七级英语下册 Section A 人教新目标.ppt

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1、Unit8 I dlikesomenoodles Whatdoeshelooklike What shisfavoritesport What shisfavoritefood basketballFrenchfries walkingicecream Whatdoesshelooklike What sherfavoritesport What sherfavoritefood swimmingchicken Whatdoeshelooklike What shisfavoritesport What shisfavoritefood Whataboutyou I m Myfavorites

2、portis Myfavoritefoodis Uint8I dlikesomenoodles potato tomato es es cabbage noodles beef mutton chicken rice fish dumplings porridge soup Iwouldlikesometomatoes I d Iwould I dlikesomepotatoes A Whatwouldshe helike B She dlike He dlike A Whatwouldyoulike wouldlike want B Iwouldlike I dlike Whatwoulds

3、helike She dlikesome she d shewould Whatwouldhelike He dlikesome he d hewould Whatwouldtheylike They dlikesome they d theywould A Whatkindofanimalswouldyoulike B I dlikepandas A Whatkindofvegetableswouldyoulike potatoes broccoli carrots tomatoes onions cabbages B I dlikesomecarrots broccoli A Whatki

4、ndoffoodwouldyoulike noodles dumplings rice hamburgers B I dlikesomenoodles rice A Whatkindofwouldyoulike beef mutton chicken fish B I dlikesomebeef meat Pairwork Makeadialoguewithyourpartner A Whatkindof wouldyoulike B I dlike Specials noodles cabbages potatoes fish mutton noodles beef mutton chick

5、en cabbage potatoes tomatoes Matchthewordswiththefoods 1a c a g d f e b SectionA beef beefandtomatonoodles tomatoes mutton potatoes muttonandpotatonoodles cabbage chicken chickenandcabbagenoodles beefandpotatonoodles Whatkindofnoodleswouldyoulike beefandtomatonoodles chickenandcabbagenoodles muttona

6、ndpotatonoodles Whatkindofnoodleswouldyoulike Iworkinarestaurant Wehavemanykindsofnoodlesforyoutochoose Welcometoourrestaurant Special1 Special2 Special4 Special3 Special1 Special2 Special3 Special4 NoodleHouse beefandtomatonoodles chickenandcabbagenoodles muttonandpotatonoodles threespecials Whatki

7、ndofnoodlesarethey A Whatkindofnoodleswouldyoulike B I dlikebeefandtomatonoodles Special1 Special2 Special3 Special4 Whatkindofnoodleswouldshelike She dlike noodles Whatkindofnoodleswouldhelike He dlike noodles Whatkindofnoodleswouldtheylike They dlike noodles 1bListenandcheckthenoodlesthattheperson

8、orders SectionA Listenandimitate A Hello I dlikesomenoodles B Whatkindofnoodleswouldyoulike A Beefandtomatonoodles please MemoryGame Makeasentence I dlike noodles beef beefpotato beefpotatocabbage beefpotatocabbagemutton 1 wouldlike想要 表示一种委婉的语气 其用法相当于want wouldlikeanapple wantanapple wouldliketoplay

9、soccer wanttoplaysoccer would是情态动词 没有人称和数的变化 可与人称代词缩写为 d 与其它情态动词一样可帮助完成疑问句和否定句 你能举出例子吗 我想要些牛肉 I dlikesomebeef 她想去打乒乓球 Shewouldliketoplayping pang 你能变否定句和疑问句吗 2 wouldlike 名词 她想要羊肉和卷心菜面条 She dlikemuttonandcabbagenoodles 3 Wouldyoulikesth 是提建议的一种句型 如需用一些 用some而不用any 肯定回答是 Yes please Allright Yes OK 其否定

10、回答是 No thanks Wouldyoulikesomebananas Yes please No thanks 4 wouldliketodosth Hewouldliketoplaysoccer Wouldyouliketoseethedolphins Yes I dliketo 2Whatkindofnoodleswouldyoulike kind在此句中作 种类 讲 akindof一种 allkindsof各种各样的 比一比 kindof有几分Acatisakindofanimal Thecatiskindofsmart 译成汉语1Thereareallkindsofanimals

11、inthezoo 2Whatkindofbagwouldyoulike 3Look Thebabykoalaiskindofcute Haveatry 动物园里有各种各样的动物 你要哪一种包 看 这只小树袋熊有几分可爱 1LiLeilikeseating 羊肉 and 萝卜 2Ieatalotof 西红柿 and 洋白菜 3Doyoulike 土豆 and 牛肉 noodles 4What 种类 ofnoodles 想要 youlike 5Wouldyoulike 一些 apples mutton carrots tomatoes cabbages potatoes beef kind would some GOODBYE Thankyou


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