七级英语下册 Module 6 The Olympic adventure 外研.ppt

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1、 Module6 Theolympicadventure Cyclingismoredangerousthanswimming Answerthequestions 1 What stheOlympicflag 2 WhatdotheOlympicringsmean 3 What sthemotto 格言 oftheOlympicGames talking sports TheOlympicflaghasfiverings Fiveringsmeanfivecontinents Oneworld onedream Notestothisunit 1 Tabletennisispopular a

2、dj 流行的 喜爱的 popularsongs inpopularlanguage bepopularwithsb 受到 的欢迎 Xiaoshenyangisverypopularwiththeyoungpeople 其反义词是unpopular 前缀un 表示否定意义 类似的词happy unhappy frendly unfrendly comfortable uncomfortable 2 safeadj safetyn 安全asaveplace Itissavetodosth 干 很安全 3 begoodat dowellin 擅长于 其反义词组是bebadat dobadlyin b

3、eweakin 在 方面差Theyareverygoodatplayingfootball Theydowellinplayingfootball 4 eitheralsotoo的区别 either用于否定句末 其前一般用逗号隔开 also用于肯定句中 too用于肯定句或疑问句句末 其前用逗号隔开 Notestothisunit 5 Basketballisexciting 1 excitingadj 激动人心的 以 ing结尾的形容词常与物 事 有关系 主语常为物 事 2 以 ed结尾的形容词常与人有关 主语为人 如 interesting interested tired tiringHe

4、aringtheexcitingnews I msoexcited 形容词和副词的比较级 部分双音节词和多音节词要加more构成比较级 如 moredangerous exciting expensive popular unpopular relaxing boring Basketballismoreexcitingthanfootball Runningismorepopularthangymnastics Learnthefollowing payattentiontotheseopinionsandtheiroppositeopinions Lookatthefollowingpic

5、tures Tabletennis 乒乓球 ispopular Basketball 篮球 isexciting Gymnastics 体操 isdifficult Cycling 骑车 istiring Running 跑步 ischeap Skiing 滑雪 isdangerous dangerousdifficultexcitingexpensivepopularrelaxing boringcheapeasysafetiringunpopular tryit 反义词 Youcanusethefollowingwordstomakeasimilardialogue Pairswork W

6、ords basketballcyclinggymnasticrunningskiingtabletennis popularexcitingrelaxingeasysafe A Doyoulikerunningorcycling B Ilikecycling A Why B Becausecyclingismorerelaxingthanrunning A Yes andIthinkcyclingismoreexciting too Design 设计 asignandwritedownthenameofthesport guess basketball cycling running ta

7、bletennis gymnastics baseball judo hockey badminton Listenandcheck v thesportstheylike Readandtrytofinishtheconversation Betty Chinesepeopleareverygoodatgymnastics Doyoulikegymnastics Daming Daming Yes Ido ButChinesepeoplearegoodattabletennis too andtabletennisis thangymnastics Betty Ilovegymnastics

8、 Ithinkit s thantabletennis WhatOlympicsportsdoyoulike Daming Basketballismyfavouritesport butIalsolikerunning Betty Ohno runningis boring basketball Ialsolikecycling Cyclingis relaxing running Daming No itisn t Ithinkcyclingis tiring running Anddoyoulikeskiing Betty Yes Ido Butit s dangerous runnin

9、gandcycling morepopular moreexcitingt more than more than more than more than Beijing2008 WritesomesentencesaboutBeijing2008 BeijingisthecapitalofChina ItcelebrateOlympicGamein2008 ChenxiexiaisthefirstchampionshipofChinainOlympicGamein2008 Weallveryhappy Birdnestisabeautifulstadium IloveBeijing2008

10、Nowtalkingwithyourdeskmates Thendosomeotherexercises 我认为这个问题比那个难 Ithinkthisproblemis thanthatone 2 在中国 乒乓球比足球受欢迎 Tabletennisis footballinChina 3 篮球比跑步更让人激动吗 basketball thanrunning 4 体操和滑雪 哪一个更放松 Whichis gymnasticsorskiing moredifficult morepopularthan Ismoreexciting morerelaxing 练一练 根据句义或提示完成单词 1 Tonyisan 不受欢迎的 studentinhisclass 2 Doingthehouseworkissometimesvery 累人的 3 Ourplayerwon51goldmedalsinthe29thO Games 3 MaLinplaystablet bestintheworld 4 Ithinkhistoryisb I mnotinterestedinit 5 Listeningtolightmusicism interestingthanrunning unpopular tiring lympic ennis oring ore Goodbye


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