语言应用 话题语言应用——诗歌(整理)

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Unit 2 Poem语言应用 话题语言应用——诗歌(整理)_第1页
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《Unit 2 Poem语言应用 话题语言应用——诗歌(整理)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit 2 Poem语言应用 话题语言应用——诗歌(整理)(10页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、学海无涯 话题话题语言应用语言应用 诗歌诗歌 编稿 牛新阁 审稿 王春霞 语言积累语言积累 交际用语交际用语 表示意愿表示意愿 I m not going to 我 不 打算 How are you going to 你打算怎样去 If I were I would have 如果我是你 我会 I plan to 我计划 I m looking forward to sth doing sth 我渴望某物 做某事 话话题词句题词句 表示表示诗歌诗歌的词汇 的词汇 poem 诗 poetry 诗 总称 poet 诗人 nursery rhyme 童谣 cinquain 五行诗 haiku 俳句

2、list poem 清单诗 Tang poem poetry 唐诗 limerick 五行打油诗 diamante poetry 钻石诗 rhyme 押 韵 rhythm 节奏 rhyming words lines 押韵的词 行 谈论谈论诗歌诗歌的的词语 词语 1 express convey feelings emotions 表达 传达情感 recall an enjoyable or unpleasant incident 回忆愉快的或不悦的往事 describe a person a river scene 描述人物 河边景色 describe an aspect of a seas

3、on 描写季节的一个方面 about things that don t make sense 有关费解的事情 2 recite to a baby 背诵给婴儿 has rhyming words at the end of lines 在诗行的结尾处有押韵的词 repeat words or phrases 重复词或短语 have a lot of repetition 有许多重复 give a clear picture in your mind 在你心中清晰地勾勒出一幅图画 简单简单形式形式的英语诗 的英语诗 1 Nursery rhymes 童谣童谣 Nursery rhymes ar

4、e the first poems that children will hear They are often sung Children love to move and dance to nursery rhymes and songs because they have strong regular rhythms They enjoy the rhymes and the way the nursery rhyme plays with sounds 2 List poems 清单诗清单诗 A list poem is a list of things It can have as

5、many lines as the writer likes Sometimes they have repetition in them and sometimes they have words that rhyme When a list poem has rhyming words it also has a regular rhythm 学海无涯 清单诗可长可短 可以重复一些词语 较为灵活 有些清单诗有韵脚 有些则没有 如果有韵脚 一般也有规律的节奏 3 Cinquain poems 五行诗五行诗 A cinquain is made up of five lines and has

6、 the following structure Line 1 a noun that names the subject of the poem 一个说明主题的名词 Line 2 two adjectives that describe the subject 两个描写主题的形容词 Line 3 three verbs ending with ing that describe the subject s actions 三个 ing 形式的动 词 描写主题的动作 Line 4 four words that give the writer s opinions or feelings ab

7、out the subject 四个词 给 出作者对主题的态度 情感 Line 5 a word that gives another name for the subject 一个词 主题的另一种表述 例文欣赏 Sunshine Lovely cheerful Warming welcoming calming I sing with you Brightness 4 Haike poems 俳句俳句 The haiku is a centuries old form of Japanese poetry It is made up of 17 syllables and has the f

8、ollowing structure 古老的日本诗歌形式 由 17 个音节组成 结构如下 Line 1 5 syllables Line 2 7 syllables Line 3 5 syllables A haiku poem is almost like a photo or painting as it creates a strong image in very few words It is often an observation of nature or of the changing seasons 俳句就像照片或绘画一样 用很少的词描绘出给人印象深刻的景象 经常是对自然界 或

9、季节变换的观察 例文欣赏 I look at the sky The moonlight is really bright And it is so quiet 有用句子有用句子 试试你会了吗 试试你会了吗 1 一些诗以一种给读者强烈印象的方式描述某件事 Some poems describe something in a way 2 童谣的 语言具体 但富有想象力 这能使小孩子们快乐 因为他们押韵 节奏感强 并较多重复 The language is but and they small children because they have and a lot of 3 这些诗歌不一定有什么

10、意义 甚至 有的 似乎自相矛盾 但是它们容易背诵 The poems may not and even but they are 4 如果我们没有放松警惕 如果我们没有精疲力竭 我们本来会赢的 学海无涯 If we if we we would 5 如果我们让大批球迷助威 大声尖叫 如果我死死盯住球 如果我头晚没有熬夜 if we thousands of fans if I hadn t if I the night before 6 俳句是一种日本诗 由 17 个音节组成 Haiku is a Japanese form of poetry 7 它可以用最少的词语表达出一种特殊的感情 It

11、 can create a special feeling of words 8 有了这么多可供选择的诗歌类型 学生们最终也许想自己作诗了 With different forms of poetry students may eventually want to write poems 9 它比你想象的要容易 绝对值得一试 It is easier and certainly 10 如果我们让 Mr Han 训练我们 我们就得冠军了 We if we had us 参考答案 参考答案 1 that will give the readers a strong impression 2 con

12、crete imaginative delight rhyme strong rhythm repetition 3 make sense seem contradictory easy to recite 4 hadn t taken it easy hadn t run out of energy have won 5 had had screaming taken my eye off the ball hadn t stayed up 6 that is made up of 17 syllables 7 using the minimum 8 so many to choose fr

13、om of their own 9 than you might think worth a try 10 would have won the championship got Mr Han to coach 写作写作应用应用 尝尝试写英语诗试写英语诗 1 诗歌的基本要素 诗歌的基本要素 1 押韵押韵 Rhyme 押韵 rhyme 是指一个音节的读音在以后音节 syllable 读音中的重复 或是一个单 词的最后一个音节或几个音节的读音在以后音节相应位置的读音重复 有许多押韵的形 式 如例 每两行押韵 是 AA BB 式 在例 中 第一 三行押韵 第二 四行押 韵 这是 AB AB 式 例

14、中 第二 四行押韵 是 ABCB 式 I saw a fish pond all on fire A I saw a house bow to a squire A I saw a person twelve feet high B I saw a cottage in the sky B I saw a fish pond all on fire A I saw a person twelve feet high B I saw a house bow to a squire A 学海无涯 I saw a cottage in the sky B I ve saved the summer

15、A And I give it all to you B To hold on winter mornings C When the snow is new B 注释 注释 pond 池塘 bow 鞠躬 squire 地主 乡绅 cottage 小屋 村舍 2 节奏节奏 Rhythm 英语诗的节奏简单来说是指诗行中的节拍 beat 一般一个重读音节 stressed syllable 后紧跟着一个非重读音节 这样读时声音就会响亮然后柔和 诗人使用重复和声 音模式 如押韵 来制造节奏 根据诗行中的音节和重读节奏来计算韵律 3 声音模式 声音模式 Sound patterns 除了押韵 诗人还用其

16、他的声音模式 如 头韵 alliteration 头韵是指重复同一个 辅音 consonant 例如 slippery slimy snails drying drooping dreading 头韵可以产生 各种各样的感觉 情绪和活动 4 形象化描述 形象化描述 Imagery 诗人经常用精巧的文字组合来创造映像 使读者在脑海中形成一定的画面 使读者更 好的理解诗歌 形象化描述也能够创造气氛 本单元中的五行诗 俳句和唐诗都有很好的形 象化描述 有许多方式可以进行形象化描述 如 明喻 像 2 写作时间写作时间 1 高清课堂 高清课堂 Unit 2 语言应用语言应用 Writing Activity 例文例文 Writing Activity Colors of the Seasons Poetry 一个诗人写诗时要经历什么样的思考过程呢 1 Brainstorm things nouns associated with autumn Which words can be grouped together by color 想想与秋天有关的词 有哪些词可以描写秋天的颜色呢 Sample



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