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1、第二单元 第二节J K Rowling and Harry Potter【学习目标】1阅读 22-23页课文,理解细节。2、能识别重点词汇 appeal , output, restrict , accumulate, deposit attain status,target. 3 学会使用重点短语: appeal to ,come to , be associated with 学习重点:能分析长难句的结构,读懂文章细节。学法指导:查字典,学习划分句子结构。【学情调查、情景导入】Words dictation What do you know about Harry Potter ? 【问题

2、展示、合作探究】appeal to sb = be attractive to or interesting to sb表主动,主语是( ),如:野营的主意,我从来不感兴趣。你对这些画感兴趣吗?浙江The good thing about children is that they _ very easily to new environments.adapt B. appealC. attachD. Apply安徽-How did you like Nicks performance last night?-To be honest, his singing didnt _to me muc

3、h A. appeal B . belong C refer D. occur2) be a_ _ 与有联系;与联系在一起 I wouldnt want to be associated _ Mckeys project. Whisky _usually _ Scotland. (2013江苏卷)29. Team leaders must ensure that all members_ their natural desire to avoid the embarrassment associated with making mistakes.A. get over B. look over

4、 C. take over D. come over 3) (be) restricted to 限于 Discussion at the meeting _the agenda. 仅限于 The tournament is _ payers under the age of 23. 只允许4) distribute v. (书报的) 发行:分布 distribution n.(U) 分配;分发;分布 More than one million copies of this book have _ _ around the country. This plant _ throughout Ch

5、ina. 这种植物遍布全中国。6) accumulate v. 积累;积聚 accumulation n.(U,C) 积累;堆积物 By investing wisely she _ a fortune. Dust and dirt soon _ if a house is not cleaned regularly. 房屋不经常打扫,灰尘很快就会越积越多。湖北卷,28】Clinical evidence began to_, suggesting that the new drugs had a wider range of useful activities than had been p

6、redicted from experiments in animals.A. operate B. strenghten C. approve D. accumulate7) attain v. 达到;得到 如: 实现目标 实现抱负 attainable是( ) attain的同义词. obtain, gain , achieve 【2013新课标I卷】31. India attained_ independence in 1947, after _ long struggle.A.不填;aB. the; aC. an;不填D. an; the江苏Thousands of foreigner

7、s were_ to the Shanghai World Expo the day it opened. A attended B. attained C. attracted D. Attached天津Lucy has _all of the goals she set for herself in high school and is ready for new challenges at university.acquired B.finished C.concluded D.achieved湖南 _ achievement, last weeks ministerial meetin

8、g of the WTO here earned a low, though not failing, grade.A.In terms of B.In case of C.As a result of D.In face of【达标检测、巩固提升】I 改错:Joanne Rowling, OBE (born on 31 July, 1965) is an English fiction writer who write under a pen name J. K. Rowling. Rowling is the author of the Harry Potter fantasy serie

9、s,who has gained international attention, won multiple awards, but sold over 375 million copies worldwide. In February 2004, Forbes magazine estimated hers fortune at 576 million (just over US$1 billion), make her the first person to become a US-dollar billionaire by write books. Rowling had earned

10、US$75 millions in 2005. In 2006, Forbes named her the second richer female entertainer in the world, behind talk show host Oprah Winfrey II翻译下列词语政界元老_魔幻文学_她想到一个主意_晚点的火车a_ train在骨头上加肉_ 与有联系_在喝一杯咖啡期间_手工_支付_ 本可以放弃_克服困难_ 对调整_对有吸引力_ 各年龄段的读者_和的联系纽带_ 在年代_对负责_使学生们特别的高兴_schoolchildren限于_ 据估计_ 存款_ III当堂检测,完成下

11、列课文缩写 J.K. Rowling is the elder _ of British _literature, the _ creator of Harry Potter. Joanne Rowlings roots are in the southwest of _, _ she grew up. Her name is forever _ Edinburgh in Scotland, _ she lived and developed the format for the whole series of seven books.It is said that ,in 1990, J.K

12、. Rowling began the first draft of _ and the Philosophers Stone. She had the extra _ of looking after her baby daughter. At that time as she was too poor to _ a typewriter, she wrote _. Success was not swift and Rowling might have _. But she was _ and _ all the difficulties.Rowlings style has been a _ for some criticism. The reason _ the books are so important is _ they appeal to readers of _.And the Harry Potter effect is not just _ the English-speaking world. Rowlings books have been _ more than 55 languages. She has _the status of being the first writer to become a _



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