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1、B C c 3100 BC Sumerian Civilization begins firstcities in Mesopotamia develop Narmer a k a Menes unites Upper and LowerEgypt and becomes the first pharaoh c 3000 1500 Indus Valley civilization Austronesiansspread fromAsia into Oceania 2686 2181 Egypt s Old Kingdom 2630 2611 Imhotep designs the StepP

2、yramid of Zoser 2560 Great Pyramid of Khufu completed 2400 Sargon establishes theAkkadianEmpire and the concept of theNear Eastern god king 2181 2041 Egypt s First Intermediate period 2040 1782 Egypt s Middle Kingdom 2000 Aryan migrations out ofsouth centralAsiac 2000 1600 Babylonian Empire Code ofH

3、ammurabi Epic of Gilgamesh written 2000 1200 Minoan civilization in Crete 2000 1000 Construction of Cerro Sech n in Peru 2000 B C 250A D Pre classical period of Mayancivilization in Mexico andCentralAmerica 1800 Aryans reach India 2ndmillennium Hebrews establish the states of Israeland Judah Old Tes

4、tament formulated 1782 1570 Egypt s Second Intermediate period Hyksos tribe gains control in Egyptand Egyptians copy their war chariots 1700 1500 Cities of the Indus Valleycivilization are abandoned 1600 1100 Mycenaean civilization inmainland Greece 1600 1150 Shang dynasty in China 1570 1075 Egypt s

5、 New Kingdom 1500 Volcanic eruption of theAegean island of Thera 1500 Lapita culture settles in Melanesia 1500 1200 High point of the Hittite Empire 1500 600 Vedas Mahabharata Ramayana andUpanishads are composed in India 1500 500 Aryan and Vedic eras in India c 1279 1212 Reign of Pharaoh Rameses II

6、1274 Battle of Kadesh PharaohRameses II versus the Hittites 1200 Phoenicians create a coastal empireon the western Mediterranean Shangcivilization has domesticated horsesand light spoke wheeled chariots 1200 1100 Major Mycenaean sites are destroyed 1200 800 DarkAges in Greece 1200 400 Olmec civiliza

7、tion in Mexico 1200 300 Chav n culture in Peru 1150 221 Zhou dynasty in China 1075 332 Egypt s Third Intermediate period 1000 and 600 Life of Zoroaster Zarathustra Persian religious leader 900 Lapita culture reacheswestern Polynesia 900 600 Assyrian Empire 8thcentury Greeks rediscover writing cities

8、and trade revive populationincreases rapidly 800 400 Upanishads collected c 800 B C 391A D Delphic Oracle is in continuousoperation in Greece 776 First Olympic Games held 753 Traditional date for the foundingof the city of Rome startingpoint for the Roman calendar 753 509 Era of the Roman monarchy 7

9、50 Homer sIliadandOdysseywrittendown Carthage founded 750 650 25thDynasty the Kushitepharaohs rule Egypt 750 550 Era of colonization in Greece 700 509 Etruscan civilization dominates Italy 700 500 Era of questioning andchallenging tradition in India China Persia and Greece 650 500 Archaic style of G

10、reek sculpture 626 539 Babylonian Renaissance the NewBabylonian Empire the ChaldeanEmpire the Hanging Gardensof Babylon the Tower of Babel the Ishtar Gate astrology 600 Emergence of Ionian rationalist sand pre Socratic philosophers earliest coins minted in Lydia 6thcentury Life of Lao Tzu to whom th

11、e origins of Daoism are traditionally traced 594 Athens chooses Solon to make reforms 563 480 Life of Siddhartha Gautama the Buddha 551 479 Life of Confucius 550 Mahavira founds Jainism in India 550 330 Persian Achaemenid Empire 525 456 Life ofAeschylus firstgreat Greek tragedian 522 486 Reign of Da

12、rius I constructionof the tribute procession reliefat Persepolis Persia 509 31 Roman Republic 508 Cleisthenes sets up the firstreal democracy atAthens 5thcentury High point of ancient Greek civilization classical style of Greek sculpture 500 Bantu migrations begin inAfrica 500 221 Warring States per

13、iod in China era of the Hundred Schoolsof Chinese philosophy 496 406 Life of Sophocles the secondgreat Greek tragedian 490 Battle of Marathon 490 430 Life of Zeno of Elea founder of Stoicism 484 425 Life of Herodotus 485 406 Life of Euripides thirdgreat Greek tragedian 480 Persia invades Greece Batt

14、lesof Thermopylae and Salamis 469 399 Life of Socrates 460 395 Life of Thucydides mid 5thcentury Golden age of classicalAthens theAthenian Empireat the height of its power 431 404 Peloponnesian War 427 347 Life of Plato 412 323 Life of Diogenes themost famous Cynic 4thcentury Life of Daoist philosph

15、per Chuang Tzu 4thcentury 3rdcentury Emergence of Legalism in China 399 Trial and death of Socrates 384 322 Life ofAristotle 358 336 Reign of Philip II king of Macedon 328 356 323 Life ofAlexander the Great 341 270 Life of Epicurus founderof Epicureanism 334 Alexander invades Persia Battle of Granic

16、us 325 265 Life of Euclid 323 31 Hellenistic era 322 300 Reign of Chandragupta Maurya in India 322 184 India s Mauryan Empire 305 Chandragupta Maurya andSeleucus Alexander s one timegeneral sign a peace treaty 3rdcentury Rise of the sub SaharanAfrican kingdom ofAxum 300 Polynesians reach the CookIslands and Tahiti 300 B C 300A D Mexico s Colima culture 287 212 Life ofArchimedes 269 232 Reign ofAsoka in India 264 Rome captures the last remainingindependent Italian city 264 241 First Punic War 259


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