2020年高中英语 下学期期末复习(M3 U3)基础检测一 牛津版必修3

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1、2020高一英语下学期期末复习(M3 U3)基础检测一牛津版必修3单词检测1.文明_ 2.毒药,下毒药_3.听众,观众_ 4.不幸的,幸运的_5.火山_ 6.灾难_7.商业的,贸易的_ 8.物质,材料_9.研究所_ 10.典礼_11.逐渐地,渐渐地_ 12极端的,极度的_13.爆炸_v _n 14.富有的,富裕的_15.强有力的_ 16.纪念碑,纪念馆_17.解决办法,解答_ 18.与历史相关的,历史的_19.水手_ 20.薪水,薪金_21.毁坏,摧毁_v_n22.文献,文件_23.共和国,共和政体_24.文化的_adj 文化n_25.倾倒,倾泻_26.逃跑_ _(过去式)_(过去分词)27.

2、雕塑,雕像_ 28.港口_29.学者_ 30.抱怨_v_n31.前进,进发,游行_32审讯,试验_33.兴建,创建_ _(过去式,过去分词)34.堕落,腐化v贪污的,腐败的_基础检测二词组检测1接管,夺取_ 2.预先,提前_3.纪念_ 4.阻碍某人_5.起义,反抗_ 6.对日宣战_7.意识到,觉察到_ 8.患上感冒_9.把- -告上法庭_ 10.失落的文明_11.在政府的保护之下_12.砍倒,削减_ 13.创作出逼真的形象_14.参加一个讲座_ 15.分解,垮掉,出故障_16.使- -发疯_ 17.状况良好的_18.有很大的文化价值_ 19.毫无疑问_20.对- - 有深远的影响 _21.受够

3、某人,受不了_22.向- -抱怨- -_23逐渐厌烦了无休止的战争_24.拒绝_ 25在历史上起关键作用_26.贯彻,执行,实施_27.中华人民共和国开国大典_28.With so much work _ _ _ _(有待于完成),I cant spare you a minute.29.I happened to see several houses _ _ wall paintings有壁画装饰的房间)30.The moment he arrived home,he found his house _ _(被人闯进过)31._ _ his accent,he coms from the n

4、orth of the country.(据他的口音判断)32.He discovered the _(废墟) of the old city in the _(周围的,附近的)countryside.基础检测三.根据句意和首字母提示完成下列句子1.The bomb e,but fortunately nobody was injured.2.The box didnt s at once;it floated for a little while.3.The terrible earthquake d most of the buildings within 10 minutes.4.Fat

5、her was very attentive(专心的)with his head b in a book.5.She hasnt been seen for four days and we are c for her safety.6.I have used the computer for nearly five years,but it is still in good c.7.What parents do has a great i on their children.8.The old government was o and a new one replaced it.9.Thi

6、ngs _ (逐渐)improved.10.With so many things r_ to be settled,the manager feel worried.11.Who is the first one to have d_ the continent of America?12When giving a talk, youre supposed to explain the why you are talking to the _(观众) at the beginning.13.Seven found the r_of building buried under he sand,

7、together with a lot of treasures.14. Its good to get back to _(文明)after living in a tent in the remote area for two years.15. The time bomb e_ but nobody was injured.16 The _(历史的)place of interest receives millions of tourists every year.17. The terrible earthquake d_ most of the buildings within 20

8、 minutes.18. The _(残留物) of lunch were still on the table.19. After the meeting, they _(宣布)to us all what had been decided.20.U_,the old commercial centre was buried in the sand.从方框中选择正确的短语填空take overdrive sb.madcarry outbe concerned aboutin return forno more in usein good conditionin memory ofon boa

9、rd1.The farmer was _ by his cattle along the road.2.Although the house was built many years ago,it is still _.3.They _ experiments and finally find the solution to the problem.4.Titanic sank with many people _ after it banged into an iceberg.5.You should act like a man.Anyway,youre _ a child.6.We ga

10、ve Peter a nice present _ his cooperation.7.After his father retired,Mark _ the restaurant.8.Bill fell down from his back and hurt himself,all of us _ his health.9.The monument was built _ the great navigator(航海家)Zheng He.10.The boy likes playing games too much.His computer was always _ during the weekend.完成句子1.The volcano erupted and lava,ash and locks _ _of it onto the _countryside 火山爆发了,岩浆,火山灰喷射到周围的村庄.2 ._all the people_ _ _,and _ _ _ _不幸的是,所有的人都被活埋了,城市也是.3.Today I saw the ancient city of Pompeii_ _ _ 2000 years ago。今天我看到和2000年前样子一样的古庞贝城4 He was poor bu



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